Purchasing suggestions in California

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Sep 7, 2006
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A search on the topic didn't give me to much so Im wondering if you fellas could give some suggestions on where to purchase an 06/07' FJR (new) here in California.

I was going to hold out until the new concours made it to the floor but its time to bite the bullet.

I appreciate any leads!

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Yamaha of Napa might be a possibilty. I was there a few days ago and they had at least one in the crate. See Jeff Monroy. Telephone is 707-254-7432. Tell him Jeff sent you.

Jeff AKA Bike Effects

NorCal or SoCal?

Im in SF bay area but I'll go to LA if necessary. Seems being a port city allows for generally lower prices than NorCal.

Report :bye: from "port city" Long Beach... I was just at Long Beach Motorsports getting my TPS recall handled when I :dirol: mozeed into the showroom area and low and behold, the first "floored" FJR I'd ever seen at that dealer caught my eye. It was a new '07 and I just had to look at the tag real quick to see how much... Whoa--aa, ther gettin :download: costly !! Seems I recall seeing scribbled, something along the lines of a thousand something for frieght and :big_boss: another 900 and change for setup. Seems like I remember seeing like, 15,885... giver-r-take ... You throw tax (8.25%) & license on top-o-that and yer a couple hunerd north of 17k. :greedy:

I saw new 07A's last week on the floor in

Stocton Honda/ Yamaha

Manteca Honda/Yamaha

Bay area motorsports Hayward

Merced powersports

Clawson Honda fresno, "Too expensive"

the best bet is to go to https://www.otdcyclesports.com/ they have dealers in the bay area also. I think their current OTD price is MSRP 14,9999 OTD, go to this sight and you can get a OTD price sent to your email in a mili second!

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I was just at Long Beach Motorsports getting my TPS recall handled when I mozeed into the showroom area and low and behold, the first "floored" FJR I'd ever seen at that dealer caught my eye. It was a new '07 and I just had to look at the tag real quick to see how much... Whoa--aa, ther gettin costly !!
That was my exact experience as well yesterday when I went into the dealer to buy some oil. I was looking at all the bikes, fantasizing about an R1, when a bit of burgundy caught my eye. I started looking the bike over, then...

"What the f**k!? That's an FJR! What's an FJR doing on the floor? I thought you had to special order them...."
It was priced at something like $13.5, which made me feel like an idiot since I paid $11.5 for my '05 last April (including upgrades, like Givi trunk) with 1,700 miles. Then the dealer said I could trade my 05 in, and I kinda got light-headed. But that's when I spoke apostasy*:


"If you had a Concours 14 sitting next to it, I'm not sure I'd trade in for the FJR...!"

"O my God I am heartily sorry for having offended thee...!" :nono: "Mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa...."


Can you tell I'm an ex-Catholic? :)

*"Jb, you're such a goddamn pedant!"

A search on the topic didn't give me to much so Im wondering if you fellas could give some suggestions on where to purchase an 06/07' FJR (new) here in California. I was going to hold out until the new concours made it to the floor but its time to bite the bullet.

I appreciate any leads!

Went to Mission Sports in So Cal yesterday and saw THREE 07's right there on the floor. The salesman didn't know much about them, including price but he agreed that they were very nice bikes. :rolleyes:


Report :bye: from "port city" Long Beach... I was just at Long Beach Motorsports getting my TPS recall handled when I :dirol: mozeed into the showroom area and low and behold, the first "floored" FJR I'd ever seen at that dealer caught my eye. It was a new '07 and I just had to look at the tag real quick to see how much... Whoa--aa, ther gettin :download: costly !! Seems I recall seeing scribbled, something along the lines of a thousand something for frieght and :big_boss: another 900 and change for setup. Seems like I remember seeing like, 15,885... giver-r-take ... You throw tax (8.25%) & license on top-o-that and yer a couple hunerd north of 17k. :greedy:

You are correct! I was in LB Motorsports yesterday and saw the 07 1300A for $15885.00!!! WOW!! What a rip! Thanks D&H for getting me mine for $11779 out the door! No freight ripoff or set-up. My gawd LB Motorsport! Over a grand to ship the bike from Cypress??? It's only 7 miles away! You guys suck...

