Roger, this is from a friend of mine at the American Cancer Society...
Rick --
I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you know what stage she was diagnosed? Either
way, have her call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 -- we're
available 24-hours a day, every day of the year. They can help her with
information about her disease, treatment options, nutritional information,
legal issues if necessary, help with insurance if necessary -- everything.
She'll want to connect with a Reach to Recovery volunteer right away - she
can do this during the same phone call -- a Reach to Recovery volunteer is
someone who has survived her same disease and has been trained to answer
her questions and help her on her journey back to health. This person will
bring her a kit to help her with exercises and a whole bunch of other
stuff. We also have Look Good... Feel Better makeover classes and a free
wig bank that she should take advantage of. She'll meet other women going
through the same thing, learn new makeup, wig and turban styles to help her
during treatment, and make some new friends. It's a really neat class.
Everything is free of charge... plus, at the Look Good... Feel Better
class, she'll get $300 worth of free makeup.
What is your friend's name and where does she live?
Another service we offer is free rides to and from medical appointments.
She just needs to call to set them up. Treatment can take its toll on
family members as well because of tough work schedules... she should take
advantage of the free rides if she wants to... plus, it's another way to
make a nice friend.
We have an enormous amount of services to help her get through her battle
as best as possible. It's best if she just calls 1-800-ACS-2345 to find out
everything possible.
She can also log on to -- sign on as a patient and
participate in the Cancer Survivor's Network. TONS of reliable information
can be found on our website, but other women will share their stories and
support her. We are also connected to support groups and a whole slew of
things to help her get through this. That is why we exist. Please have her
call... it will help her tremendously.
To talk to someone locally, she can call Mala Hirani at (949) 261-9446 ext.
629 (she has to press option 3 when the message first starts).
I hope that helps. Let me know what else you or she needs.
Best wishes,