Prayers for my Deb

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Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Rancho "Liverpool" Cordova, CA
Six months ago you all came through with help for our son Andy.

Could I request the same again please? - this time for Debbie.

She's just been diagnosed with breast cancer.

She has mammograms every year and nothing was seen till recently, so, hopefully we've got it early.

All we know for now is that it's a fast growing kind and we see a Surgical Oncologist for a full scenario tomorrow.

Any good thoughts would be welcome -- thanks guys.

Oh man, my heart sunk when I read this... but you know what? There are survivors of breat cancer every day. It's not the sentence that it once was. Please be loving and kind through this ordeal... whatever might happen. Oh and of course, my hopes and prayers are with you always. White light, my friend.


All positive thoughts and prayers for Deb, you, and family too. Stay strong and resilient, keep good thoughts and immerse yourselves with loved ones.

Prayers every hour of every day. I am a survivor. You will be too Deb.

Rog can't ride without you as pylon, he's un-balanced.

Love you both more than you know.


Oh my goodness Roger, what a blow for you and Deb. I'll bet you hardly know who or where you are right now, as you wait for the word from the doc.

Deb is a smart lady to have her regular mammograms, so hopefully whatever they find is early stage and can be dealt with efficiently and permanently.

Thoughts, prayers and virtual hugs coming your way. Please keep up updated when you can. I've heard so much about Deb that I feel as though I almost know her.


Roger and Debbie,

You are in our prayers. Sherri and I will send as much good stuff your way as we can. We have some experience with this so any help we can be please just ask.

I'll be saying daily Prayers for Deb and the family.

Many women in my circle of friends have successfully beaten the odds: my Mom was diagnosed at age 41, took treatment and lived to be 78.

My thoughts are with at this difficult time.

