Please post your photos/stories of Beemerdons here

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I have so many fewer pictures of Don than I have fond memories of him. And in my experience somehow it always seems to always end up that way.

He was an inspiration in how he dealt with others and in is love for Seth. I'm gonna miss this guy...


September 27, 2008: At Timmy's Memorial Ride


September 27, 2008: Lunch that day


January 22, 2010: LongStreet - Death Valley Ride Planning


January 23, 2010: Death Valley rest stop


January 23, 2010: Death Valley lunch


March 12, 2011: LongStreet Casino


March 12, 2011: Death Valley


May 21, 2011: Near Cliff House in San Francisco - Wheatie Weekend


May 21, 2011: Marin Headlands - Wheatie Weekend


May 21, 2011: Bodega Bay - Wheatie Weekend


June 22, 2012: Castlegar, BC

Looking at all these photo's we realized that we bumped into Don many, many more times than we thought. A lot of times just on the fringe of a crowd or just passing by.

When we sat by a pool or sat next to each other in a restaurant though, is when we really got a flair for the guy

Full of life, a plethora of interesting stories, and just plain nice.

A huge loss to us and the biking community at large.

The RogDebs

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At FJR events, I tend to just sit back and listen to other's stories. In Nakusp, CFR 2009, Don was camping with Seth nearby. After a ride with Griff and petey one day, I stopped by his campsite on the way back to CFR central. Seth was in the SUV and Don was nearby. I stopped and parked the FJR...Don pulled up another campchair and we sat and talked as he offered me a proper Canadian beer. I don't remember saying anything significant, but Don as always shared stories...including the story behind his first massive heart attack while scuba diving. I noted then in my mind that it was amazing that he was even around to share the story.

I realize now that we were gifted with his extra time here on earth. Not only us, but everyone that ran across Don since the day of that heart attack.

Carver came by and visited as well, and I got a picture of both of them

I crossed paths with Don, the big blowhard, the Army Arty, the lover of Mexico, the Alaska pipeline pipefitter, the Irishman who boasted of his enormous physical prowess, again on my Kali trip. But I cherish that time in the quiet campground outside of Nakusp, BC.

Don was larger than life...but mainly, he was a good man. A friend to all who crossed paths with him.

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In Nakusp, 2007? I found myself outside the venue the first night sitting with Don and drinking our various beverages. Don and I sat and shared stories from various riding and life, politics, and work and just kept on going. People joined in, left, others sat down and so it went. I ran out of tequila and Don shared some of what ever he was drinking and we kept sipping and talking until I realized something funny was happening to the sky. That was dawn getting ready to break! Since we were riding that day I begged off and went and got a couple of hours of sleep before meeting back up for breakfast and some riding. Turned out to be a nice day, though wet the following day, but a great crowd and scenery. I'll always remember staying up 'til dawn with Don and just BSing away, neither of us running out of stories. I still have a very nice wooden laser engraved plaque that Barry made and I won high bid on from that event.

He was a good guy and will be missed by many.

The more I go through the pictures, the more I realize, that while Don has always been a rowdy presence on the forum, in person, he was usually quietly surrounded by friends, enjoying being there, and was rarely the center of attention. If you only knew Don through his forum posts, you'd never expect this quiet, appreciative, loving soul.







From the Colorado Cluster in 2013:



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Don is known for his love of motorcycles, love of travel, the Irish, his military service and foreign languages. Truly though, the real love in his life was his son Seth. To this point Seth's life couldn't have gone as well as it has without Don to be there for him, to get Seth through some of his special challenges. Never mistake what Don was really about. Photo: The Don Messer Giant Fiddle in Harvey Station New Brunswick


Don was a long time rider that valued ATGATT, please note that he wasn't wearing flip-flops.


Us Forumites still forgive him when he strayed from our roots.


Don looking over my motorcycle choice in Care Free AZ before leading us on a ride up to Flagstaff.


The joys of traffic in a very hot Flagstaff. It isn't often that a picture shows Don without a smile.


Don got around, here is Don in Mont-Tremblant Quebec. The natives hadn't had enough beer yet and appeared hostile.


As part of the 3 Prince Charming Group, they land Queen Mary (Ellen) safely in the gravel driveway.


