ride down south

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Now we were hauling a little, got caught doing 90 in a 55 hwy zone. You can tell I am still pissed over this :angry:
Around here you would be pissed and WALKING...

I am not making excuses for speeding! I know I was wrong. What I am pissed is about the judicial system they have in NC. They have you by the balls, you have to appear in court or higher a lawyer.

You can all jump on my ass, I don't care. I am sure none of you have twisted the throttle.
Just curious. Did the lawyer help you at all (reduce fine?), or just take your place in the court room?


Well he tried to negotiate with the DA to see if he would not drop it to a lesser fine. The DA would not reduce to a lesser speed. So under my lawyers suggestion he told us to plea guilty and then take the case to a higher court to see if they would reduce the fine. Make a long story short, it was not reduced either. I am just glad that it is done! It was crazy amount of time, money and paperwork I had to send in. Lesson well learned!!!

Well he tried to negotiate with the DA to see if he would not drop it to a lesser fine. The DA would not reduce to a lesser speed. So under my lawyers suggestion he told us to plea guilty and then take the case to a higher court to see if they would reduce the fine. Make a long story short, it was not reduced either. I am just glad that it is done! It was crazy amount of time, money and paperwork I had to send in. Lesson well learned!!!
Ouch! Double-Ouch!!

Very sorry to hear that your visit to this area ended on such a sour note. What makes it even worse is that 90% of The Dragon is in TN, not NC. So you had either just started or almost finished The Dragon run.

I echo the proposition of having a great radar detector. There are significant sections of the BRP where there are good site lines that will enable elevated speeds. I brake hard at the sight of ANY white vehicle and always slow down before the well posted turnouts where there are inattentive sight seers and rangers chatting it up with the tourist. Keep an eye out for SUV's as well that are often enforcement vehicles. For those who are ambitious, try a near winter ride on the parkway AFTER leaf fall. The sight lines open up fabulously and the BRP is nearly devoid of traffic.

Kenny Roberts said "Go slow when you have to and FAST when you can!"

thanks for the info on this guys. I'm headed down that way the end of this month. Looking forward to the BRP and we'll keep in to the posted limit as best we can. But I thought detectors were against the law in VA??


thanks for the info on this guys. I'm headed down that way the end of this month. Looking forward to the BRP and we'll keep in to the posted limit as best we can. But I thought detectors were against the law in VA??

They are illegal in VA. I was going to ask the question to the group if I could have one (and live in VA) and use it elsewhere? Not sure of the rules.

And perhaps the BRP rules are different because it is owned by someone other then VA.

Just curious.


I know an FJR rider that lives in Charlottesville, VA. He was telling me that he always runs a detector & leaves it in open view, too. He figures that it is worth the expense if they catch him with it.

I know an FJR rider that lives in Charlottesville, VA. He was telling me that he always runs a detector & leaves it in open view, too. He figures that it is worth the expense if they catch him with it.
So all they do is take it away from you? Don't they even slap you on the wrist? Is it really that easy?


thanks for the info on this guys. I'm headed down that way the end of this month. Looking forward to the BRP and we'll keep in to the posted limit as best we can. But I thought detectors were against the law in VA??

They are illegal in VA. I was going to ask the question to the group if I could have one (and live in VA) and use it elsewhere? Not sure of the rules.

And perhaps the BRP rules are different because it is owned by someone other then VA.

Just curious.

Nothing stops you from owning one. Many online retailers will not ship to Virginia. Crutchfield in Charlottesville used to sell them, but online only and ship outside of VA. I don't use one, but if you do, buy one in a neighboring state. There is a fine associated with use, but I have no idea what it is. As stated above, play the game and be prepared to pay the price. Around this part of the BRP-Roanoke, VA, I do not take the parkway when leading a group or traveling alone, but it seems that everyone wants to ride the parkway and I cannot recall ever seeing a ranger. I only know one person to have received a fine and they were not paying attention and deserved it. Realistically, there are plenty ways to avoid the parkway and have more fun. There are also plenty of places to jump on the parkway to get to an attraction.

The Natchez Parkway that runs from Nashville down to Natchez, MS is about the same setup: low speed limits, 50 mph, and high fines and patrolled by the feds. Fortunately most of those park rangers allow 10 miles over but anything beyond will give you a bluelight in your rear view mirror.

I travelled the BRP only once. Got on it in Asheville, NC going north. It took two hours to travel 50 miles due to the rv's, slow pokes, and site see-ers. That was in 1996. I've never been back on it.

Detectors ARE illegal in VA as previously stated. The fine is $250, court costs and confiscation, or at least was about 8 years ago. Probably higher now. That's expensive!

They also have detector -detectors! So it's not just a matter of visually spotting it. When I was pulled over (in my car) i slid it under my seat. The very polite officer asked me if I had one.

"oh, no officer. I would never use one of those!" at which point my 5 year old girl reminds me of the one I just put under the seat. Grrrrr.

The officer laughed so hard he let me keep it and just issued a warning. Probably would have nabbed me if I wasn't carring out of state plates. Now I turn it off in VA and just enjoy the scenery. Pretty much my MO everywhere anymore. Guess I've just gotten too old to ride worrying about a cop over every hill and curve. I actually enjoy it more now - and I burn less gas.

Use at your own risk.

Detectors ARE illegal in VA as previously stated. The fine is $250, court costs and confiscation, or at least was about 8 years ago. Probably higher now. That's expensive!
They also have detector -detectors! So it's not just a matter of visually spotting it.

Use at your own risk.
+1 & fuzzy whatever...

The State Troopers hit I-81 (parrallel to the BRP/Skyline with the detector detectors and hit Route 211. I personally know somebody who had his confiscated and got a ticket, but don't remember how much the ticket was for. I've ridden with guys using them on the BRP and not seen them stopped, probably because it's Federal.

I've ridden with guys using them on the BRP and not seen them stopped, probably because it's Federal.
More likely selective enforcement. Either that or it might be one of those 'secondary tickets' i.e. "Here's your ticket for speeding, and since I've got you here, your window tint is darker than the legal limit...."
