PS3, X-Box 360, or Wii?

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A future son-in-law has the XBox 360 and Wii, I have the PS3. They are loving the Wii for now but always ask if they can play my PS3. NOT!!! I say.

I love my Blue Ray on my Samsung 46" 1080i LCD TV and playing GRAW2, Splinter Cell, and others. :D

Never had or used a PlayStation of any kind.

Never had or used an XBox.

Never had or used a Wii.

Buy them motorcycles and tell them to get out of the freakin' house! :p :p :p :p :p :p

I have a PS3, and it can play all of my old PS2 games without any problem, and the Blu-Ray player is very nice. On the down side, it puts off a TON of heat, and the fan is very loud. I think this is due to the video card, which along with the graphics engine is supposed to be the ****! The lack of games for the PS3 is a bit of a PITA, but it looks like that will be coming around soon, and it will be interesting to see how good it looks when the games take advantage of it's full graphics capability.

I have played the Wii, and it is fun, but I think I would get bored of it in a hurry. Besides, if I want to stand up and swing my arms around and get my blood floing, I will go outside and actually play tennis, golf, etc. and get some real exercise. For me playing video games is more of a sedintary pleasure.

The XBox360 has very good graphics, is relatively inexpensive, and has some of the best games, so it appears to be the best bang for the buck right now.

I think I made the right choice for me with all of the PS2 games that still work, and the fact that I watch Blu-Ray movies often, but I often think about getting an XBox360 as a second machine. The problem is I hardly have time to play any of the games at all any more, so they are all a waste of money. That probably was not much help, Oh well.

Buy the weeeeee it's even fun for us "old guys". Hell I use it more than the kids. Nothing like Internet porn on a 64 inch screen. :lol:


someone is dropping price $100. think it was sony. just happened to catch it on a.m. radio tonight (thursday). Thought it was a $500 game system dropped to $400.

last game I bought for myself was road rash. that was a blast

Problem is, with Sony dropping the price, they are also dropping the backwards compatibility! Bastages!

Looks like we are going to get a replacement PS2 and a new Wii. I have heard from several friends who say their kids will be soaked in sweat after playing on the Wii from the workout they didn't know they just had! That was a selling point. I mean, they are still young. In a few years, when the oldest is in high school, he can buy his own X-Box 4million or whatever the hell else they have come out with by then.

I'll give the breakdown a whirl. I've spent a lot of time playing all three. I also read video game forums way too much while at work...


-no hi-def (looks terrible on my 62" dlp)

-fun for party type games

-lacks traditional high depth 1 person games

-least expensive of the three systems

-seems to be a home run for the younger kids

-demands physical activity


-high def. capable of 1080p, but games are 720p or less and upscaled

-most expensive due to cell processor and blue ray (Sony execs. consider the machine a trojan horse for pushing a high def. media format)

-lacks games because of late release and difficulty of programing for cell processor


-high def. HD-DVD is a add on to save on cost also makes for possibility for change to a different drive per format war winner

-several AAA games including Gears of War, Bio Shock, Halo 3. Coming soon Mass Effect and Fable 2

-Best online service xbox live and xbox live arcade

-3 general cpu core and large memory design deemed easier to program for (faster dev. times = more games)

-online video market place to download high def. movies and television

The conclusions thus far is that the xbox360 is best for older individuals that generally play alone and online and demand AAA software titles while displaying high def. graphics. The wii is best for younger players that enjoy getting more involved physically and where more simplistic graphics and easier games are welcome. The PS3 is a perfect example of what can happen if a hardware company designs a game system as it is expensive, powerful, pushing a high def. format for the interests of it's company, and places game development at a lower priority than a spec sheet.


Tie! Wii and Xbox360

All of the ads I am seeing now advertise the Wii as HD ready, but I guess the graphics max out at 480.

The one reason I keep looking at the PS3 (the original, not cheaper one) is the backwards compatibility as well as the apparently seamless integration with the PSP (which my kids also have).

We'll see. I think until I get the new projector, we'll be just getting a used replacement PS2 and see where to go from there.


Funny you mentioned backwards compatibility because as soon as I posted I read this article on MSN:

If you really want to play your old PS2 games it seems like the best bet would be to just buy another PS2. I bet you could find a PS2 for a fraction of the cost of a PS2.

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Funny you mentioned backwards compatibility because as soon as I posted I read this article on MSN:

If you really want to play your old PS2 games it seems like the best bet would be to just buy another PS2. I bet you could find a PS2 for a fraction of the cost of a PS2.

You really need to take the SOURCE of that article into consideration. ;) MSN HAHAHA

PS3 prices come down as of Yesterday!

Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) today announced plans to introduce a new 40GB model of its PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3*) computer entertainment system. Beginning November 2nd, to further enhance the HD entertainment experience, the new 40GB PS3 model will come bundled with the blockbuster movie Spider-Man* 3 Blu-ray Disc* (BD) from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, and will be available in North America for a suggested retail price of [SIZE=12pt]$399 (USD/CND)[/SIZE] . The company also announced that effective immediately, the current 80GB PS3 model will be available in North America for $499 (USD/CND), $100 below the original launch price.
“We’re pleased to offer the consumer a lower price point without sacrificing the core technology components that make PS3 the most advanced high-definition entertainment system available. Every PS3 comes with a Blu-ray drive, HDMI output, an integrated Wi-Fi connection, Cell Broadband Engine and a built-in hard-drive,” said Jack Tretton, President and CEO, SCEA. “This holiday season we’ll be able to offer attractive retail pricing with a broad portfolio of outstanding games including Ratchet & Clank® Future: Tools of Destruction*, THE EYE OF JUDGMENT*, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune*, Heavenly Sword*, Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare, Assassin’s Creed*, Haze* and RockBand*.”

The new 40GB PS3 will no longer play PlayStation®2 titles, reflecting the availability of a more extensive line-up of PS3 specific titles. Consumers looking for backwards compatibility can take advantage of the limited PlayStation 2 backwards compatibility of the 80GB PS3.
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The source being MSN doesn't change the fact that SONY is sacrificing backwards compatibility in order to reduce price on a few of it's newly announced models. Again this solidifies the point I made earlier that SONY is a hardware manufacturer trying to be successful in a game/software market. SONY also sold it's cell technology to toshiba recently as a last ditch effort to try and recoup costs. Maybe you could post an article from PSN that places a more positive spin, but the facts won't change. Also, the fact that the price is coming down fails to make the console more attractive due to the game lineup.

From the quote you posted, how many of those titles are AAA and exclusive to the PS3? You might be able to make a argument for heavenly sword being a AA title, but overall the PS3 has a fairly sparse exclusive offering.

Remember GAMES sell consoles. The more consoles sold=more developer support.

Check out the latest sales figures:

Personally (and i'm not alone), I don't think the PS3 will ever catch up. In hindsight, the PS3 was probably not the best way I could have spent $800.
