Really bad day today

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Fred, perhaps Petey knew something you didn't, that somewhere right now is another puppy in need of a great forever home, and he went to make room for that lucky pup.

Oh no, too painful to think about.

He had a very good life and knew he was much loved. So sorry to hear this. It's never easy to lose a cherished friend.



My deepest condolences to you and your family. Since we have no children, our pets become our "kids". We know just how hard it is when a member of the family is lost.

One of the things that helps my wife and I get through is knowing that we will rescue another dog that is in need of our love and attention.

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So sorry for your loss. I feel your pain and started tearing up reading this. Been through this several times and unfortunately the only way is through the pain. Hopefully some two wheel therapy with your wife will ease the hurt a bit.

We had made plans to visit our son this weekend in Vermont. Whenever we go there, we like to take the truck so the dogs can come along. They love to "go for a ride", especially when it is to Vermont. Our son lives on the property of a horse farm, so lots of great animal smells for them, and they get to see our son Freddie and his young dog Willow.

Pete was originally Freddie's dog, back when we he was still in high school, and we still had 2 rescue greyhounds at that time.

Here's a young Petey learning the ropes from the 2 old couch spud hounds.


But then there were years of college, and living away (for Freddie, not Petey) and he became Joann and my dog more than our son's. Greyhounds have very short lives, and when they passed, within 3 months of each other, my wife brought home Charlie, the yellow lab puppy, as a companion for Pete. Here's puppy Charlie:


And a few years later, "going for a ride" in our boat up in Rangeley, ME


Charlie has never been the only dog here before. He still acts like a pup, even though he's now 10 years old. It's time for Charlie to get all of our doggie attention for a while (Joann also has 4 cats that let us live with them).

We'll still go to Vermont this weekend, but there will be a conspicuously vacant space in the back seat of the truck and in our hearts. At least we can commiserate with our kids, as they will all be there for the long holiday weekend. Joann and I won't be getting lonely any time soon... but we did lose the best one of the animal bunch. Thanks again for all the responses.

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Losing your dog is a terrible thing, I've had to experience the same. Much worse than crashing your bike ... My sympathy.

Oh Fred, how sad. I'm really sorry for your loss.

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Got a hell of a lump in my throat reading about Petey, Fred. I always say I never met a dog I didn't like, and it sounds like Petey was better than most. Really sorry.

Sorry for your loss. You've done the merciful thing though I'm sure it doesn't do anything to numb your own pain. I'm hopefully still a few years away from my girl's Green Mile but I'm already dreading it.

Yeah, hardest thing I think I've ever had to do. Our Yellow Lab gave us 13.5 years. Brought back a lump in my stomach reading this. At least you have Charlie to fill some of the emptiness.

So sorry to hear of your loss, Fred. Losing pets is one of the toughest things to go through. Take comfort in knowing what a great life you gave him.

Well this just stinks. Until recently, I hardly understood the love people feel for their dogs. Believe me, I get it now.

While on tour in West Virginia, my wife was forced to do this alone with our beloved Schnauzer. That was nearly 2 months ago and I tell ya, we are still actively morning. The house is so.... quiet.

She's finally at the point where she can at least talk about getting another one. Hopefully, she will turn around soon. I miss my little buddy.

Thoughts and prayers for you and your wife, Fred. One day at a time, my friend.

Fred, so sorry for the loss of your pal.

We have one left that just turned 13 and is really showing his age. Lost his litter mate last year

The artful Dodger


Damn it, damn it, Fred.. So sorry to see this here. Deepest condolences to you and your family, human and canine. Saying good bye to pets is so painful. RIP Petey, say hi to that annoying beagle, Buddy, up there for me.

So sorry to hear that Fred.I know how you feel now,i lost my two dogs last..Now he is with my ''Rudy'' and ''Sotiris''
My Condolences to you and your family.
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Fred, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I have experienced it several times myself and my eyes teared up just thinking about it. He will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge to welcome you and run by your side again with the Greyhounds. Check out the local shelters in a month or so and it will definitely help with the healing process.

Sorry to hear that Fred. My wife and I are both veterinarians and cant begin to tell you how hard these decisions are. We ourselves had to let our own beloved Gabby go a few months back. These little buggers become part of the family and it is hard to let them go, but it is even harder to see them suffer. They go to a much better place, no doubt! Hang in there mate!


Sorry to hear about Petey, he must have been a wonderful dog. It's hard when they go, as they give so much and ask for so little.


I feel your pain. I had to make that decision in January 2014 for one of my cats.

I still miss that little furball...
