problems with 07 model

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Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Yucaipa, CA
This is my first post so please bear with me.

I bought an 07 model 3 weeks ago and I must say I am disappointed.

I am sorry to say that all the issues that I have been reading about in this section are still in this year's model.

As soon as I rode it off the dealer I noticed a strange throttle response, slow and jerky at any RPM. I felt the surge while above 3000RPM, the stumbles and stalls after riding for an hour, the clunks while shifting, and the clunk in the front when pushing and braking. I took it back to the dealer the next day and they told me there was a recall on the TPS, which they tought should not be a problem with this model. They replaced it and there was a definite improvement. Unfortunately at about 400 miles they all came back. Now it's in the dealer for its 600 mile service and they are trying to figure out what to do.

It's only been today that I finally had the time to get on this forum to find out more about this bike, and to my surprise the issues that I have experienced have been there all along. And it seems there is no final solution to fix these problems, just patches.

I am disappointed indeed that this bike with all the good reviews I read and its 15k price has all these problems that are fairly basic and should have been caught in the factory. If I had known about these issues and had been able to test ride one I would not have purchased it. Actually I have to blame my wife for that, she loved the color and she was tired of riding in the back of my old 700 Virago (85). BTW I also have an R1.

Sorry for venting but I guess I am stuck with this bike and will have to go through the patches that people have posted to make it into a passable experience.

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..........I guess I am stuck with this bike and will have to go through the patches that people have posted to make it into a passable experience.
Stuck...okaaaay! Actually, there are certain "fixes" for the snatchy throtle. I think the G-2 throttle helps immensely and isn't all that expensive. From there some have added a PCIII while others find the G2 takes care of most of the problem.

You may find that this makes it more than "passable".

..........I guess I am stuck with this bike and will have to go through the patches that people have posted to make it into a passable experience.
Stuck...okaaaay! Actually, there are certain "fixes" for the snatchy throtle. I think the G-2 throttle helps immensely and isn't all that expensive. From there some have added a PCIII while others find the G2 takes care of most of the problem.

You may find that this makes it more than "passable".

I know, I'm just pissed off at the whole thing. I was expecting a jewel but I guess I got a jewel that needs some polishing. I am certain that the dealer is not going to be much help, so all the work and expense will have to be mine.

Thanks for the advise I will look into it.

You did get a jewel, just not an absolute perfect one. I have never heard of any bike that was. What MadMike says is true. There is plenty of information here on the subject. Enjoy you new ride.

..........I guess I am stuck with this bike and will have to go through the patches that people have posted to make it into a passable experience.
Stuck...okaaaay! Actually, there are certain "fixes" for the snatchy throtle. I think the G-2 throttle helps immensely and isn't all that expensive. From there some have added a PCIII while others find the G2 takes care of most of the problem.

You may find that this makes it more than "passable".

I know, I'm just pissed off at the whole thing. I was expecting a jewel but I guess I got a jewel that needs some polishing. I am certain that the dealer is not going to be much help, so all the work and expense will have to be mine.

Thanks for the advise I will look into it.
These issues are VERY easy to address. First of all, adjust the slack out of the throttle cables. You will be surprised how much that alone helps.

Next, follow the directions here to unwind the center (of three) throttle spring one turn. Again, this very simple procedure makes a huge difference.

If those two don't take you far enough, then get the G2 throttle tube. I promise, you'll be smiling again.

If not, take the bike to your local BMW dealer and trade it (plus another $10K) for a K1200GT. Of course, you'll still have a clunky transmission, need frequent ECM software updates, have to replace the seat and windshield, add bar risers, sweat the rear drive failures, ...

No recall for your TPS - that was certain '05s and previous model years.

As to surge and stumble, my '06 (which is identical to your newer bike except that mine is a nicer color and has about 15,000 more miles on it) never exhibited the issues you describe - she shifts smoothly, doesn't 'surge' and I have no throttle issues except for some abruptness when coming on to the throttle when accelerating out of a corner. That is resolved by being careful.

However lots of people do complain about throttle 'twitchiness', so it isn't likely just you. But my experience does differ from yours.

This is my first post so please bear with me.
I bought an 07 model 3 weeks ago and I must say I am disappointed.

I am sorry to say that all the issues that I have been reading about in this section are still in this year's model.

As soon as I rode it off the dealer I noticed a strange throttle response, slow and jerky at any RPM. I felt the surge while above 3000RPM, the stumbles and stalls after riding for an hour, the clunks while shifting, and the clunk in the front when pushing and braking. I took it back to the dealer the next day and they told me there was a recall on the TPS, which they tought should not be a problem with this model. They replaced it and there was a definite improvement. Unfortunately at about 400 miles they all came back. Now it's in the dealer for its 600 mile service and they are trying to figure out what to do.

It's only been today that I finally had the time to get on this forum to find out more about this bike, and to my surprise the issues that I have experienced have been there all along. And it seems there is no final solution to fix these problems, just patches.

I am disappointed indeed that this bike with all the good reviews I read and its 15k price has all these problems that are fairly basic and should have been caught in the factory. If I had known about these issues and had been able to test ride one I would not have purchased it. Actually I have to blame my wife for that, she loved the color and she was tired of riding in the back of my old 700 Virago (85). BTW I also have an R1.

Sorry for venting but I guess I am stuck with this bike and will have to go through the patches that people have posted to make it into a passable experience.
Don't allow yourself to get "down" about buying this bike (felt the same way when I bought my 06) all the problems are fixable and this is a GREAT bike, but not perfect. I haven't owned a perfect bike yet. Read the problems and fixes our very bright members have come up with, and I think this will change your mind. Release the throttle spring & get the throttle helps quite a bit. Haven't done the PCIII yet, but it appears that everyone buying new bikes with TBs, are having this problem (surge/lean symptoms). The Vstrom site has gobs of complaints on the DL1000 and PCIII turns it into a great bike. Personally haven't felt it is this bad yet, however when I put on some pipes will be a necessity I think. Later....
I don't have any of the problems you mention.

