Thanks Gramps ! There is a book about him i own entitled " Britten Motorcycles " by Felicity Price and published in 2003, i ordered it from B&N. I have always admired the Kiwi spirit which is evident in both Munro and Britten. I visited NZ while a USN Sailor in '78 and found i truly loved these people. There is a movie in this...i mean casting jugs in your wifes kiln ? I also got to see #6 at the Guggenheim in Memphis on the last day...i rode my new 05 with my new pacer sewn into my chest and it was my first long solo run.
I'm sure for some fat, over-pontificated lardy know-it-alls who ride others coat-tails whilst judging others, these might seem entertaining items....maybe you can buy an invention, or some class... I admire the man in the ring...whose blood, sweat and toil tells it, who fails over and over but never rests with those timid souls on the fence...a crappy paraphrase from Teddy Roosevelt but you get the idea.
To the men who made it happen then ! To John and Burt...may the spirit move one of the next generation !