Rider down

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As long as your passenger wasn't hurt
Speaking as a parent, this wasn't "just" a passenger (and not to say anyone here takes it lightly whether a friend, SO, spouse, etc.)... it was his daughter... and that ups the anty in so many ways... Jeff, glad that she's okay cause I can't even imagine how I would feel as a parent if it were a different outcome. Take good care of yourself and your daughter. :)

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Very sorry to hear about you going down and breaking the shoulder but glad to hear your daughter is OK. Every time I have to use the 401 I'm always nervous that some cager coming back from the cottage checking his e-mail and drinking up the last of the weekend beer is going to pull a quick lane change and punt me off into the guard rail.

Nobody pays any attention to their surroundings anymore.

Glad that you and your daughter made it out alive.

To the murderous driver... :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

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No, no, no.... I hate this kind of news.

But we are very glad to hear that everyone is mostly OK. Bikes can be replaced relatively easily, but not our loved ones. You done good to take care of yourself and your daughter. Heal up good.

Fred and Joann

Hate to see that "Rider Down" thread title. Pleased to read that all involved came out relatively unscathed considering the circumstances. Damn Jeff! Had to have been a hell of a decision to hit a ditch on purpose. Just very releived that you and your daughter are OK. (OK being a relative term considering your collar bone!) Heal quickly!

Bob & Janet

Wow, this sucks. Glad everyone is going to be ok. Also, dang, who makes that shelf. It's the only part of the bike that looks like it's still in "Like new" condition. Gotta love tough parts.

Glad everyone will be ok.

Sadly, without contact, it wasn't a hit and run. Contact would probably have made it worse.

The total lack of concern by other motorists is getting worse and harder to comprehend.

I hate to post a "me too" on such a serious thread, but I had a "too close for comfort" encounter this past week during NERDS as well. Nothing as serious as this since I wasn't forced off the road or go down.

I was leading a small group on the home stretch of the North East Kingdom route and was riding in the left tire track, had glanced quickly down at my speedo (trying to maintain a steady 10 over pace for the group and not get too carried away on a beautiful day) looked up and I saw an oncoming cager had drifted way over the center line. My reaction was naturally to swerve to the right, but to be honest I think it would have been too little too late if the car was any further over, and he would have taken me out. I definitely felt the whoosh of air as he passed close by, and then nearly **** myself. Ionbeam was behind me and he said he had moved right to avoid the potential carnage.

Was he texting? Maybe. But the cell phone coverage is pretty bad up there in God's country, so I kind of doubt it. There are lots of other things that could be distracting that driver.

Was it partly my fault? Definitely! Even though I had stayed on my side of the road, none of us can afford to take our eyes off the road for even a split second, but the reality is that we have to.

I think the real probelm isn't just texting drivers. It's that drivers don't realize they are driving a loaded weapon.

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Damn damn damn.


I hate these threads and Jeff - I am truly glad you are here to tell us about it.

Just ... damn!

A day and a half later and ive pretty much had nothing to do but think. Heres what I think:

- FJR riders are the best people in the world! Where else would you find people offering to go hours and hours out of their way to help transport your bike. Big thanks to everyone for your well wishes and support.

- I don't hold out much hope that the offending driver will be caught, but I know that if I ever witness this sort of thing happen to anyone else, I'm going to chase down the SOB and get photos of the driver, his vehicle and his plate. I'd have to fight the instinct to stop and help, but as long as there are others stopping, iDing the driver would be the best help I could provide in the long run. I wish someone had the presence offend to do that for me.

- insurance companies suck. My insurance company still haven't called me back. I suspect it's going to be a fight to get any real value for the bike, yet alone my gear, electronics, etc...

- Universal Health Care Rocks! Big thanks to the EMS guys and staff at the Golden Hospital for their awesome care. I'm really glad it wasn't worse, but good to know that if it was, Ida been in good hands.... and it wouldn't have coste a dime.

- and my lastest thought,: Sometimes Rum first thing in morning is OK! :-D

Geez Jeff, this sucks but your here to post about it so that's a good thing!

My wife and I really enjoyed meeting you at the "Clans" a few weeks back and it was easy to pick out you Feejeer in the parking lot.

Does the Health Care cover Rum?

Heal fast! Doug

Glad you are on the mend and your daughter is OK. Medicinal alcohol is authorized as needed.

Last weekend we were returning home from a ride and as I was getting ready to pass a stock trailer the clown in front made a quick left turn without a signal or any brake lights. The truck and trailer went into the ditch and I was able to avoid the mess. I checked on the girl and her kids and saw the dick that caused the wreck drive away and I said no ******* way and chased him down. He wasn't going to return to the scene but he soon realized he had no choice. The last I saw of him was having a very one sided conversation with the State Patrol.

I hope karma catches up with your idiot :angry:

You are still invited for a Reuben if you're up for it.
