Hank, In my line of work, I have often seen parents lose a child. There can be few worse ways to suffer. The agony that these people, and now your family, go through is unspeakable. It probably doesn't help you to hear that time helps, but the acutely agonizing pain seems to fade to a chronic hurt, as time goes by.
As a member of the FJR family, please know that there are a lot of people thinking about you today, and in the dark days ahead. I add my thoughts and prayers to those already expressed.
When you look at the average age group of the forum, most of us have kids around the age of your son, or did so a while back. While few can actually know how you feel, we all know that love that we have for our own offspring. I can't imagine how big a hole the loss of a child would leave in the life of a parent.
My deepest condolences to you and your family.