Every bike you get is different. Get used to the little tweaks this one has and you'll be fine. They said the throttle on my 929 was twitchy, but I got used to it.

The transmission on all big bore Yamaha's forever have been clunky and notchy. My 84 FJ was, my 98 R1 was, and so is this FJR. Learn how to shift it smoothly and you won't have any problems. I've got mine down as smooth as my 929 now. Took a few hundred miles, but I got use to it.

The clunk in the front end is nothing also. It's the link brake system. When you pull the front brake lever it actuates three of the four pods. The rear brake actuates the last one. The third that does not actuate is the loose when holding the front brake and moving your bike is the one making the noise.

Ride the bike a while, get used to it, and enjoy the benefits of having a bike that is built by one of the better manufacturers and is one of the few true SPORT / tour bikes available. Or, go buy something else more expensive and find it has quirks to.

Da- Ja-Voo, all over again, :lol: 06 owner.

Before throwing cash at it try these.

Find the baverian jumper mod, loosen the throttle spring one turn and take the slack out of the throttle cable. None of these will cost you a dime.

The gear kluck gets better with miles.

My '06 started out that way too. Once I leaned to ride & the bike got a couple of thousand miles, life got much better. I have no complaints now.

Not to worry. Do these simple fixes above and with a few miles and a little time, you will look out into the garage and say, that's a great bike and it's mine. Much difference from your other bikes as my 06 has become one of the best bikes I have owned. PM. <>< :yahoo:

Yes, the FJR (2006 model) is a "Diamond in the rough." I fully expected the 2007 to be the same as nothing but the color has changed. I would try a couple of things right away, before you do as I did and inflict $1500 worth of damage on your "Jewel in the rough".

1. Get sliders.

2.Take slack out of throttle cable.

3. Turn the idle up to 1100 rpm's.

3. Have the throttle bodies synchronized by some one who is a perfectionist and doesn't just settle for "in spec.".

4. Be especially cautious when executing 180 degree turns in parking lots from a standstill. You may notice the engine stalls coming off idle after stopping. This is, IMHO, the most dangerous "problem" with the throttle, as it can easily result in a tip-over causing a lot of expensive damage to the plastic. (Don't ask me how I know.)

5. Install the aftermarket cam before considering the PCIII.

6. Put 5-6 thousand miles on it and then, if still unhappy install a PCIII. My PCIII made my FJR a "kitty-cat". Smooth as silk, but hold on when you twist her tail!!!!!

I ride her everyday it isn't raining and find I'm gradually "testing" the FJR and my own performance envelope. It gets smoother every day!


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thanks guys for all the feedback.

I'll implement all the suggestions and hopefully it will show all the improvements you describe.

I picked up the bike today and as I expected the dealer said they could not duplicate the behaviour I described, so I am on my own now.

I've just placed orders for sliders and the G-2 throttle.

BTW, is the G-2 throttle in lieu of the throttle spring "fix"?

LastChance, you mention to have the throttle bodies syncronized, could you elaborate on that one a bit.

On a sad note, I sold my old Virago to a good friend of mine today. It was sad to part with this bike since it was with me for 20 years.

Personally I would install the G2Ergo grip before eliminating the middle spring. Some members here say the spring is not an issue some do. If the throttle still seems like too much then do the spring mod. The G2Ergo will help ease the abrupt low end throttle application issue with the 06 and 07 models. PM. <>< :good:

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I will soon be eliminating the third spring on my 07. It's just too much tension on long rides and especially when wearing winter gloves. Probably not so bad in warmer weather with thinner gloves.

G2 tube arrive yesterday. Waiting on electrical connection blocks before digging in and farkeling like mad.

BTW, is the G-2 throttle in lieu of the throttle spring "fix"?
LastChance, you mention to have the throttle bodies syncronized, could you elaborate on that one a bit.

On a sad note, I sold my old Virago to a good friend of mine today. It was sad to part with this bike since it was with me for 20 years.
The NewGen FJRs have an eliptical shaped throttle pulley on the injector-body end (rather than a round pulley), thus causing an abrupt throttle response. The G2 throtle tube is designed so that the elipse is opposite the one on the throttle body so that the throttle application is linear, as if the pulley was round.

Releasing the "main" throttle spring relievees the tension that some have problems with oan long rides. Some use Grip Puppies (foam tubes that slide over the stock grips to enlarge the diameter and leverage) or larger "gel" grips to achieve the same affect.

I don't have any of the problems you mention.

The throttle response on my 06 is the best of any FI bike I've owned. Someone even mentioned to be carefull of the bike stalling!! We have quite a comprehensive skills test to take when obtaining a MC license (no MSF) and I've use the FJR to demonstrate all the slow speed skills to students and the bike has never come near stalling. This is probably the only bike I have NEVER stalled and I've even taken off in third a few times (old and senile). Try as I might to get it to do it, my bike doesn't lurch, surge, jerk, shudder, clunk, the throttle isn't as abrupt as other FI bikes I own/owned. The bikes not perfect but tell me a bike that is, I think a lot of people have too much time and money on there hands.

ditto to what everyone said, you did get a jewel.

My FJR was my first new bike in 15 yrs, and while I was disappointed with it's few flaws, a bit more money and time has made it the perfect bike. When I get 'other bike' envy, I think hard about why the other bike will not do all the things the FJR can do. If I had unlimited money and time to ride, I'd have 10+ bikes, but for now, the FJR is the perfect bike.

Enjoy your '07

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