Don and Seth arriving for CFR in New Brunswick.


Don gets his Miss Lucy all shined up for CFR. Notice it takes a whole shopping cart of 'stuff' to get Miss Lucy looking her best.


In Huntsville ON Don says HI from his exclusive new 2013 FJR.


While everyone gathers by the lake, Don found the fire pit and beer cooler.


Dressed with his sense of high style and fashion he was now well marinated and ready for our group picture.


This summer in Phoenix, when Don was recovering from yet another shoulder surgery, he and his special lady Donna joined us for breakfast with one of our family members also recovering from a motorcycle accident that nearly took her life.


With that I'll leave y'all with the center of Don's life. Father and son together, doing life together, looking at the future together. And now, it's unfairly broken early and forever. Don't take it for granted, love the ones you are with.


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Looking at that last photo, I feel very badly for Seth. :(

Thanks for the photos Alan.

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Alan, I'll borrow some of your pictures..... although we had exchanged some Forum banter, I met Don at CFR Mont Tremblant. He had pre-arranged that I would split a case of Canadian beer with him, and in your picture Bust had given him a can of Bud because I hadn't handed it over yet.... I held it (unintentionally) hostage for a day before he got it... but who knew when you actually met him, Don was the nicest guy on the planet. That photo of Mary Ellen rolling in..... I'll let her tell you what happened about 40 feet later on the loose gravel... oops. And at that event, it was very evident the relationship with Seth was quite special.

At CFR in Huntsville, Don had Naomi the new '13, and was having a good time. Once again the gentleman..... everybody could ride the new FJR's that Yamaha Canada brought as demos.... it came to my turn, but it was me alone and getting to closing time, so I declined (I had a local dealer that would let me ride any time I wanted). When Don heard I had declined, he was all over me insisting that I take Naomi for a spin any time during the CFR weekend. What a guy. Who would let anyone take out your brand new bike.......

Lots of memories. Thanks Don for the memories.

Alan, I'll borrow some of your pictures..... although we had exchanged some Forum banter, I met Don at CFR Mont Tremblant. He had pre-arranged that I would split a case of Canadian beer with him, and in your picture Bust had given him a can of Bud because I hadn't handed it over yet.... I held it (unintentionally) hostage for a day before he got it... but who knew when you actually met him, Don was the nicest guy on the planet. That photo of Mary Ellen rolling in..... I'll let her tell you what happened about 40 feet later on the loose gravel... oops. And at that event, it was very evident the relationship with Seth was quite special.
At CFR in Huntsville, Don had Naomi the new '13, and was having a good time. Once again the gentleman..... everybody could ride the new FJR's that Yamaha Canada brought as demos.... it came to my turn, but it was me alone and getting to closing time, so I declined (I had a local dealer that would let me ride any time I wanted). When Don heard I had declined, he was all over me insisting that I take Naomi for a spin any time during the CFR weekend. What a guy. Who would let anyone take out your brand new bike.......

Lots of memories. Thanks Don for the memories.
Holy CrapArola! Now I learn that Naomi IS a true **** to the FJR forum faithful.. Some freaking Canadian from Millgrove and and another named David Sykes and Skooter G boogers have maimed my precious Naomi!??

..Well then,

OK, I ******* LOVE IT!

FIRST...The logo in use for Don's avatar when he would call me. He thought it was hilarious.


Below is a sign my brother and I left for Don when we rode one of Don's favorite roads, all by ourselves. Here was the plan: We were supposed to meet in Three Way AZ, where, 75, 78, and 191 come together just south of Clifton. Patch and Hannah and I made good time and we're about 30 minutes early. It was hot as Hell, and while we were waiting at the little store, Don got ahold of me and said they all stopped somewhere, Globe I think, for milkshakes and icecream cones. They were around an hour behind. Bastards! So, my group decided we would head to the Chateau just south of Alpine and grab lunch while we waited for Don and his crew. Upon arrival, those losers were closed. We had to scrounge writing utensils to make this sign and post it where Don would be sure to see it:


I wanna say Don packed that in his bag and brought it with him. Make sure you also read the small writing. Haha.

