Reverse Trike

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Made some progress the past few days. Feels weird taking it all apart after working so hard to build it...

Can't wait to get started powder coating everything! The only thing my oven isn't big enough for is the frame so it kind of sucks to have to farm it out but oh well I'm getting a good price for it.



Me too!! :lol:

I'm getting so exited about it I can't stand it but I have all these powder coating jobs for other people that I have to do before I can work on it. It's driving me nuts working in the garage next to it calling out my name... :clapping: "finish me!!!".

It's actually Chinese and stands for the word commitment. I'm also studying Mandarin for my job so it wasnt just some random chiinese I picked.
You work full time, build a car from spare motorcycle parts and steel in the evenings, have a wife, and are learning Mandarin in your spare time? Do you have a big "S" on your chest?

It's actually Chinese and stands for the word commitment. I'm also studying Mandarin for my job so it wasnt just some random chiinese I picked.
You work full time, build a car from spare motorcycle parts and steel in the evenings, have a wife, and are learning Mandarin in your spare time? Do you have a big "S" on your chest?
LOL, that's funny you say that, one of my neighbors calls me a maniac because he sees me out there working constantly. :) Funny as it is I'm actually doing more than what you mention but I manage. I still have fun with my wife and daughter. I'm getting ready to start a Cafe racer project here in the next 6 months too. I have a GL500 silverwing sitting under a tarp in the back yard waiting...


No pics right now but I did get the frame all smoothed out and finished up the welds on the underside so I think I'm ready to sandblast it and get it over to the powder coater in the next week or so. I did get the left side control arms all smoothed out and cleaned up and powder coated also this weekend.

Yesterday I took the gas tank apart and cleaned it up so I can powder coat it also, can't wait to see it coated! It will look soooo much better than the blue and will finally match!

While the frame is out for coating I'll be working on coating all the rest of the smaller items and working on the seats, radiator scoops, swingarm etc. etc.

Reattached the bike to the frame last night to make some last minute tweaks and add some extra strengthening supports to the rear of the frame then disconnected the two again and loaded the frame up in my trailer. Drug the trailer along with me to work today and dropping it off at a powder coater so he can prebake it and then give it back to me so I can sandblast it. Then back to him again for powder coating!! Should have the coated frame back in a week or so and meantime I'm coating all the other parts so they'll be ready to be mounted!! Wooohooo can't wait! :yahoo:

Woohoo been bustin' my ass the past week and I got most everything powder coated and ready to install!

Here's a pic of all the control arms and rods calipers etc.



I also just did the tank using that same wrinkle powder and it looks sick!



Also just picked up the frame from the powder coater literally 20 min. ago! It looks great, I'll get some pics of it up later on this weekend or so.

Hey Thanks man! Just keep crackin' on yours and we'll meet up for a ride some day. :yahoo:

Ok so still struggling with a powerful enough motor for the backup motor but here is what I have come up with so far. It actually tucks up under the tail nicely and would look cool dropping down to the tire but the problem is the motor just isn't strong enough so I still have to do some thinking...

You can tell where it hits the slope of my driveway and then just can't go any further:

Do you think it's the torque or the contact area with the tire? Hard to tell if the motor is stalling out or the drive wheels sliping.

I would think you could get ample torque from a brushless DC servo motor. Might be pricey, but after what you've already got into it probably not a big deal.

Uhh? Wait...

...a GL 500 Silverwing? A 1982 Model? A Cafe Racer?

The engine in those things was Bullet proof. The suspension, was a death trap. I wore mine out riding up and down the center of a railroad over the ties. Actually, I put 35,000 miles on mine before I sold it for what I had into it.

Can't wait to see what you will do with that one! :fan_1:

Ok so still struggling with a powerful enough motor for the backup motor but here is what I have come up with so far. It actually tucks up under the tail nicely and would look cool dropping down to the tire but the problem is the motor just isn't strong enough so I still have to do some thinking...

You can tell where it hits the slope of my driveway and then just can't go any further:

Do you think it's the torque or the contact area with the tire? Hard to tell if the motor is stalling out or the drive wheels sliping.

I would think you could get ample torque from a brushless DC servo motor. Might be pricey, but after what you've already got into it probably not a big deal.
Yeah I'm still not really sure how I'm going to do reverse... and yeah it's definitely the torque. If I push harder the motor just stops. Still brainstorming...

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Ok here's some pics of the frame after powder coating;





Here's the swingarm I did this weekend, now I just need to get a new sticky tire and then I can remount the bike to the frame.

This is after shooting the chrome base, then the candy red and the white, strategically placed so the "T" lines up with the white and everything else with the red just prior to the wrinkle black.


Here's after the wrinkle;


More progress this weekend!

I got the front end all put back together and the bike reattached to the frame and most all of the panels in except for the 2 main side panels.












