
Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
Fishers, IN
Gosh, I sure wish that everyone would insert a "location" in their profile.

Address and/or cities is not necessary; just wish they would post a State.

It just would be nice to see what part of the country you're from. Thanks.

Dave in Cent'l Indiana :)

Gosh, I sure wish that everyone would insert a "location" in their profile
Hmm 19Dave35, I see from your message that you are in Cent'l Indiana but that info seems to be missing from your Profile.... :blink: :lol: :lol: :lol:'re

right as rain. Drat, I must have been thinking I was in my GL1800

profile. OK, it's in there now. Thx. :)

FYI, I tried to make it part of the registration process like asking what bike you have, but it seems you can't suggest new users fill in resident fields.

P.S. If people fill in their fields with City, State as in Padukah, KY with a comma, one space, and their state abbreviated and capitalized according to Post Office standards.....they will also magically be added to the map! Now, that should be incentive enough.

I secretly hid all of this pinned in plain view of the New Members section....where this thread should probably be..

Where was I?

Oh well, time to go home.

Hey Madmike2; I just thought it would probably be next to impossible to

get anyone to put their town in the profile; but figured they would at least bow to putting a state.

I guess the reason I never filled out anymore than I did is...cause very few do.

I'll be glad to challenge all of us (me to) to completely fill out the entire info.

Hmmmmmmmm. ;) :unsure: ;) :unsure:

Dave Lawson

Fishers, IN

Well, since I'm computer-challenged, I don't know what 3/4 of the information that is being asked "is". Whatever is, is?

A state name helps greatly when someone asks for information, such as, "Where can I buy the Y.E.S.?" If they're from FL, then they must buy it in-state. Or, "Is this a good price?", when they are residents of CA and since those are the only "State Specific" bikes, that is a salient fact in the discussion.

A city name helps because someone on the board may know of a dealer or supplier who is handy to that locale. Plus, more than once, another owner with knowledge and tools is close and offers help. And, it helps when we know who is close to message or email them to join in a group event.

Alas, as Iggy has mentioned, it will probably never happen, but 50-60% would make his heart smile.

And, Iggy, the last time I checked, I wasn't on the map, though its been some weeks. :D

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And, Iggy, the last time I checked, I wasn't on the map, thought its been some weeks. :D
Seems we have a couple different versions of the map floating around here. I've updated in a couple different spots....and gonna take a look at that mess tonight. Gotta get it to work with IE somehow. ....maybe after I play with my new Starcom.

Okay Dave, you shamed me into it. Too bad there isn't a way to list both FJRs I've had. I s'pose I could add it to my signature line.

Gosh, I sure wish that everyone would insert a "location" in their profile.Address and/or cities is not necessary; just wish they would post a State.

It just would be nice to see what part of the country you're from. Thanks.

Dave in Cent'l Indiana :)
Okay, and I see that you are in central Indiana. That's great because I need a place to stay for me and about 60 biker friends this summer. And, central Indiana is a point in which we will need to stop and sleep for the night.

Boy um glad that you posted your location.



+1 to not being on the map. So while you are digging through the mess....

Alabaster, AL


All of a sudden I feel like a young whippersnapper.

I hope I'm riding an FJR when I'm 71. You're my role model now Dave, so behave.

Oh, by the way, welcome to the board! :D

Gosh, I sure wish that everyone would insert a "location" in their profile.
Gee, not asking for much, are we? Don't hold your breath. I'm not convinced all the members can even read, much less follow instructions.

Read what :blink: ....instructions where :dribble:
You know, after one is signed up on the forum, there may not be instructions.

In the dark blue bar, below the title "FJR FORUM" , there is "My Controls". If you click on that there will be a new page with a list in the left column. Click on "edit profile", the fill in the blanks:

Date of birth__________

Location____________ (City and State, i.e., Elk Grove CA)

Your interests_____________

FJR model and year (just click and pick)

If my, er, elder, technology challenged brain can do it?!?! That way, if anyone clicks on your name, they can see your profile.

Orrrrrr, don't.
