Planning Bay Area (Marin County) Ride Saturday, April 28

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Gonna have to bow out of this one, Hans. Too much crap on the radar screen, including the need to find a few days to take two bikes apart and do some farkling and maintenance. :(

I can't make the 14th because of a prior engagement but I might be able to tag along on the scout ride for a few hours. I have spent some time in the Marin headlands and points north. I need to talk to my wonderful wife since I was supposed to spend Saturday morning packing for a vacation but she probably will let me go since I spent the previous weekend painting her dining room and hanging new lighting.

I can't make the 14th because of a prior engagement but I might be able to tag along on the scout ride for a few hours. I have spent some time in the Marin headlands and points north. I need to talk to my wonderful wife since I was supposed to spend Saturday morning packing for a vacation but she probably will let me go since I spent the previous weekend painting her dining room and hanging new lighting.
So sayeth the married man.. :rolleyes:
New member and owner in Sacramento. Not 100% sure if I can make it next weekend, but will try. Would be nice to meet other Feejer owners and the ride sounds great. May talk my buddy that just bought a new BMW to come along.

New member and owner in Sacramento. Not 100% sure if I can make it next weekend, but will try. Would be nice to meet other Feejer owners and the ride sounds great. May talk my buddy that just bought a new BMW to come along.
Weekendrider and myself will be talking via PM about the SAC-area guys meeting up for a ride down to the bay. Once Hans posts a meet place and time..... <_<

post a meeting place and time.....
I s'pose tha I'm not only going deaf, but now must admit to being obviously blind. I see the place: The Presidio

I don't see the time..... :unknw:

If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time.....

Ti-i-i-ime, is on my side, yes it is.....

Time has come today.....

He said, in his sleep-deprived state, while drumming his fingers on the desk.


Edit (Friday, 0412 hrs):

We will meet between 9 am and 10 am, time for all to get there, socialize a bit, admire each other's motorcycles and farkles, have a coffee, take a leak, etc. We will head out at about 10 am.
Aha, we have planned liftoff!

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I s'pose tha I'm not only going deaf, but now must admit to being obviously blind. I see the place: The Presidio
I don't see the time..... :unknw:

We will meet between 9 am and 10 am, time for all to get there, socialize a bit, admire each other's motorcycles and farkles, have a coffee, take a leak, etc. We will head out at about 10 am.
Aha, we have planned liftoff!
I'm sorry I have to do this to ya, Mike, but you give me no choice....


Hold on a minute.... :glare: In the spirit of the Shiny-Hiney ride, let me give it to you this way instead....


Muuuuuuch better.... :blink:


Waaane, my Harley Sportster buddy Kurt, and I are off this morning to scope out the route for next weekend. I expect to have a concrete route mapped out tonight or tomorrow. :clapping:

"Fang, honey, I'm afraid I have to be out riding ALL DAY LONG. :( I'm really sorry, but I have to do it. It's for the Forum."

Weather today: Overcast with a chance of drizzle. But says the weather speculator for the seven-day forecast: "It will be clear and shiny, so get off your hineys!"


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Hans, you guys be careful today. The cloudy, possible showers isn't the bad part....its the wind gusts to 25 mph that could be the "gotcha".
Y'all got that right, Mike. So I met Waaane at 8:30 am at the local Starbucks--okay, maybe it was 8:40. (Sorry to keep you waiting, Waaane.) We road into San Francisco and on down to the Presidio. As we entered the Presidio it started drizzling.

We checked out the parking (plenty and free) and the coffee shop, and had a cup o' joe and a scone. You will be happy to hear they have an Organic Fruit and Nut Bar, by the way, so we got that going for us--in particular for all the fruits and nuts on the ride. (But no sandwiches that early for our picnic.)

By the time we came out of the cafe it was, well, drizzling really hard. Some might even call it rain. We toured around the Presidio with our visors and windscreens soaked, then over the Golden Gate Bridge (GGB), where the folks on the pedestrian walkway gazed into the gray mist and must have wondered, "What in the hell am I looking at?"

