Ride to Mendocino for Lunch

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Looks like OM got a wiff of that finger ..... Dr. Itch, How close were you to OM before this pic??

...or was this a self examine ????


either way........ it made OM cringe....

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I deserve your admonishment, Don. You deserve more than one, but I digress.

Michael, there was no call for that behavior, and I apologize. I must now isolate myself, and engage in some

serious self-examination.

I really don't want to know about your self examinations or need that image in my head...

...It's just that I felt the need to come to the defense of my adopted home. Everybody picks on California.

with good reason I may ad....

It gets kicked around so much, you'd think it was a shithole,... like Texas.

Oops. There I go again. Just kidding. I love Texas.

I've been to Texas, and it isn't all a shithole.

My sister lives there, and speaks


She talks like you post. On and on and on....Wait a sec, I resemble that remark! :huh:

It's Washington that's a miserable, god-forsaken armpit.

Goddammit! WTF is happening to me?

Washington is a fantastic state, ...if you're a trout.

Jealous of people that actually have water in summer?

You just hate every state that has given you a ticket...

(Niehart put me up to this.)

Sure! Blame the village idio... um.... :eek: guy who appreciates a little ribbing.

;) :p :D
