PMS - for the guys up North

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Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Omaha, Arkansas USA Motorycling Paradise
for all you guys stuck in the frigid Northlands (I know, I know - you live there because you like the seasons) enduring single-digit temps and suffering from PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome) - I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you when I went for a nice 90 mile motorcycle ride on Tuesday to celebrate the New Year.

Hang in there - Spring is coming!!

I did 220 miles yesterday, north FL. Glad I got the chance, temps dropped sharply today. I think they're trying to send it down to us!

I kinda thought it would cool off, I had a strong north wind yesterday most of the afternoon. Ain't nothin' good comin' from up there when it's like that!

I did 220 miles yesterday, north FL. Glad I got the chance, temps dropped sharply today. I think they're trying to send it down to us!
I kinda thought it would cool off, I had a strong north wind yesterday most of the afternoon. Ain't nothin' good comin' from up there when it's like that!

Really nice avatar ! wow !

I did 220 miles yesterday, north FL. Glad I got the chance, temps dropped sharply today. I think they're trying to send it down to us!
I kinda thought it would cool off, I had a strong north wind yesterday most of the afternoon. Ain't nothin' good comin' from up there when it's like that!
220 miles in FL... What's that equal, 5 turns? :p

I did 220 miles yesterday, north FL. Glad I got the chance, temps dropped sharply today. I think they're trying to send it down to us!
I kinda thought it would cool off, I had a strong north wind yesterday most of the afternoon. Ain't nothin' good comin' from up there when it's like that!
220 miles in FL... What's that equal, 5 turns? :p
Four, if you don't count the one at the end of the driveway. :D

Thanks for reminding me my FJR was parked and I have 1 1/2 feet of snow in my dooryard. :angry: I couldn't ride my FJR anyway as GP Suspension has my Wilber rear shock doing the service on it. At least my snowmobile is getting used. :clapping:


220 miles in FL... What's that equal, 5 turns? :p

Four, if you don't count the one at the end of the driveway. :D

Hey! Hey! Hey! I found a twisty kind of road, with hills and everything. It was only 5-1/2 miles long, but it was there!

So knock it off, you big meanies! :cray:

OTOH, let's see, Keithaba from KY, SLK from PA. Seems like an expression of envy, perhaps? :p

Really nice avatar ! wow !
You're one to talk!! B)

It's a clip from a replay in Tourist Trophy on the PS2, running at Nurburgring. If you've got 8-1/2 minutes you don't need for anything else, you can see the whole lap here.

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I just cant resist, I noticed this after taking New Years day pics of my Zumo install.


7 degrees here now. It was even cold driving the truck today.

Looks like I'll have PMS for another day at least! :exclamation:

Awesome ice racing pictures. I see they are using the new NASCAR "Safer Barriers".

Do you think those dirt bikes would support a set of Gerbings? :D

Inside the garage:Maybe I should order some of those ice racing tires.

Just to be perfectly clear...

I will NOT be testing anything called "ice tires". :)

I usually do an Outer Banks weekend in January and get my maintenance done on weekends. Still ride to work almost every day. Just no trips to the mountains until mid-February. Always said I would never live north of that Manson-Nixon line. Sorry you Northerners are enduring the long winter's nap.


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Dunno what youse guys are complaining about. Managed to get 150 miles or so yesterday with temps approaching 50. The sun was even out to boot...and none of that white stuff on the ground. Of course today it's raining and I won't see the sun again until May. Oh well...


-33C on the way home from the GF's tonight. Ugh. only 4 more months to go!!

<kill me>

Didn't keep me and about 15 other riders from showing up yesterday for chowder at Mo's in Florence Oregon on the coast. Temps were from 28 to 30 most of the way there, then 45-50 on the coast. Freezing fog made for some slippery spots on the interstate, and coated my windshield and aux lights. My Gerbing electrics kept me toasty. It was about the only day this month it hasn't rained so it was a nice break even if a bit chilly. 385 miles for the day, pics to follow.

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"Single digit" temps in degrees F is considered quite tolerable where I live. When the temps get down to where F and C are almost the same, that's when it's really cold. (Hint: -40 degrees is the same in both F and C)

Don't you worry about us (at least some of us anyway). We've got other toys and activities to keep us entertained. Plus, when spring finally comes, we appreciate our FJRs so much more. It's just another toy, for another season, for another purpose. It doesn't break my heart in the least to see it under a cover every day I go out of the garage.