Then we went up the hill into the Marin Headlands overlooking the GGB (see photo under my signature below). It was so foggy and wet and windy, that we were in first gear the whole way up the mountain, with about 20 feet of visibility ahead of us; crazy bicyclists would suddenly loom out of the surrounding mist.

Once at the top, where there were no cars because nothing to see, we had to stop because we were meeting my Harley buddy up there, whom we had called from the Presidio to let him know we were on our way. It was so damp, cold, and windy up there that we took refuge by scooting our bikes past a pedestrian gate and into the pedestrian tunnel. I took a couple of camera photos (below).



It was such a nasty overcast day that, as you can see, I wore my day-glo yellow vest. And here's the view of San Francisco and the GGB:


My buddy showed up soon. First we spotted his modulating headlight coming up the road in the distance, then heard the Harley engine, and then he emerged out of the gloom.

We went down the backside of the mountain and headed toward Hwy 1 to scope out the route some more. But when we stopped in Mill Valley for gas, I called it like it was: "This ride's a bust, guys. It ain't safe to head back out to the coast. We need to call it a day."

Waaane had already figured that out for himself and said he was gonna head on home, where he had to pack and head to the airport for a flight to Texas and a week-long cruise in the Caribbean. But hats off to Waaane for being such a great sport. The rain didn't bother him a bit. Me, I had to go on the ride because I needed to scope out the route. He and my buddy were along for the, uh, fun of it. In any event, good riding practice, keeping that rear tire from spinning or sliding.

Anyway, the weather speculators say tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful. And since Fang's out-o-pocket anyway tomorrow, I get another kitchen pass to try it again.... This time it'll be with my BMW buddy on the K1200RS.


Uh, yah! I read the weather forecast and couldn't believe you were still going to try it. Doh! :dribble:

A little damp...okay. A little windy...okay. A little grey...okay as it will usually burn off by lunch. Damp, drizzling, windy and way, Jose!

But it was nice warm drizzle :unsure: As soon as I left Hans to head for the barn the rain stopped and all was well. For you who are not familiar with thyis area hat happens alot on the pacific coast. Crappy right on the coast and far better 2 miles inland. Those pics were taken in one of the gun tunnels that were bored into the cliffs overlooking the Pacific ocean Just outside the Golden Gate during WW2. Its a very cool place to look around on a decent day. Have fun next weekend and ride safe.

Currently forecasted for showers on Saturday, 14th April.
Yes...I'm a wuss!
No one likes to ride in the rain, especially wusses like MM2. :D

Yep, that's the forecast. We'll keep and eye on it and see how it evolves over the week. Then toward the end of the week we can figure out if it changes things.

Well if it rains I may join the gang of 1 wuss's. Not that I am a fair weather rider . Its my personal safety and the other idiots in their cage that worries me.

So I am watching the weather along with the rest of you and I will put my faith in the channel 3 weather girl ( Eileen Jovora ) and hope she forcast clear skies and no rain.

weekend rider

New member and owner in Sacramento. Not 100% sure if I can make it next weekend, but will try. Would be nice to meet other Feejer owners and the ride sounds great. May talk my buddy that just bought a new BMW to come along.
Weekendrider and myself will be talking via PM about the SAC-area guys meeting up for a ride down to the bay. Once Hans posts a meet place and time..... <_<

Still unsure about this Saturday. It is suppose to rain this Saturday, so going to have to play it by ear and see if the forcast changes. Would like to go otherwise.

Nothing I'd like better than to take a ride on my birthday, on the FJR that just came back from the shop after 2 months, with a bunch of other FJRs using my new throttlemeister (that I haven't fitted yet)...but it's little league season and my youngest comes first

Thanks for the invite,

Have a great day out guys...

I was looking forward to this ride, but alas, I must pass. I've pulled a muscle in my back on Monday and I keep exacerbating it, so I believe I will be riding the couch this weekend instead.

Maybe next time...


Thanks for the invite, but unable to make this one. Many alligators need slaying.

Hope to make later trips. Be safe and enjoy sounds like a great ride.


