This is the a partially correct answer!!!
You will almost certainly be asked for your "Driver's Licence, Registration AND Insurance" if you get stopped by our Leos. It is against the law not to have your proof of insurance with you in/on a motor vehicle on any public highway/roadway in Canada, and it carries a pretty stiff fine not to have it.
Pay no attention to the silly Canuk. Canadians get asked for proof of Ins.
in Canada, US residents usually don't. (thought you could) DAMHIK
Do any Canadians know if we have the same requirement when biking in the States? I do quite a bit of riding south of the border and I've never heard of a similar US requirement. I've never thought to ask before now.
I don't think there is the same issue the other way as all Canadians are required to have an insurance card anyway.
Don't get out much, eh?
You will get asked for proof of Ins. in states that require it, regardless of your country of origin. And that will require proof of
US insurance. If your Canadian Ins. card specifies it's good in the US, you're golden. Since Canadian Ins. is all the same government company, (please correct me if I'm wrong on this), it's possible that all Canadian policies cover US driving too, but I don't know that and am not sure a local LEO would either.