So, rubbing a raw potato(e) on the inside surface of your face mask is an age old trick employed by scuba divers and snorkelers for eliminating faceshield fogging. And it does work!
But, for an even cheaper solution (you don't even have to buy the 'tater) next time you overnight at the no-tell motel, checkout the mini-shampoo bottles that they provide. If the shampoo is clear (not opaque), take and rub just a few drops on the inside surface of your visor with your fingers, then polish it with a clean, cotton, terry cloth towel or rag. Coincidentally you may be able to find terry cloth towels at the same place you are getting the shampoo from.
Don't use microfiber as the synthetic material will remove all of the shampoo soap. You ideally want to leave a clear microscopic layer of shampoo on the surface to act as a surfactant. Surfactants lower the surface tension of any water vapor and minimize fogging. Eventually, under the worst conditions, enough of the vapor will condense and you'll notice things looking a bit bleary, especially right in front of your mouth, but there will be no fogging.
Try it!
But, for an even cheaper solution (you don't even have to buy the 'tater) next time you overnight at the no-tell motel, checkout the mini-shampoo bottles that they provide. If the shampoo is clear (not opaque), take and rub just a few drops on the inside surface of your visor with your fingers, then polish it with a clean, cotton, terry cloth towel or rag. Coincidentally you may be able to find terry cloth towels at the same place you are getting the shampoo from.
Try it!
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