Progressive Rate Reduction

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Rivgar,An update to your question. Check your policy on the web and see if anywhere it states your symbol as a "39". If so, I think it is in error. It should have a symbol of "43" which is actually higher rated, but now it would be in the"Touring" class rather than "Sport touring". I helped a fellow member today who also had Progressive Direct and they changed the class for him and netted hima savings of $101.

It's worth a call.

Thanks BMort,

I will take care of that tomorrow.

Thanks for the tips!

Well, no success yet.

I called Progressive Direct and told them the story of the reclassification. First they told me it may happen in other States but not yours. I told them someone in CT got there 06 FJR reclassed from a 39 to a 43.

They asked me how I knew that. I told them about the post string. They asked me for the web address of the string. A few minutes later the woman comes back and says yes the 06 FJR is being reclassified to a 43 and it will save you close to $200 but we cannot do it here at Progressive direct, you have to go through an agent. They told me to go to the local progressive agent. I did that this morning and they were clueless about the change, however they were more than helpful considering I do not have my policy through them.

The agent told me that when they bring up the 06 FJR it is not even classified yet. They called progressive direct and in the end all I was told is that when they do change the class I will get a refund. :angry2:

The woman at the agency did try to help me the best she could, she even told me that her husband wants to buy and FJR.

I will call back Progressive Direct today and make some noise and see what happens.

Thanks again BMort.

By the way, who is your Progressive agent? If I am going to transfer my account I would like it somewhere where they know what the f--k is going on.


I am my own agent. I have an insurance agency in Newington so I took care of it myself. I spoke to Progressive today regarding your situation. You have a couple of choices. 1. Call Progressive Direct again and ask them to take another look at it. I helped Grey Goose do this and they finally changed the rate but it took forever to get through to them I don't have 20 extra minutes to help each out of state rider. 2. Switch to an agent. I can do it for you or your existing agent, however he doesn't sound like he's familliar with this situation. If you want to go the agent route, ask Progresive Direct if there is a penalty to cancel their policy and if so how much (you want to know ahead of time if there is a net savings). Then have an agent start your new policy on the same date as the other one cancels. My contact today said he thought Direct does not have an early cancel penalty, but Prog Direct is like a distant cousin (same rates) to Progressive thru an agent, so it's best to get the final answer from Direct.

If you want to use me as an agent (it doesn't matter to me because the commisions are not going to make me wealthy) or just want more information, give me a call Monday at 860 667 7799. I'll try to help you out.


Another thanks...I informed my agent who checked on it and Progressive is issuing me a $435 refund check. They tried to explain to the agent that they didnt have any information on this bike and were treating it as a sport bike....I replied..."Bullshit" this bike has been in the US since 2003....The agent took no offense...he just called me a complaining idiot. I took no offense...the agent is my brother.

Ride Safe,


Called my agent and had the change completed in 5 minutes. Logged into Progressive site and saw the change and refund amount. Thanks!

Worked great for me BMort.

Called Agent and let her know the classification had changed to Symbol 43.

She wasn't aware of the change, but said she'd check with Progressive and call me back.

A few minutes later, my rate was reduced by $372 annual.

Nice. Very nice.

Co-worker did the same and also saved $372. Waiting on a 3rd FJR rider for feedback.

You made my weekend buddy. Between the 3 of us we are going to save over a grand a year.

Time for a Road Trip !!! :yahoo:

BMort you Da Man!

This was my second policy w/ Progressive. I cancelled the 05 fjr due to it being sold. So when I insur. my 06 it was not a renewal.

I called them anyway, the woman I spoke to was very helpful although she did not know anything about it. She said she would look into it and call me back. She did, but did not find what I was looking for so she put a note in my policy for her management to review. I also called my agent and left them a message as well.

Got home from my trip this week, checked the vmail, and Viola! $335.00 coming back at me - - Thank you very much!!!

thats a 38& savings.

What a great forum!


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On a whim, I called GEICO to see if anything similar has happened. They told me they classify the bike as Sport-Touring per Yamaha, that they are aware that Progressive changed their classification, and that they currently have no plans to change theirs. When I suggested that I was going to give Progressive a call, they advised me that I should make sure I compare the policies in an 'apples to apples' way, and that the difference would likely be around $25 anyway. They also said I'm not the first person to call and inquire, i.e. this is the power of the internet!

Given that I am overall happy with GEICO for my cars, and they've paid many claims, and have been with them for years, I have no reason to change, but will probably do an online rate quote with Progressive for an '05 just to see the difference. I was originally wiht PRogressive when I got the bike, and saved $300 switching to GEICO. Perhaps that has changed now.


On a whim, I called GEICO to see if anything similar has happened. They told me they classify the bike as Sport-Touring per Yamaha, that they are aware that Progressive changed their classification, and that they currently have no plans to change theirs. When I suggested that I was going to give Progressive a call, they advised me that I should make sure I compare the policies in an 'apples to apples' way, and that the difference would likely be around $25 anyway. They also said I'm not the first person to call and inquire, i.e. this is the power of the internet!
Given that I am overall happy with GEICO for my cars, and they've paid many claims, and have been with them for years, I have no reason to change, but will probably do an online rate quote with Progressive for an '05 just to see the difference. I was originally wiht PRogressive when I got the bike, and saved $300 switching to GEICO. Perhaps that has changed now.


Well guys and gals, I'm sure happy to see at least some of you are saving a substantial sum of money. Makes me feel good. In fariness to any of your agents, especially if they are nonriders, they usually would not be aware of this change until the company gets their computers all up to date. I didn't even know about it untill I got them to quote up my own policy and luckily, I had a good customer rep on the call. The company does not usually give us the rate classifications to compare the bikes. We quote it by inputting the make model, vin and year and it is all quoted "behind the scenes". Occasionally a company will go in and reclassify a bike, as did Progressive in this case. As someone mentioned above, GEICO did not. I'm personally a fan of Progressive for a number of reasons. Certainly their claim service is one.

Anyway, glad a number of you are saving what appears to be substantial sums. Remember, don't get too cheap on your liability coverage and certainly buy as much Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage as you can get. Remember, that's the coverage for yourself.

After an accident, no one has ever asked me about their premium amount. They only want to know if they have enough coverage.


Well, I just got a bill in the mail from Progressive raising my premium by $315.00, they swtiched it from the "symbol 43" to a "symbol 39"!!! I called and complained and now I am back to my original quote. I was told that it will be changed back to the symbol 39 once my policy is up for renewal. But that will not be till Jun next year, since I paid the whole thing up front.

Just wanted to give everyone an FYI.