Report :bye: from "port city" Long Beach... I was just at Long Beach Motorsports getting my TPS recall handled when I :dirol: mozeed into the showroom area and low and behold, the first "floored" FJR I'd ever seen at that dealer caught my eye. It was a new '07 and I just had to look at the tag real quick to see how much... Whoa--aa, ther gettin :download: costly !! Seems I recall seeing scribbled, something along the lines of a thousand something for frieght and :big_boss: another 900 and change for setup. Seems like I remember seeing like, 15,885... giver-r-take ... You throw tax (8.25%) & license on top-o-that and yer a couple hunerd north of 17k. :greedy:

You are correct! I was in LB Motorsports yesterday and saw the 07 1300A for $15885.00!!! WOW!! What a rip! Thanks D&H for getting me mine for $11779 out the door! No freight ripoff or set-up. My gawd LB Motorsport! Over a grand to ship the bike from Cypress??? It's only 7 miles away! You guys suck...

So Spunk....reg in Nevada or something ??? Work at the DMV ??? We all want to know how you did a out of state purchase and got reg in Cali ???????

Yesterday, I saw an '07 1300A on the floor at Malcolm Smith Motorsports in Riverside, CA (great dealership, BTW). I believe they're willing to deal. Fly into Ontario, see if they'll pick you up and take you to the dealership (about 25 miles) and ride it home. Or you could do the trailer thing.

Yesterday, I saw an '07 1300A on the floor at Malcolm Smith Motorsports in Riverside, CA (great dealership, BTW). I believe they're willing to deal. Fly into Ontario, see if they'll pick you up and take you to the dealership (about 25 miles) and ride it home. Or you could do the trailer thing.
Effbee - Are you sure about the "great dealership" comment? I'm only a few miles away from Malcolm Smith and I will not do business with them. When I was shopping for an 04 FJR they were willing to sell it to me for list (I think it was $12,899) plus freight and other BS charges. They acted like they were doing me a favor. Needless to say I purchased elsewhere. Also their parts prices are the highest in the area; I always go Chapparell (sp?) because they are so much less expensive.

So Spunk....reg in Nevada or something ??? Work at the DMV ??? We all want to know how you did a out of state purchase and got reg in Cali ???????

From what I hear, as long you know someone in another state willing to allow you to use their address for DMV registration your good to go. once you approach 7500 miles, head on down to your local Cal DMV for new plates.

A search on the topic didn't give me to much so Im wondering if you fellas could give some suggestions on where to purchase an 06/07' FJR (new) here in California. I was going to hold out until the new concours made it to the floor but its time to bite the bullet.

I appreciate any leads!
FWIW when I was looking for my 05 I called most all dealers in the bay area and many on the I5 / CA99 corridor from Stockton to Fresno asking for OTD pricing only. The way I put it to them was that I didn't care what the charge was, freight, price, T&L or whatever. I wanted to know exactly how much I was gonna write the check for when I picked it up. Mallots Honda Yamaha in Manteca was the low bidder by about $400. They sold me the YES for another $400 which isn't a bad price. And, when it arrived in April of 05 they didn't pull any BS. Forget the bay area dealers unless you really want to pay alot for your bike.

Finally if I was in your position right now I think I would take a look around for a lightly used 06A. I think that cobalt blue is the prettiest of all the FJRs.


"FWIW when I was looking for my 05 I called most all dealers in the bay area and many on the I5 / CA99 corridor from Stockton to Fresno asking for OTD pricing only. The way I put it to them was that I didn't care what the charge was, freight, price, T&L or whatever. I wanted to know exactly how much I was gonna write the check for when I picked it up. Mallots Honda Yamaha in Manteca was the low bidder by about $400."

+1 on Mallots. Almost identical experience on my '05. Looked around Sacto area, was quoted 14.5K OTD for a non-ABS. Picked up the '05 ABS at Mallots for 14K even. I actually got the salesman's bike since it was already built, but not yet ridden - fortunately, they had received another one in the crate the day I showed up, so he was willing to wait for that one to be put together. Very professional staff, bike was well put together, great attitude from everybody there - the salesman's explanation was (paraphrased), "We're in this business for the long run, we want your repeat business, so we won't take advantage." I must add a caveat - Roseville Cycle did not have one on the floor at the time I was looking, but I've been treated so well by their service department, I will look there first when it comes time for my next bike purchase.

Thanks for the tips everyone! I like the idea about a used 06 b/c I just can't see myself with a red bike. My guess is that all the 06's are sold in the state by now so used would be my only option there.

So Spunk....reg in Nevada or something ??? Work at the DMV ??? We all want to know how you did a out of state purchase and got reg in Cali ???????
My bike will be registered in the glorious state of Idaho. I am done giving my hard earned tax dollars to subsidize education, health care, food stamps, etc.. to anybody who wants it in California! Hell, you don't even need to be here legally to get on the gravy train here. Idaho uses my registration fees (all 25 bucks of it) to make the roads drivable and such. Plus, only pay 6% sales tax up there. My Roadstar is already registered in Idaho. :yahoo:
