Prayers for my Deb

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Thoughts and Prayers for both of you.

I take the wife in Friday for her annual, the concern level always gets elevated when we do this.

Roger you can count on us, prayers for Deb and you and the family for a quick and complete healing. Del. <><

This saddens the heart to hear. Stay positive for Deb and don't allow anyone to make comments that are negative around you about this. You have to be her rock and keep her strong. You are both in our prayers. If there is anything you need in the way of moral support, please feel free to contact me. Peace be with you!

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Stay strong, and have confidence that you can beat it.

Thoughts and prayers going out for both of you...

I don't know you nor do I know Deb. However, I know the fear and uncertainty you face. For me, that's more than enough. You have my heartfelt support and my prayers. May He keep you from harm.

Rog and Deb. Lyndel and I went through this same thing just five years ago. It is a very trying time that will bring out much strength in each of you. If you or Deb have any questions or want to talk to some one who has gone down the same road. Feel free to pm us. Lyndel works in an Internal Med clinic and has talked to many women who have been recently diagnosed, sometimes it really helps to hear it from someone has walked the walk. Do what the oncologist tells you and keep positive, it can really help. Good luck and prayers coming your way. fred jr

Our prayers are with you both. A strong positive attitude is the most powerful medicine is this fight because, as others have said, there are many, many long term survivors of breast cancer including several in my immediate family.

Roger, this is from a friend of mine at the American Cancer Society...

Rick --

I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you know what stage she was diagnosed? Either

way, have her call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 -- we're

available 24-hours a day, every day of the year. They can help her with

information about her disease, treatment options, nutritional information,

legal issues if necessary, help with insurance if necessary -- everything.

She'll want to connect with a Reach to Recovery volunteer right away - she

can do this during the same phone call -- a Reach to Recovery volunteer is

someone who has survived her same disease and has been trained to answer

her questions and help her on her journey back to health. This person will

bring her a kit to help her with exercises and a whole bunch of other

stuff. We also have Look Good... Feel Better makeover classes and a free

wig bank that she should take advantage of. She'll meet other women going

through the same thing, learn new makeup, wig and turban styles to help her

during treatment, and make some new friends. It's a really neat class.

Everything is free of charge... plus, at the Look Good... Feel Better

class, she'll get $300 worth of free makeup.

What is your friend's name and where does she live?

Another service we offer is free rides to and from medical appointments.

She just needs to call to set them up. Treatment can take its toll on

family members as well because of tough work schedules... she should take

advantage of the free rides if she wants to... plus, it's another way to

make a nice friend.

We have an enormous amount of services to help her get through her battle

as best as possible. It's best if she just calls 1-800-ACS-2345 to find out

everything possible.

She can also log on to -- sign on as a patient and

participate in the Cancer Survivor's Network. TONS of reliable information

can be found on our website, but other women will share their stories and

support her. We are also connected to support groups and a whole slew of

things to help her get through this. That is why we exist. Please have her

call... it will help her tremendously.

To talk to someone locally, she can call Mala Hirani at (949) 261-9446 ext.

629 (she has to press option 3 when the message first starts).

I hope that helps. Let me know what else you or she needs.

Best wishes,


WOW !!

To say we're overwhelmed is an understatement !!

Deb's just read all your replies and has gone for a good cry.

Thanks so much for all the support -- you're all the greatest.

We're now off to take our youngest Grandaughter for her birthday ( 5 years young) Cheesecake Factory lunch treat, and "Build-a-Bear" (whatever that is) afterward. A welcome distraction.

Six months ago you all came through with help for our son Andy.Could I request the same again please? - this time for Debbie.

She's just been diagnosed with breast cancer.

She has mammograms every year and nothing was seen till recently, so, hopefully we've got it early.

All we know for now is that it's a fast growing kind and we see a Surgical Oncologist for a full scenario tomorrow.

Any good thoughts would be welcome -- thanks guys.

My wife Jeannette was diagnosed with breast cancer March 1st 2005. She had a lumpectomy which did not get it all so two weeks later she had a mastecomy. After that comes chemotherapy and radiation treatments. When it was all done 7 months after her diagnoses she started to heal. A year later she did the Avon walk in NYC 26 miles Saturday and 13 Sunday, thats tough. Breast cancer is a bad year in your lives, it sucks, but when it's over you go on. We road to Montana several months after the treatments ended. You will too, God Bless you both.

If you or Debbie have any questions email either one of us or call us.

[email protected] 321-543-8953 Bob's cell

[email protected] 321-537-5036 Jeannette's cell

BTW get your wife drugs now. Your family doctor or the oncologist will oblige you with anything that you want. Xanax, Lexapro, Trazadone, or anything else she needs. My wife is a good woman and a Christian but the drugs helped. They throw away the book when you get diagnosed with cancer and if your doctor does not understand, find another. We had a couple say don't do drugs and a couple who said take all you want or need so that you can sleep and function without losing it.

Also I have to tell you that it was the most difficult year of my life, without my relationship with Jesus I would have needed drugs too.

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