Possbile TechWest for 2009?

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Right now we are still trying to get the date nailed down. Once we have that, then we'll get more info out.
Last weekend in May, last weekend in May, last weeekend in May, last weekend in May... Oh, was I doing my wishful thinking out loud..?? ;)

Echo, echo, echo...........
Memorial Day weekend???
Memorial Day is Monday, 5/25. Bikerskier and I are hoping (wishing) for the following Saturday, 5/30 (or Sunday, 5/31).

DougC has been talking with the shop to get the date nailed down. Looks like it will move to sometime in June maybe further out. Doug's on a rideabout right now and will be gone for another week or so.

We'll post up once they have it sorted out.
