Problem with TourTech Stem Mount

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2007
Reaction score
Sundre, AB
I had the bike in to my local mechanic Friday for spring maintenance, ignition switch recall, installation of Helibar Riser and Tourtech Stem Mount - he had a problem threading the replacement stem nut from Tourtech. He said the stock stem nut threaded easily by hand and torqued down without problem, but he couldn't get the replacement to thread - it would begin to thread, then stop. Even with the wrench it didn't feel right, as if the thread pitch was different from the stem. He didn't push it for fear of stripping the threads but and simply put the stock nut back on.

Anyone else have this problem?

Do Canadian FJRs have a different thread pitch...

Or do I just need to apply a little grease and more force to get it to thread?

Thought I'd tap into the Forum wisdom before calling Tourtech tomorrow.


Make sure he didn't tweak the steering stem tread when he put the risers on as it is easy to do.


Is it a "Touratech" you have or a "Techmount" ? I have a Techmount stem nut that threaded on and torqued up just fine. Same bike as yours.

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Examine the threads on the stem and on the the new nut and see if you can find and nicks or differences is the threads. Make sure both threads are clean.

Is it a "Touratech" you have or a "Techmount" ? I have a Techmount stem nut that threaded on and torqued up just fine. Same bike as yours.
Oops! It is indeed a TechMount!

I'll borrow a 36mm socket to take off the stock stem nut - which the mechanic put back on without a problem - and examine the threads myself.

I have a Techmount which I installed a few months ago. I know exactly what you are talking about. I was concerned about the same thing. When I tried to install the Techmount it did feel like I would cross-thread it. I tried tree or four time it just didn't feel right. Then I put the stock nut back on to see what it felt like, went on smooth. I then inspected the threads on the Techmount, looked fine to me. So, I tried it again with the same results. I made sure I had started the Techmount on straight (the best that I could), turned it by hand till it was tight, then I put a ratchet to it. I went very slowly for fear of damaging it. Tightened up without a problem. It felt like the threads weren't cut quite deep enough, they started out okay but as you went into the nut they tapered in slightly. Just a opinion.

I'm not saying that I recommend doing this but I felt I tried everything else and I wanted it installed. Fortunately everything worked out. Good Luck!

I have had the techmount on my 07A on/off a few times over the past 2 years.

Never had any issues. Seems to be very high quality.


Thanks to all who answered.

I went back to shop and talked with the mechanic - we took the stock stem nut off, cleaned the threads, checked the thread pitch, and cautiously tightened the TechMount Stem Nut - tightened down to the recommended 82 ft-lbs without a problem. All is good!

I have the same mount for my 550. CALL Techmount. I had the same thing happen and there was supposedly a batch of bad ones. They sent me a new one at no charge, had within a day or 2 and it threaded on by hand (and then torqued to spec of course). They had awesome tech support and had no problem at all sending me the replacement. I was trying to force the original one on but knew something was wrong, and there was.

I have the same mount for my 550. CALL Techmount. I had the same thing happen and there was supposedly a batch of bad ones. They sent me a new one at no charge, had within a day or 2 and it threaded on by hand (and then torqued to spec of course). They had awesome tech support and had no problem at all sending me the replacement. I was trying to force the original one on but knew something was wrong, and there was.
I just spent a few frustrating hours working the Techmount nut onto the threaded stem. Given a few here who managed to get it tightened down, I perservered... well it's not actually a case of tightening down since I was pushing 100 lb/ft just to get it threaded. The question is how do I know its seated and at 82lb/ft if it takes +100lb/ft to get it threaded. Calling Techmount tomorrow. They's got some quality control issues.

You might want to put a hold on that upcoming purchase until PrecisionCycleAccessories, and others, are made aware of what they're selling.
