Schweeet! Good for her, WC! My wifes first real street bike after her MSF class was an EX500 and she loved it! She is a little timid though, and would complain she couldn't keep up with the bigger bikes. So, I made her get on the back, wound it out and showed her that thing had as much zip as she could handle. Now, she rides a BMW F650 GS and while she loves it, she misses that little Ninja. I loved riding that thing. It's got plenty of torque for a smaller bike to have fun with, but not so much that it would surprise you or catch an inexperienced rider off guard. I also liked it for her because it was very nicely balanced and light weight.
I agree that it is a good choice for a new rider who wants to have a fun, zippy little bike. In any case, no matter what she rides, you have set a good example, you've taught her all you can up to this point, she's taken the MSF course, she's got good riding gear, and the only thing to do now is to just relax a little! Take a breath, step back, and just continue to coach her as you've done and take the opportunity to spend some quality time riding with her. You can build new memories of a lifetime now that she rides. You can't protect her from everything, and that holds true for anything she does in life, whether riding, driving a cage, or anything else. So, go easy on yourself and allow yourself the chance to relax a bit.
Good luck with her, and I hope you have a great new riding buddy! Way to go Lauryn!
P.S. Any riding classes like the advanced MSF course, Total Control course, or an instructional day at the track makes a great Xmas present!