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Yeah me too! Well it was worth a try. I was just trying to pass along the good deal to the rest of you, sorry it was a waste of time.
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Not out of stock..They sell it for 331$!Probably they where doing a fault in the price....Much to do about Nothing at All:
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No problem!!Yeah me too! Well it was worth a try. I was just trying to pass along the good deal to the rest of you, sorry it was a waste of time.
I have to give a shout out to
I searched high and low for the touratech GPS mount for my old Streetpilot III. No way was I spending the $140 that touratech wanted on my free to me GPS. Even used they were going for like $50+shipping, and even at their age, people would snap them up at $50, so you had to be fast.
I couldn't believe my luck when I find on, the more expensive locking version was $4.95!!! They are in Canada so I ended up spending like $25-$30 for shipping but still, that's a deal.
I sat waiting at home for a notification of a cancelled order but no, it came in. Apparently they figured out their mistake because when I went back to the site it was listed for $103.99.
So even though they made the mistake, they took the hit and honored the price. Good folks for sure. Too bad this amazon deal didn't work out the same. Though, I guess taking the hit on one customer on a rarely sold item is one thing compared to the amount of traffic I'm sure that Amazon received on those Power Commanders.
Yeah me too! Well it was worth a try. I was just trying to pass along the good deal to the rest of you, sorry it was a waste of time.
Put it toward a Fuzeblock. Quality product and there's a link on here somewhere for a forum discount.Oh well, didn't want the damn thing anyway. :angry2: I just can't stand to miss out on a deal. Anybody got anything else I can spend $70 on? It's found money now, I'm in the black on this item. :yahoo:
Wow that sucks. Operator error? Crappy installation?I have had power commanders on both my CBR1100XX and my 09 Concours and both failed on the hwy. Fortunately I was able to disconnect them and make it home. To me, the questionable reliabilty wasn't worth the little added performance Sent both back for repairs and sold them on ebay
When you will receive it please keep us informed.This is back up on Amazon for cheap!
I ordered one...and got tracking info from USPS. Looks like I got it for $70! :yahoo: I too thought it was too good to be true. For once I got in on something quick enough.