Powerlet in the "Glove box"

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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Glendale, Arizona
What good is the power supply located in the little lock box? Too hot to store your cell/IPOD with it closed up. Can't use it for your IPOD, GPS etc. while riding with the lid up. I guess you could cut a hole it the lid for a wire to pass thru, but then water could get in... am I missing something?

Too hot to store your cell/IPOD with it closed up.
Why? Did you measure the temp in there and see the specs on your cell call for less temperature? That's exactly what it was designed for by Yamaha.

Many agree it's not ideal and/or can be re-purposed including threads like this.

I didn't take it's temperature just opened it when I got home from a ride today and put my hand in there and it felt really hot. I'll shoot it with my heat gun next time I take it out, but I wouldn't put my cell or IPOD in there. I guess you could run the power cord out thru the bottom, seems like a lot of effort, Yamaha could have just located in a better place to start with.

My Nano and Black Berry has survived 4 years of charging year round in the FJR and the Nano you can a couple years more in my KTM's glove box. Now, I don't put it in there if I'm in traffic and its 100 plus out. A black tank bag with power for charging gets very hot too in direct sun. My Ipod gets hot enough that you wouldn't want to hold it for very long when I forget its in there. Its 6 years old, still working. Been across a few deserts. I try to charge stuff in the morning when its cooler out if its in the glove box or the tank bag.

Its easy to add a Powerlet, the battery is up front and easy to get to. I use a single SAE battery lead. Powerlet makes adapters that work with the SAE connector. So, one lead coming from the battery for my Battery Tender, tire air pump or charging phones and such. I usually just use the glove box for the phone and Ipod unless I want to charge a phone with the key off but, then I'm always thinking I'll forget it and kill the battery.... So I tend to charge things in the morning when the temps are below 100 and I'm good to go by lunch with my Ipod and Phone all charged up. In the winter the temps are no concern to me and I charge things in the little box as needed.

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Power is easy to run out of the bottom of the box. Never had any problems with water of dirt getting into the space w/o the grommet in place. Over various rides my cell phone, MP3 and garage door opener live there quite happily...or as others have mentioned, add a powerlet someplace more convenient.


Edit -- My cheapo Garmin is powered from the socket most of the time.

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And the lid is not a vault door..but just a thin floppy bit of plastic...meaning if the cord is reasonably thin, you can just shut the door over the cord...which I did for awhile when I had my XM roady mounted.

Best I could tell it does not get any hotter inside the box than it does in my pocket of my jacket.


I cut a 1/4" hole in the rubber plug using a biopsy punch ( a cylindrical scalpel - I work for a medical device company). The phone/gps/whatever end of the cable can squeeze through there (except for an ipod plug) and up to the dash.

I ran my Nuvi thru the bottom grommet for about a year until I got my ZUMO and hard wired the cradle, never had a problem. :rolleyes:

I powered my Nuvi out of that box for over a year. I just ran the coil right out the door, squishing the cord between the lid and the gasket. Now that my Zumo is mounted, I keep my gum and small camera in there. I keep my phone in my pocket because I want it with my and not away on the bike somewhere if I go down.

BTW, that pocket has never gotten hot enough to melt my gum, and it didn't melt my MM's the time I put some in there for a trip home.

The box works for small electronics just fine. It's just useless as an outlet for things like an air compressors. I suggest you have a few 2.nothing amp fuses standing by if you ever try to prove me wrong ;)

I've never had a problem leaving the door open and running the power cable out to my RAM cradle (whether it be for the iphone or the TomTom). Would this only be an issue if I were riding in the rain?

I wouldn't call it a powerlet because that's what the BMW style power plug is called. Coming from the days when they actually installed them in cars, I'd call it a cigarette lighter outlet. But whatever you call it, it worked fine for me to power small electronics in my tank bag. I just closed the lid on the cable like others have done.
