Rear ended at light

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Awhile back I got rear ended while stopped at a light on my cruiser. I was doing everything right. Watching my mirror. Car comes up behind me and comes to a complete stop and gives me a good 3 feet of room. Light turns green and I start to let off the clutch. Bam! The car behind me hits me. Takes me a minute to realize what happened. It really wasn't that hard a hit. Didn't even knock me off the bike but did about $1000 of damage to the back of the bike.

The third car coming up was texting and plowed into the second car which in turn hit me. The texter got out of her car and continued to text. Never checked on me or the lady in the other car. You could tell she had no remorse and not a care in the world other then we were holding up her day.

Cops came and luckily charged her with the accident. Which is important. Florida is a no fault state, but you can claim against the other persons insurance. In this case since the driver was charged they accepted and fixed my bike with me not even paying the deductible. Since the claim didn't cost my insurance anything my premiums did not go up.

You ever hear the old saying "No good deed goes unpunished.". Well, that seems to be the case her. The girl that caused the accident did not even check on the person in the second car. I went over and calmed the lady in the second car down. She was freaking out. I stood by her window and talked her to a calm state until the paramedics were there. She took a pretty good hit. Her car buffered me, but she took a good shot.

She repaid my kindness by telling her insurance company .........wait for it..........I backed into her.

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> she repaid my kindness by telling her insurance company.......wait for it.......I backed into her.

That makes me sad.

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Unbelievable!!! I mean we all know that motorcycles have a reverse gear
and you popped it into reverse and ran into her. jeez!

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At that, wait 11 months and sue for a sore neck.

If it is really sore or course, we would not want to advocate anything illegal here.
