Quiet Forum These Days?

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... Retirement starts in January. That probably means Ill have less time than ever on my hands. But you never know...
Speaking from experience I've never been busier since retiring. Everyone thinks you just lounge around all day so you end up being the go to guy when they need help. Some of this was self-inflicted when I volunteered to take on the scoring duties for the dirt bike organization and it somehow morphed into almost a full time job.

Has this thread run it's course yet...?
Dead horse beating here.

Is it Friday?
Put a cok in it Simon..

I'm enjoying it.

Maybe we are beating a dead horse. We have done a lot of complaining in this thread, and brought issues to the forefront, but we have not discussed any real solutions to the problems.

Maybe we are beating a dead horse. We have done a lot of complaining in this thread, and brought issues to the forefront, but we have not discussed any real solutions to the problems.
I see it as more reminiscing than complaining. You know, like .... "Remember that time we all rode down to Stagecoach in the rain? And Billy Bob got so drunk he dropped trou?"

Wait a minute! That was SFO 2017.


This is how I remember it, almost every thread back in The Old Days.

FredW : something something something technical jargon, helpful advice, useful pic

Ionbeam: something even more technical, dry difficult to interpret sarcastic comment, I love Fred

FredW: I...feel strongly toward Ionbeam, more helpful technical, useful, something sarcastic

SkooterG: Sarcastic but sometimes useful one liner.

BeemerdonS: Completely Off Topic and a Salma Hayek picture

Bustanut Joker: I Love Sheep and I Hate all of you.

WheatonFJR: I like all of you and I agree with most of what Fred and Ion said. I rode today on a worn out tire.

HotRodZilla : You're all a bunch of cry babies, stop whining.

BigSky: Something calming, soothing, unifying and nice.

DCarver: Something Useful, something nice, something sarcastic, something wise, something to make us all jealous.

Various Forum Members either agreeing with Fred, cheering on Don, or bitching about something either in the thread or not even related to it.

The words and the topics changed but the folks stayed the same. Until they didn't.

How in the Hell can anyone expect to rekindle What Was? Those days are gone but this forum isn't. If we can find someone amongst us that meets Management's Approval we can Move Forward with what we have. What we have is still Good.

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Honey, although in the past, those aren't old enough to be some of us's 'good old days'

And yes, reminiscing is good, but bittersweet. I miss wheaties, scab, toecutter, madmike2, and a whole bunch more, and Tyler threatening men with a kitchen knife. I have most of them in FB, but scab just isnt the same with his kids watching LOL

And wth is Dolly? Will she make her way to Nakusp in June? Am just curious

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I see it as more reminiscing than complaining. You know, like .... "Remember that time we all rode down to Stagecoach in the rain? And Billy Bob got so drunk he dropped trou?"
Wait a minute! That was SFO 2017.
And it wasn't Billy Bob. It was Barry.

Here's why I keep coming back to see what's new on this thread: It's brought a lot of the people we're reminiscing about out of the bushes to post their thoughts, and that's a good thing.

The horse is showing signs of life!

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Maybe we are beating a dead horse. We have done a lot of complaining in this thread, and brought issues to the forefront, but we have not discussed any real solutions to the problems.

The problems for the future of this forum are multiple, most likely requiring several people to address.

The server hosting the forum (whether that be a new one or the existing one) needs a new physical location, and will require regular maintenance, as well as power and HVAC. It will also require a high bandwidth network connection. Most consumer level ISP accounts will not allow you to host a web site on your service, so it will likely need to be a commercial account ($$) These are all things provided by the owner (slapnpop) currently.

What should the ownership structure of the forum be going forward? Having a sole proprietorship (as it has been) certainly reduces ambiguity, but requires one person to bear the brunt of it both in time and financially. Having a committee or board of directors reduces individual commitments, but usually makes managing things much more complicated and messy.

If the current admins don't wish to continue in their day-to-day management roles, and I don't think anyone could blame them for stepping down after over a decade of service to this community, then new ones will have to be brought in. How would that selection process take place?

It's always much easier to identify the problems than it is to find the solutions.

"Complaining about a problem without proposing a solution is called whining."

And wth is Dolly? Will she make her way to Nakusp in June? Am just curious
Dolly met with an unfortunate end 2 years back. She fell into a 5 gallon bucket of paint an drown..

Her offspring is still here but hasn't grown a inch since her passing.

Like the way this thread is going BTW

And wth is Dolly? Will she make her way to Nakusp in June? Am just curious
Dolly met with an unfortunate end 2 years back. She fell into a 5 gallon bucket of paint an drown..

Her offspring is still here but hasn't grown a inch since her passing.

Like the way this thread is going BTW
Sounds like a cover up to me.

Dolly Died? How come no one was notified? Were there services? Is there a spot that those of us who loved her can visit?

From a serious effort explaining the issues to come and then 5 post on sheep.

Only here,


No that I have anything against sheep. I have diversity all around me at work.


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practice safe sex...

put an X on the ones that kick.....

side note...most forums [car] that I use have ads....they don't bother me all that much..

Barb, we need to make sure that Bust:

1. Gave her a proper burial.

2. paid homage to all she went through.

3. Laid (
) her to rest in a spot that has a nice view, and didn't just dispose of her broken remains under cover of darkness......

If we can swing it, I am hoping to make her final resting place either a BMR points spot or perhaps an IBR rally point. Failing that, perhaps we can convince Carver (who thankfully stirred the pot to once again include a thread that has Borat, cleavage, sheep and IIRC, cattle prod colonoscopy's, and many denizens unknown to the noobs who think this is a technical forum) to find her a spot at the Hondarosa.

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Barb, we need to make sure that Bust:
1. Gave her a proper burial.

2. paid homage to all she went through.

3. Laid (
) her to rest in a spot that has a nice view, and didn't just dispose of her broken remains under cover of darkness......

If we can swing it, I am hoping to make her final resting place either a BMR points spot or perhaps an IBR rally point. Failing that, perhaps we can convince Carver (who thankfully stirred the pot to once again include a thread that has Borat, cleavage, sheep and IIRC cattle prod colonoscopy's, and many denizens unknown to the noobs who think this is a technical forum) to find her a spot at the Hondarosa.
Better not plant her to close to Tim's tree or he's gonna come back and give you a jimmy kick to the nut sack.
