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the FJR tupperware up front doesn't expose the header pipes.

Actually, it does.

Gotta get down on your hands and knees and then you'll see the pipes protrude a good 3/4" below the plastic. At least on my 05 it does.

The front of the lift touches nothing but the steel headers. :)

I've an '04. It also had a right hand fork leak, at 9.8k, at about 17k, and again pretty quick after that.

First guy said everything looked OK and didn't see a reason for the leak.

Second guy said the same thing, yet it leaked again pretty quick.

Took it back to second guy, didn't "blame" him, heard he was good wrench. Asked him to check REAL careful this time. Turned out the fork tube itself was bad. Flaky, but not real big time evident. New fork tube, no leak, been about a thousand miles.

First time I did an upgrade on the springs and I run the SBS Fork Brace. A real worth while change!

So, do take time to inspect your fork tube!

Sigh. I did some Googling and went to, then "Prices-US/Canada/Mexico" and appears to be tits-up.

Does anyone have a US source or at least prices? Google says something on the order of US$1100 many moons ago.
