PNW Spring 2010 - Tech Meet

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...or see if George's tire changer actually works...... :rolleyes:

Oh, it works...maybe not as spiffy as the Nomar, but it gets the job done. :) In fact, just fixed up wingshot the other morning when his PR2 unexpectedly displayed cord in the middle.


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My plan is to meet up with Wingshot Saturday. The weather Friday doesn't look that great. I'll be in line to get my tires changed as well. I'll need some coaching on lubing the splines. I didn't not do that the last tire change. I'll have my Honda Molly lube with me. :)


My plan is to meet up with Wingshot Saturday. The weather Friday doesn't look that great. I'll be in line to get my tires changed as well. I'll need some coaching on lubing the splines. I didn't not do that the last tire change. I'll have my Honda Molly lube with me. :)

Hey Auburn, I want to go but I need directions Please!!!

My plan is to meet up with Wingshot Saturday. The weather Friday doesn't look that great. I'll be in line to get my tires changed as well. I'll need some coaching on lubing the splines. I didn't not do that the last tire change. I'll have my Honda Molly lube with me. :)

Hey Auburn, I want to go but I need directions Please!!!
PM sent, s you Saturday Morning! Good to see you are up and about!

I'm hoping to have my bike put together in time to ride it Saturday. Is it still possible for a BSer to come along with Wingshot.

Yanno, there are days it does NOT pay to be blonde and female....

Spent the beginning of the week getting the bike ready for this trip: insurance, new fluids all round etc. Wednesday I took the bike to my local dealer to have the hole in the almost new PR2 fixed before heading off (temp string plug had been holding air just fine since it happened late October).

I get there with 1 clean plugged hole. 20 minutes later the 12 y/o service manager calls me to the shop to look at the tire on the stand.

"No way we can fix this"

So, not only is there the original hole, but now a new one where the tech tried to put the new plug, and also now a small....hmmm....looks like a tear in the full thickness rubber leading off to the side from the 2nd hole, plus some various other dimpling marks at the 2 o'clock position from the original hole.

Well, no shit it is not repairable, they pretty much shredded the entire area where the original puncture happened.

So....said 12 y/o service manager goes on to tell me how they have just the tire for me. A single rear 4 y/o PR1 that will cost me just a measly $60 more than the full set of PR2's I put on last summer. Do I look that stupid???? (OM? that's a rhetorical question......*LOL*)

Errrmmm, thanks. I'll pass. I rode it home, made some calls and got a current tire on order, but it will not be here in time for me to make it Saturday.


Have fun y'all, and many thanks to Auburn for trying to solve this for me. Next time I will know to chat you guys up for solutions 1st.

You really do meet the NICEST folks on FJR's


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Damn the luck Barb, I'm sure you explained to said 12 y/o service manager your disappointment. Too bad you're not able to make the Tech Day...these are quite the fun event.


Damn the luck Barb, I'm sure you explained to said 12 y/o service manager your disappointment. Too bad you're not able to make the Tech Day...these are quite the fun event.
We had a lengthy discussion about install rates, and he was pretty clear I was unhappy when I rode off.

Damn the luck Barb, I'm sure you explained to said 12 y/o service manager your disappointment. Too bad you're not able to make the Tech Day...these are quite the fun event.
We had a lengthy discussion about install rates, and he was pretty clear I was unhappy when I rode off.
The discussion should have been about your foot in his a$$ for taking the Dolt Rd and making the situation worse. :(

Man, what absolutely shitty weather in PDX this afternoon. I sure hope it improves for my Fri afternoon ride up to the SEA area.

Barb, well that's just a pisscutter about your tire. Bummer about you missing the garage party. See ya later in the summer.

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Big crowd, hope I don't get blocked in on that "side of Matterhorn" driveway. Might need my Excursion for the pizza delivery the way this is going.

Well, I seem to have misplaced my Wild Bill highway peg mounts. I know it's a long shot, but would someone attending the Tech Meet happen to have a set of Wild Bill mounts to sell me tomorrow?

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Well, I seem to have misplaced my Wild Bill highway peg mounts. I know it's a long shot, but would someone attending the Tech Meet happen to have a set of Wild Bill mounts to sell me tomorrow?

I beleive a few attending have them
