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Boy are you are glad you didn't see the ugly sight I saw in my speedometer reflection. I hope there is a recall or class action suit to get this horrible defect fixed.

In the mean time I'm using NuShield anti-glare film to keep the speedometer monster at bay.


I've checked all of the logs and this is by far the gayest thread i have seen in months. ;)

I'm puzzled. When I look at my reflection in the instruments while cornering hard, I look just like the guy in the Olympia ads. When I look at myself in the bathroom mirror at 6 AM, I look just like a bald, overweight, old guy. Which is the real me?

pete :dribble:

Is it THIS gay?????

I would try this, but I am so damn handsome, I would probably crash from just having seen something with my level of handsomness.
Not as handsome as

Well, it might not be gay...but it does seem to be a little narcissistic. I get the impresssion that if he was limber enough, he would "do himself". Of course I may just be getting a false impression from his posts in this topic, but it does make you wonder... :rolleyes:


While riding home from work today, coming around a corner, I took a quick look down at my cornering speed, and there was my mug reflecting in the speedo. I had that angled head look, just like the MotoGP on-boards. Clouds in the background and all. 15k and didn't notice until today. Now if I could only find Mugello and an M1. Next sunny day, see yourself for yourself.
I'm going to complain to Yamaha. Why should I have to look down and see your face?

Wow, um, nevermind...

Is it THIS gay?????

I would try this, but I am so damn handsome, I would probably crash from just having seen something with my level of handsomness.
Not as handsome as

Wheatie, have you actually seen HotRodZilla in person? Trust us here in the Southwest and even Bustanut joker: If El Zilla was a mutt, you would shave his ass and train him to walk backwards! Es un perro feo grande! But he's a Los Robustos M/C!

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While riding home from work today, coming around a corner, I took a quick look down at my cornering speed, and there was my mug reflecting in the speedo. I had that angled head look, just like the MotoGP on-boards. Clouds in the background and all. 15k and didn't notice until today. Now if I could only find Mugello and an M1. Next sunny day, see yourself for yourself.
I'm going to complain to Yamaha. Why should I have to look down and see your face?

Wow, um, nevermind...
Good point.

Is it THIS gay?????

I would try this, but I am so damn handsome, I would probably crash from just having seen something with my level of handsomness.
Not as handsome as

I'd bet dollars to dimes that Wheatie wouldn't leave the house either if he was just a bit more flexible. Hey wasn't the Wheatie the guy who broke his ankle playing naked mens volley ball?


(wow)??........ did you look down and see somthin??......... :unsure:

B.... :p

Naw, I got over that particular amazement in the 6th grade :) But now that you mention it, the girls are kinda kewl :yahoo:
You know the rules. If there's no pictures, it don't exist. :swoon:
"the girls" are not an "it", they be a "they".........geeeeeeeeezzzzzz

I've seen a unibrow, but never a uniboob :lol:

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I'm puzzled. When I look at my reflection in the instruments while cornering hard, I look just like the guy in the Olympia ads. When I look at myself in the bathroom mirror at 6 AM, I look just like a bald, overweight, old guy. Which is the real me?
pete :dribble:
The latter.

So much shit, so little time!

Actually, since 4:00 p.m. yesterday (Tue), the MoviPrep I took for my colonoscopy in 1.5 hrs has done better than all the crap above, except for the lovely Barb. Twin girls, heh??

Got to go, I mean run(s), well you know........
