Radiator looking worse for wear

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Bah.. If it ain't broke don't fix it is always good. As soon as you succumb to "fixing" things that aren't broke yer gonna end up replacing more things that ain't broke.

My old dodge pickup had 300 k mile and the rad was looking toasted when I sold it.. The copper"fins" between the tubes were 90% gone, looked like jail bars.

It is still holding water at 430 k according to the kid who bought it last fall.

I learned long ago, NEVER replace parts based on how they look.You end up busting something or screwing **** up that ain't broke.

Murphys Law

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Hi guysThanks for the comments. I think i will replace the radiator over the winter just for peace of mind.The price i was looking at was at "Mrcycles" price $345 to be precise. Wfooshee, I think you need to take another prozac man!!! . Did you miss your meds this morning or what????. O'h and don't worry i am riding the damn thing.Enjoy

Hey, if you got $345 you don't need, just send it to me. I'll give you my Paypal address, even. It'll pay for a couple months' more Prozac!

But seriously, replacing stuff that works is just goofy......

So hold on then......Don't worry about getting the valves checked cause they aint broken? And don't worry about doing a TBS cause it running fine. Well, i think it is??. The drift here i think is and i quote (If there is the slightest chance that you THINK your bike is running really sweet just don't mess with anything)

Thanks guys.....I'll run with that


Against my better judgement, I will agree with the ain't broke don't fix it crowd. There is difference between routine maintenance and repairs. This would qualify as a repair, to a part that isn't broken. Kind of like replacing rusty lug nuts. But everyone has the level of comfort and if the OP deems his comfort is worth a new radiator, so be it, his call. I'd straighten the fins, and install a guard and call it a day.

So hold on then......Don't worry about getting the valves checked cause they aint broken? And don't worry about doing a TBS cause it running fine. Well, i think it is??. The drift here i think is and i quote (If there is the slightest chance that you THINK your bike is running really sweet just don't mess with anything)Thanks guys.....I'll run with that

Straw man argument there....valves wear, radiators don't.

BTW, your crankshaft is spinning constantly while the motor is running, right?

Can't be good for it...better replace it soon! And the air in your tires is probably stale.
