Quiet Forum These Days?

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As a relatively new owner of an FJR with much to learn on the subject of care and feeding of the beast I can truthfully say that I have learned much on this forum and from Fred in particular. I value his expertise and wish him all the best.

Fred, please come to EOM next year, no matter where it is. Ignore the people who are getting you down and do what you like.

FredW is welcome anywhere I am riding. Mostly, because Beemerdons wanted me to jimmykick him in the appple sack, and it's not right to ignore a passed friend's unfulfilled wish. Haha...

Also, I know Fred is verbose and opinionated, but I know another guy exactly like that. ****...what's his name?? It's right at the tips of my fingers, Hotrod-something or other. The difference between Fred and that other clown is that Fred knows about 9,000 times more **** about an FJR than the other guy. Anyone that doesn't like someone because they have good knowledge and are willing to share, needs to have their head checked.

Are Fred and I best pals all the time?? Nope, we've irritated the crap out of each other once or twice, but we're both mature adults, and I'd buy him a beer anytime. Then I'd hit him with the bottle...For Don, of course. :)

Also, I know Fred is verbose and opinionated, but I know another guy exactly like that.
Yeah, 'zilla, it's a ******* toss-up!


Fred, don't wallow.

Everyone (except me) can be a real dick sometimes. Hell, that's what makes most of these characters so lovable.

Over the years, your expertise and communication skills have helped everyone here.

And I cannot think of a single Forum friend who'd not welcome you to any gathering. Where are you getting that crap?

(Now FJRay? There's a goddamned pariah!)

With all that said, you'd have to be a real Bustanut lightweight to not make the ride out to Nakusp next summer.

Not judging.

Jus' sayin'.

'nuff said.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

(Too soon?

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I like where this post has gone. We've touched the 3rd rail and lived to talk about underlying issues too significant to ignore if this forum is to thrive.

..and I've learned that da HotRodZ has a heart, FredW actually farts, BeemerDons and SkooterG had a lovers tart; seems most forum peeps equally value friendships, cammaderie , esprit de corps, as much as techno-geek speak.

Fred - you are one of the fart smellers on this board. You, Ionbean, Jestal, from back in the day. Pants, Redfish Hunter, miss Tyler bring forward the best Ride Reports, prose, poetry, and pictures; even better than OrangevaleFJR.

So let's get this forum off TDC with new admins and owners, possibly hosting and software too?

..and as of today, I've not ridden a motorbike for 5 weeks and it's making me stir-crazy, brain dead, frustrated, irritated, angry. So there.

JSNS and https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif

Hugs n' Kisses

So let's get this forum off TDC with new admins and owners, possibly hosting and software too?
..and as of today, I've not ridden a motorbike for 5 weeks and it's making me stir-crazy, brain dead, frustrated, irritated, angry. So there.

JSNS and https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif

Hugs n' Kisses
Sounds like you need something to do. Hmmmm, . . . retiring, has the IT tech skills, . . . .


JSNS and https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif

Hugs n' Kisses

..and as of today, I've not ridden a motorbike for 5 weeks and it's making me stir-crazy, brain dead, frustrated, irritated, angry. So there.
JSNS and https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif

Hugs n' Kisses

So, same same then?

..and as of today, I've not ridden a motorbike for 5 weeks and it's making me stir-crazy, brain dead, frustrated, irritated, angry. So there.

JSNS and https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif

Hugs n' Kisses

That's why man invented Alchohol.

Shouldn't have read this thread last, because I'm already out of my rationed one or two likes per day.

As said above, this Forum isn't disappearing. It's just looking for a new Fearless Leader, who can take an incredible amount of criticism (with generous amounts of profanity, I expect) in return for long hours at zero pay.

So, are we nominating the Candy Butt president? Do I hear a second? All in favor say, "Aye". All opposed, "No". Hearing no opposition .....

I like DCarver too much to foist that job on him. Unless he wants it... Then it would be great! ;)

I appreciate all of the kind responses. I do. I didnt mean to be creating drama, or fishing for compliments. Youve all reminded me of all the good, and fun people here, and why it was great in the past.

OM tells me dont wallow? As usual, you are right. I deserved that. I pledge to be more accepting of constructive criticism like that, and less critical of others, myself, going forward. And to stop the wallowing.

I do hope to pull off a trip to the left coast sometime soon. Retirement starts in January. That probably means Ill have less time than ever on my hands. But you never know...

Much of this hoopla predates my FJR ownership and subsequent forum membership. Big deal, I know that I've only had the pleasure of meeting a handful of you in person and feel blessed that BeemerDonS was one before he passed. I can see as much as anyone else paying attention the loss of certain peeps on here and hate that they've chosen to leave. I've gotten a scolding or two, deserved I will admit, but still I come back daily for many reasons. Okay one is that my job is kind of mind numbing but that's a whole other issue. I'm glad to see this thread has been permitted to run this far and venture pretty widely as well.

I can see several folks on here I think would be good for the position if they have the technical skills. Hoping this can return to some of the old ways and maybe some of the old guard may return.

FWIW, like them or not, the admins here have done a pretty damn good yet thankless job.

..and as of today, I've not ridden a motorbike for 5 weeks and it's making me stir-crazy, brain dead, frustrated, irritated, angry. So there.

JSNS and https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif

Hugs n' Kisses

That's why man invented Alchohol.
Booze? I was thinking sex...but, ok. If you say so

..and as of today, I've not ridden a motorbike for 5 weeks and it's making me stir-crazy, brain dead, frustrated, irritated, angry. So there.

JSNS and https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/****.gif

Hugs n' Kisses

That's why man invented Alchohol.
Booze? I was thinking sex...but, ok. If you say so
MAN invented sex? Gotta thank that guy. But how did he happen to get born?

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Ok maybe not "man" , Eve picked the apple

Yer welcome

So yes, we women DO have to do everything for you guys. SHEESH!

As Fred said, It is tuff to debate folks these days. I run into many heated political debates with peeps at work and with family. Logic is almost nonexistent anymore and it all about feelings these days. For crying out loud I would love to go back to the old days when common sense prevailed.
I fear those days will never be back,

Good night folks, sleep well.


^^^^ Well said Dave!!!!!