Patch, H and I got to Alpine and checked in before we took off to eat. Don rolled in as we were heading out. Yay! The group was together and all went to grab late lunch. This was the after food BS session at the hotel. Great time spent with friends:


We had a couple trips after that, including Salida, where, according to Don, I broke Tucson Joe's foot. Sorry Joe. Joe went home and partially healed up before the first Reuben run.

For that trip, I met Tucson Joe, Marcus, Barry and Don in Kingman for lunch. Wanna say BigD was there too, but he went home after lunch, and the rest of us rode into the big empty expanse of Nevada. Pretty sure this is Joe and Don at the gas stop in Kingman, right before the Moses rain showed up:


Not sure where we stayed that night, but while in Nevada, I broke a land speed record, and I got pulled over. Thankfully, those were two very different events. Haha...At the first nights hotel, this is what I was met with when I went to get Barry for a walk to the store:


Want to know the unfortunate thing? This was not the first and only instance of me catching Don in his dammed undies. Toas was the first time...You'd think I would learn. Thankfully, the next morning, we were all dressed and ready to ride:


This was a stop somewhere in California, where we were supposed to meet OM. I wanna say this turned out to be the wrong place, but I don't remember, and it doesn't matter. We were having fun:


We met up with Bugnatr and OM before heading to Sacramento. The next day we had a big group, and I finally got to meet Tyler. This is a pic of us somewhere in California. Included is Tyler, Don, Joe, and I think Puppychow in the back. I can't remember who the guys are in the red jacket, the black leather and the hi-viz:


Unfortunately that's all the pictures I have with Don in them. Maybe I have more on another phone somewhere. I'm such a slug at taking pictures. I guess I need to get a better camera and get my ass in gear. That being said, below is my favorite picture of Don, even though it's not really a picture of Don. I think OM photoshopped it, but it's the funniest picture ever!!


Love ya Don, and I'll miss you, you Irish Prick!

Alan, I'll borrow some of your pictures..... although we had exchanged some Forum banter, I met Don at CFR Mont Tremblant. He had pre-arranged that I would split a case of Canadian beer with him, and in your picture Bust had given him a can of Bud because I hadn't handed it over yet.... I held it (unintentionally) hostage for a day before he got it... but who knew when you actually met him, Don was the nicest guy on the planet. That photo of Mary Ellen rolling in..... I'll let her tell you what happened about 40 feet later on the loose gravel... oops. And at that event, it was very evident the relationship with Seth was quite special.
At CFR in Huntsville, Don had Naomi the new '13, and was having a good time. Once again the gentleman..... everybody could ride the new FJR's that Yamaha Canada brought as demos.... it came to my turn, but it was me alone and getting to closing time, so I declined (I had a local dealer that would let me ride any time I wanted). When Don heard I had declined, he was all over me insisting that I take Naomi for a spin any time during the CFR weekend. What a guy. Who would let anyone take out your brand new bike.......

Lots of memories. Thanks Don for the memories.
Holy CrapArola! Now I learn that Naomi IS a true **** to the FJR forum faithful.. Some freaking Canadian from Millgrove and and another named David Sykes and Skooter G boogers have maimed my precious Naomi!??

..Well then,

OK, I ******* LOVE IT!
Sorry to burst your bubble, Don, but none of my DNA is on Naomi even though she has international experience..... I never did accept the offer, Don and I hoisted a glass instead.

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Many great memories of Don with these photos! Going to miss that burro fecker... JSNS

SWFOG 2014 Silver City New Mexico
You see how Don was hitting me in that photo? Oh, the abuse I tolerated. Lol. He was probably mad cuz he always thought I was trying to steal Carver from him. :no:
Either that, OR, he was laughing at Dan lusting over Jeff's Hippo.

That was a good weekend with a lot of familiar faces!!

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MsNASCAR (Jacquie) and I had just moved to Prescott AZ in October 2013 after I retired and the next month Don organized a welcome to Arizona ride for us. So some of his BMW group and he met us at the Watson Lake viewpoint in Prescott, one very chilly November morning. From there I led a ride up 89A to the Javelina Cantina restaurant in Sedona. This is the view from the outside seating at the restaurant.


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