Radar detector

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
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LaPine, OR
My Cobra RD died on the way home from CFR so I got a Passport 8500 to replace it. The problem is that it doesn't work with my helmet speakers. The old one worked on just one side but this one doesn't work at all. The single ear bud works with the Passport but I don't like it. I don't use the speakers for anything else so I want to keep it simple. I don't understand why one works and the other doesn't. I also checked the speakers with the wifes mp3 player and they work fine.

Now one of you bright people needs to tell me what to do.

It's the cord.

When hooking to my AutoComm I have a cord with mono on the detector end and stereo on the AutoComm end. You'll probably need to come up with a similar set-up for you earbud jack.

Are you sure it isn't the cord that died and not the Cobra? :unsure:

It's the cord.
When hooking to my AutoComm I have a cord with mono on the detector end and stereo on the AutoComm end. You'll probably need to come up with a similar set-up for you earbud jack.

Are you sure it isn't the cord that died and not the Cobra? :unsure:
Checked all that. The cord works fine with everything else. The display died first on the cobra and then the audio got weak and then a small red and blue encounter made me aware that the audio had also quit. :angry2:

When hooking to my AutoComm I have a cord with mono on the detector end and stereo on the AutoComm end. You'll probably need to come up with a similar set-up for you earbud jack.
Call Keith Goudelock (pr. Godlock) at Tulsa Truck Center 918.446.2245

He'll get you fixed up....

FJRay, if you are only listening to the Passport, no Autocom or other devices, then the mono/stereo adapter should do the job. Either that or just use a mono cord and one speaker.

When you are in the market for a new detector then consider Valentine 1.
Ditto, although with just getting an 8500 he should be fine, I have a 9500xi in my truck and it works exceptionally well. But I do prefer the Valentine on the FJR (not really sure why, I just have always had the V1 on my bikes?)

When you are in the market for a new detector then consider Valentine 1.
Ditto, although with just getting an 8500 he should be fine, I have a 9500xi in my truck and it works exceptionally well. But I do prefer the Valentine on the FJR (not really sure why, I just have always had the V1 on my bikes?)
Probably because V1 is the only one that indicates direction of the beam, and probably because it's the only one that provides detection from the rear, and probably because it has the best POP detection on the market, and probably because it is the only manufacturer that allows owners to send in their unit for ALL future upgrades, and because it is very good at letting the driver know which radar out of mutiple sources is the most threatening.



When you are in the market for a new detector then consider Valentine 1.
Ditto, although with just getting an 8500 he should be fine, I have a 9500xi in my truck and it works exceptionally well. But I do prefer the Valentine on the FJR (not really sure why, I just have always had the V1 on my bikes?)
Probably because V1 is the only one that indicates direction of the beam, and probably because it's the only one that provides detection from the rear, and probably because it has the best POP detection on the market, and probably because it is the only manufacturer that allows owners to send in their unit for ALL future upgrades, and because it is very good at letting the driver know which radar out of mutiple sources is the most threatening.



Passport also detects from the rear. The 8500 is a perfectly capable radar detector. The V1 is more fancy, but for some, the extra $$ are an issue.

Since Ray already stated he has a new Passport 8500, not a Valentine V-1......

Probably you guys should start your own thread that probably will be about Valentines radar detectors. And probably it won't sound nearly as much like a television "buy me" program hosted by Billy Mays (RIP).

Probably because it has nothing to do with solving the problem he first posted about probably because he doesn't have a Valentine. Probably he needs a solution dealing with his cord and adapters that probably has nothing to do with Valentine detectors but everything to do with electronic adapters to match the unit with his speakers.

Sheesh! Reading comprehension 101, start with the first post...read slowly until you understand the problem regardless of your predetermined answer/solution. :angry:

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I think that they were saying that FJRay can solve his $1.29 mini adapter problem by spending $400 on a new V1 radar detector and then have the benefit of saying "I own a V1, poorboy."

Sheesh! Reading comprehension 101, start with the first post...read slowly until you understand the problem regardless of your predetermined answer/solution. :angry:
I waited awhile too see if someone else would do their right FJRForum duty and hijack the thread. No one stepped up to the plate so I did. :rolleyes:

Since I hate cords I solved the problem and got a H.A.R.D.on-It works great but is a $150.00 solution..

Does the V1 "detect" this?


Because my 8500 didn't...

I asked the LEO, "what kind of defense do I have against a plane???"

He said, "Do the speed limit...."


Does the V1 "detect" this?

Because my 8500 didn't...

I asked the LEO, "what kind of defense do I have against a plane???"

He said, "Do the speed limit...."

Yes, it has an arrow that points up.
