Replace the bearing?

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Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Dec 25, 2008
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Howell, NJ
Sense I'm putting in my Awesome new Ohlin's shock from Cogent :yahoo: , I figured nows a good time to grease up the linkage. My bike only has 9,000 on it and when I pulled the sleeve out of the bearing I noticed this brown colored (what I thought was grease) substance inside. I pulled out a pick to check it out and noticed it started to fall apart.. Here's the question, clean it all out like I did and repack or does it need to be replaced?



Have a look here.

Get all the waxy gunk out and apply some lithium grease. The grease will help keep them from falling out while you get them situated. Just don't lose any in the process.

As has been revealed recently, the waxy stuff actually comes in all new bearings (to hold the needles in place while on the shelf).

When I re-greased my suspension pivots this winter I removed it all (the wax) and replaced it with some good marine grade bearing grease. The grease will help hold the needles in place during reassembly. Just be careful that none fall out before getting the grease in there, when your back is turned, as you'll then want to dissassemble everything and go back in to reinstall the wayward needle. DAMHIKT

