Power Cmrd. Will it reduce the vibrations

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2014
Reaction score
Talked at length with a guy who does dynos.

He claimed, once I remove PAIR that the bike maybe running lean or rich at random RPM.

He claims every time you do something as simple as a slip on, if you want the bike to run correctly you have to re-map.

I left there scared into a PC with an Auto Tune to boot.

Along the line I would like to slap a couple of carbon fiber cans from some brand, compounding that with the PAIR extraction, will I really be better off with a PC?

The bike seems to be running smoother to me, but that could be the placebo. The idle is kind of jumpy and my TB is in perfect sync.

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I don't think your guy knows what a PAIR system does. Removing it will only affect the "mixture" (O2 content actually) of the exhaust stream. Will not change the fueling of the engine in the least bit. PAIR only allows air to flow from the airbox, through a uni-directional (reed) check valve, into the exhaust port in the head after the exhaust valve. It's purpose is to provide more O2 in the exhaust for the cats to do a better job of scrubbing for emissions purposes. Then again, maybe he was just selling you a boll of goods to get you to buy the PCV?

Yes, making the engine run richer than the stock (lean) fuel ratios will reduce the engine vibration somewhat.

Yes, reducing the back-pressure of the exhaust, or restriction of the intake for that matter, will (very minimally) cause the engine to intake more air for a given fuel injection rate, resulting in a more lean mixture. Since the bike is setup from the factory on the lean side, it may be noticeable depending on how much you change the airflow.

Having a PCV with autotune is about the best thing you can get to custom remap your fueling when you make any of these changes. I wish that they made them for 1st gens as that is what I would have on my bike.

PS - The FJR idle is always lumpy. Don't ride it at idle.

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I'd begin by running away from that shop, Your dyno guy is after one thing...your wallet!

No need for a PC with anything you've mentioned.


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...Trust me...I'm VERY thankful I don't ride either of those POS Gens! :D
And I'm VERY thankful I do.
Yours lacks a very important feature as far as I am concerned, the clue is in the picture ;) .

(Click on image for larger view)

[on topic] I find the little bit of vibration I get to be enough to let me know I'm riding something with some guts, but not so much that it's a nuisance. I do try to keep a relaxed grip on the bars, what little vibration I get through seat and pegs is not intrusive.

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And yours INCLUDES a feature I'll never have to worry about.....

...but I DO love the color of your bike!!


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And yours INCLUDES a feature I'll never have to worry about..... :rofl:
...but I DO love the color of your bike!![img=[URL="https://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i320/dcarver220b/FJR/Burnt.jpg%5D"]https://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i320/dcarver220b/FJR/Burnt.jpg][/URL]
Once again you big dork...How many engines has your POS GenI gone through? Hmmmmmm I'm still on my first one. Think I'll stick with my GenII. Maybe one day if you're nice, I'll even let you ride it. Maybe!

Lookee there,'Zilla....Mister Trophy has a sense of humor....unlike you, who simply has no sense. :finger: :rofl:
Keep it up and I'll NEVER let you ride my superior GenII. My GenII does not have a power commander, and is pretty smooth; however, when it is time to change plugs, the vibrations let me know. It's weird as Hell, but the drivability suffers when the plugs get old.
