Prayers Needed

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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You and yours are in my prayers. There are not words to adequately state my sorrow for the loss of your son.


I have never done this before but after reading about Old Michaels accident and all the great people sending there prayers to him I thought I would post this request. Sadly I received a call Thursday night that my son had passed away unexpectedly, he was only 21 and a student at UMC. I am in Missouri now to take him home. My family and I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
So sorry to hear this. Prayers sent.

What an unfortunate loss.

Our kids shouldnt die so young. godbless and hang in there

Life is the great teacher; sometimes harsh beyond words, but always offering something for us to take away ... if only we could find it.

My heart reaches out to you and your family. No parent should have to survive their child.

Our prayers are with you & your family.

I lost a 13 year old son. It was the hardest time in my 61 years of life.

"Grief is a most peculiar thing, were so helpless in the face of it.

Its like a window that will simply open of its own accord.

The room grows cold and we can do nothing but shiver.

BUT, it opens a little less each time and a little less and one day we wonder what has become of it?"

I was just so lucky to have my son for those 13 years.

Dave B

Hank, there are no words that I can say that will make it any easier on your or your family. My thoughts are with you.

I'm so sorry to hear of this, Hank. It feels especially hard to be because my daughter turns 21 tomorrow and the thought of her now, at the start of her life, being cut off is unimaginable to me. I hope you can find some small comfort in the support of your friends, your family, and your community, including us here on the board. Peace to you all.

Hank, In my line of work, I have often seen parents lose a child. There can be few worse ways to suffer. The agony that these people, and now your family, go through is unspeakable. It probably doesn't help you to hear that time helps, but the acutely agonizing pain seems to fade to a chronic hurt, as time goes by.

As a member of the FJR family, please know that there are a lot of people thinking about you today, and in the dark days ahead. I add my thoughts and prayers to those already expressed.

When you look at the average age group of the forum, most of us have kids around the age of your son, or did so a while back. While few can actually know how you feel, we all know that love that we have for our own offspring. I can't imagine how big a hole the loss of a child would leave in the life of a parent.

My deepest condolences to you and your family.



my heart goes out to you and your family. I've got a boy of 23 and a girl of 20 and can't bear the thought of losing them.

There's a lot of good people on this Forum whose prayers are coming your way. Be strong, bro



Lorie and I will keep you and your family in our prayers. We are very sorry for your loss.

Jim and Lorie
