As much as it pains me to admit it, perhaps BikerGeek has something to his logic in one of his EOM posts- he pointed out that the CFR group does a midweek rally so as to allow the two weekends for travel. I think that is a brilliant idea! To me, this would perhaps allow more folks from farther away be able to attend since the weekend would allow for travel instead of having to worry about weekdays for travel in two consecutive weeks (the friday/monday thingy). In addition, it would seem to reason that perhaps traffic
may be lighter during the week.
Either way, you can count on me being there for as much of the riding days as possible! I know what a huge undertaking something like this can be, so my (***)hats off to you!
Oh, and I'll try to leave my bride at home- she is the weather albatross from hell and in fact, I am convinced she was the one responsible for the downpours on this years greens/whites! I am speaking from experience . . . the week we rode the parkway last month, we got rained on four of the six days including that monster tropical depression that brought monsoon-like rains from hell!