Project KZ1300

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Yeah, I don't see no pictures or no videos of this alleged assembled motor......

I posted pictures and videos, even one that sent smoke and steam billowing all over the place. I wasn't too proud to include a mistake. (Hadn't tightened the bolts on the coolant pipe on top of the motor...... coolant sorta dripped - well, OK, poured onto the headers.)

Least you coulda done was have the local TV station to cover it when it happened! Dayum!

Yep, at least they had pictures of the moon walk back in '69, whether or not it actually happened.

This event? Meh -- no pics, no restored Kwak. Still a figment (albeit an expensive one) of the Carver imagination.

Quit your damn whining. I'll get something together after I take care of three large trees that Mother nature dropped almost in my lap.

I've never done a video so don't hold your breath.

Oh no, Radio 'Owie. I plan to make that kz a regular rider. She'll be dirty and dusty and squeek just like everything else I own. Hey, your dirty and squeek too! :devil:

Considering this week is the 5 year anniversary of Frankenbike's resurrection, and he STILL hasn't been washed since that fateful day, "dirty" simply doesn't describe it. :D

Oh no, Radio 'Owie. I plan to make that kz a regular rider. She'll be dirty and dusty and squeek just like everything else I own. Hey, your dirty and squeek too!
Would you like me to build in some squeaks and rattles so you will feel at home ????

Flunking video. tried phone but it can't attach the file cause it's to big so I tried the camera and the puter can't play it. don't know what to do next other than say *** it.

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message sent. I can post the video for you, just send IM or email.
I've tried both ways sending it to Carver. Phone, camera and tablet. they say file can't be attached cause it's to big. That's something the girls never said.

Make it shorter...Which is what a few girls have told me.

Haha...Seriously, make a shorter video, or use your phone's settings to make it short enough to send.
