PMS - for the guys up North

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It's 5 am here in freaking Charleston, SC (that's 'south' Carolina) and it's 27 degrees. Somebody must have forgot to pay the heating bill. We may loose a couple more degrees before sunrise so it's pretty chilly for the South this morning. I'm riding into work this morning so I'm going to have to layer up pretty good. I love it when I ride in on these cold mornings and get the, "you road your bike today?" and that look that I'm totally insane. It's only an eight mile commute, so by the time I'm about chilled to the bone, I arrive at my destination (I don't have any heated gear as I would rarely use it).

I rode to work this morning and the temp reading on my bike was 21 degrees. Fortunately my commute is only 45 minutes.

Around here, PMS is mostly optional. Only guys who are afraid they'll melt in the rain need to park their bikes for the winter.

Even though we are as far north as those poor suckers living in ND and MN, we rarely see snow or freezing temps at sea level where most Pacific Northwesterners live. So as long as you don't mind 38 degrees and raining, you can ride year 'round.

We do need to be carefull when it's below 37 degrees like it was a few weeks back. I was nearing work, coming around a corner when the back end started sliding. I quickly corrected, but had my foot out in preparation for a motocross slide (the FJR is probably too heavy for that, but it's worth a try anyway). Another rider after me wasn't so lucky and scraped up the tupperware on his CBR600 as he slid across the pavement.

I actually remember colder temps in Georgia one winter I lived there. It was 17 degrees one night and despite a snowmobile suit and full Plexifairing windshield I was still cold. The battery was weak and I had a hell of a time trying to push start the bike. With the road and bike tires all cold soaked, it was hard to get traction when I'd pop the clutch while rolling down a hill. The motorcycle Gods were smiling on me that day because it started just as I reached the bottom of the hill.

for all you guys stuck in the frigid Northlands (I know, I know - you live there because you like the seasons) enduring single-digit temps and suffering from PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome) - I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you when I went for a nice 90 mile motorcycle ride on Tuesday to celebrate the New Year.
Hang in there - Spring is coming!!
Yeah? Well I got to shovel snow on New Year' there :p

Once we can figure out how to make a heated full body wet suit and hook it up to an auxillary battery we'll be all set. Besides, it's going to hit at least 50 here for most of next week :yahoo:

Oh, and it's not that I like the seasons...I'm just afraid of those armored rats that run around down there. Really, they're like little samurai rodents.

not laughing so much today - it was 29 degrees this morning and only 37 at lunch!!
To Hell with that whole "Four Seasons" thing..
Mike, at least we got our freezing day for the year out of the way early.

"Single digit" temps in degrees F is considered quite tolerable where I live. When the temps get down to where F and C are almost the same, that's when it's really cold. (Hint: -40 degrees is the same in both F and C)Don't you worry about us (at least some of us anyway). We've got other toys and activities to keep us entertained. Plus, when spring finally comes, we appreciate our FJRs so much more. It's just another toy, for another season, for another purpose. It doesn't break my heart in the least to see it under a cover every day I go out of the garage.
I'm with you, Xviper. Our high was -6F yesterday. Like others have said, it just requires a different set of toys. Honestly, it's not like that all the time here. Since the clouds rolled in this morning, it's warmed to 0F :yahoo:

I did 220 miles yesterday, north FL. Glad I got the chance, temps dropped sharply today. I think they're trying to send it down to us!
I kinda thought it would cool off, I had a strong north wind yesterday most of the afternoon. Ain't nothin' good comin' from up there when it's like that!
Panama City? That's like being in Rochester, Minn. Come-on down here and ride with the Naples gang?

I did 220 miles yesterday, north FL. Glad I got the chance, temps dropped sharply today. I think they're trying to send it down to us!
I kinda thought it would cool off, I had a strong north wind yesterday most of the afternoon. Ain't nothin' good comin' from up there when it's like that!
Panama City? That's like being in Rochester, Minn. Come-on down here and ride with the Naples gang?
Never been south of Sarasota on the gulf side. Been to Miami several times, but not on the bike. Have kin there.

It went below freezing two nights, now it's back to normal shirt-sleeves weather. Mech-ing today, though, not riding. :angry:
