Radiator looking worse for wear

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2010
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Hi guys

Just taken my radiator guard off and I must say that the old radiator is looking a bit shabby if you know what I mean. It's not leaking and the temp is fine but she's taken a few hits here and there and i'm just wondering if any of you gen 1 guys with reasonable miles on your bikes have replaced the radiator.

I'm not really sure about how long I should let it go before doing something about it just for peace of mind. What do you think??.New radiator is about $300 for memory.



This has come up a number of times. You can buy a radiator comb inexpensively places like Harbor Freight and fix all the bent fins. Then invest in a Cox Radiator guard. You may not have a Harbor Freight, but this is a very common tool where air conditioning and radiator equipment or auto parts are sold.

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Garza, If it isn't just bent fins, it isn't going to get any better. $300 sounds like a lot of money but, it's a radiator. When it starts to go. You're done. You should plan for it and get a new one at your earliest convenience. That way your down time will be held to a minimum. Get a new set of hoses while you're at it. Good Luck! :)

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Why are we always looking for trouble?

Does the bike run hot? NO!

Does it spray coolant? NO!

Is a new rad free? NO!

It's not a maintenance item, like brake pads or tires. You don't replace it periodically. Ride the damn bike and shut up!!!!

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Why are we always looking for trouble?
Does the bike run hot? NO!

Does it spray coolant? NO!

Is a new rad free? NO!

It's not a maintenance item, like brake pads or tires. You don't replace it periodically. Ride the damn bike and shut up!!!! :p
If the radiator is as bad as he says it is, it might be a good idea to have a replacement at the ready. At $300. That's the cost of a set of front brake pads for a GenII. It's not a big investment if you wanna keep riding. I'm a preventative guy. That's the way I roll. Can't help it. It's in my DNA! :)
This has come up a number of times. You can buy a radiator comb inexpensively places like Harbor Freight and fix all the bent fins. Then invest in a Cox Radiator guard. You may not have a Harbor Freight, but this is a very common tool where air conditioning and radiator equipment or auto parts are sold.
Wonder if Yamaha changed the radiator design on the GenII? On my '07 the fins are in an "S" shape. The comb may still work, but it won't be as easy as the YouTube video.

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Why are we always looking for trouble?
Does the bike run hot? NO!

Does it spray coolant? NO!

Is a new rad free? NO!

It's not a maintenance item, like brake pads or tires. You don't replace it periodically. Ride the damn bike and shut up!!!!
If the radiator is as bad as he says it is, it might be a good idea to have a replacement at the ready. At $300. That's the cost of a set of front brake pads for a GenII. It's not a big investment if you wanna keep riding. I'm a preventative guy. That's the way I roll. Can't help it. It's in my DNA! :)

Yo, nimrod - STFU or I'm going to go Rule #10 on your ass! :finger: Walt is 100% correct - DON'T FIX WHAT AIN'T BROKE! 360k miles on Gen I FJRs and never even *thought* of changing a radiator. And with all those miles do you think they looked pretty? No. They looked old and decrepit. Kinda like you!

But Skooter only rides at 55 mph so his radiator is in better shape than those of who ride phast.. :)

The windshield on my truck is pretty old. You guys think I should replace it? You know, just in case?

Seriously, what can you tell looking at a radiator except some bent fins? Unless you look at it and see fluid dripping out, I mean.

Wonder if Yamaha changed the radiator design on the GenII?
Nah, they just took the old straight one from the first gens and bent it around a tree to get that curved shape.

(this post would have been more appropriate next Monday)

$300.00 is cheap compared to other cycles, I'm surprised it's not more.
I know the Kawasaki ZRX1200 rads are about $450.00!!
List price on a first gen radiator is $483.95. Lowest street price is $375 from Boats.net. Not sure where you can get it for just $300.

If the radiator is as bad as he says it is, it might be a good idea to have a replacement at the ready. At $300. That's the cost of a set of front brake pads for a GenII. It's not a big investment if you wanna keep riding. I'm a preventative guy. That's the way I roll. Can't help it. It's in my DNA! :)

I just paid only $65 for the full set of OEM front brake pads (2 pairs) from Boats.net. Take that you 2nd genners!

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Why are we always looking for trouble?
Does the bike run hot? NO!

Does it spray coolant? NO!

Is a new rad free? NO!

It's not a maintenance item, like brake pads or tires. You don't replace it periodically. Ride the damn bike and shut up!!!!
If the radiator is as bad as he says it is, it might be a good idea to have a replacement at the ready. At $300. That's the cost of a set of front brake pads for a GenII. It's not a big investment if you wanna keep riding. I'm a preventative guy. That's the way I roll. Can't help it. It's in my DNA! :)

Yo, nimrod - STFU or I'm going to go Rule #10 on your ass!
Walt is 100% correct - DON'T FIX WHAT AIN'T BROKE! 360k miles on Gen I FJRs and never even *thought* of changing a radiator. And with all those miles do you think they looked pretty? No. They looked old and decrepit. Kinda like you!
Uhhhhh... I do believe we are still on topic Mr. G.
But, thank you for your most astute observation.
I guess it would all boil down to, how bad is bad? We can go back and forth on this question all day long. I think we need pictures. That would aswer a lot of questions. Don't ya think? Kisses....

Partshark has 'em $345.83. Radiator isn't going to spontaneously spring a leak. Throw a Cox guard on it, check the hoses and clamps, ride on. Carry a packet or 2 of pepper with you just in case. The man with 360k mi speaketh the truth!

For what it's worth, this is what I do. Lot's of salt in this part of the world, even in the summer due to ocean spray so every winter I rince the rad really well with water (on the outside), let it dry and use a good quality paint on it. After 170,000 km there fins look like sh&t but I would say that the rad is still in decent shape. You could also remove the rad and bring it to a rad should for an inspection.

I also use a COX rad guard.

Canadian FJR

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Hi guys

Thanks for the comments. I think i will replace the radiator over the winter just for peace of mind.The price i was looking at was at "Mrcycles" price $345 to be precise. Wfooshee, I think you need to take another prozac man!!! . Did you miss your meds this morning or what????. O'h and don't worry i am riding the damn thing.Enjoy

