I hate to post a "me too" on such a serious thread, but I had a "too close for comfort" encounter this past week during NERDS as well. Nothing as serious as this since I wasn't forced off the road or go down.
I was leading a small group on the home stretch of the North East Kingdom route and was riding in the left tire track, had glanced quickly down at my speedo (trying to maintain a steady 10 over pace for the group and not get too carried away on a beautiful day) looked up and I saw an oncoming cager had drifted way over the center line. My reaction was naturally to swerve to the right, but to be honest I think it would have been too little too late if the car was any further over, and he would have taken me out. I definitely felt the whoosh of air as he passed close by, and then nearly **** myself. Ionbeam was behind me and he said he had moved right to avoid the potential carnage.
Was he texting? Maybe. But the cell phone coverage is pretty bad up there in God's country, so I kind of doubt it. There are lots of other things that could be distracting that driver.
Was it partly my fault? Definitely! Even though I had stayed on my side of the road, none of us can afford to take our eyes off the road for even a split second, but the reality is that we have to.
I think the real probelm isn't just texting drivers. It's that drivers don't realize they are driving a loaded weapon.