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That poor motorcycle! All the miles I haul your bald headed aging body around the country and you do this to me? Throw me away like a 2 dollar whore? Into a steep ravine, and then, and THEN you hang me by ty downs from a freakin' fork lift? The humility of it all! Have you no sense of decency? Respect or fairness? Just for that, my gas tank wants to live on at the Hondarosa, where it will be polished and cared for in perpetuity.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nice post Old Man..... I hope you will stick to posting pictures of mountains, lakes, bikes and friends instead of crashes. Glad to see your healing and the sense of humor is returning. Maybe the hospital stay, the time for refection, the peace and quiet will make you a more sensitive and thoughtful person to your friends. Not Likely!!!!! Now get off your ass and get another bike so we can go ride again. Your only friend Rich

I've had some get-offs where I slid to the edge of a slope and other times where I've gone along the road and looked down at the slopes with a chill. Your excellent report has added to my respect. Thanks and mend well!


Glad to here that you & your humor are doing better.

I've been there, done that. Takes time & lots of therapy. Sounds to me like your a person that will do all of that stuff & rejoin the non-herd.

In the mean time, find some way to keep pictures coming our way. I would miss them also.

Chasing nurses is good therapy :lol:

Believe me, OM, as one from the BTDT club, I understand that any compression of the ribcage is torture and will be for some time. So, feel free to contact me for some special techniques I developed for things like...washing the southern hemisphere. I can explain it, but the instructional video for $19.95 is probably the way to go.

(Geez. - Sean, Patrick, Michael, and Mark. Sounds like roll call at a pub in Dublin.)
Or the next attempt at a Boy band... was that Mark or Marky Mark...?

Good to hear you're recuperating... I think you missed a spot on the left fairing... I can still see some paint.

Patrick told me that he thought you messed with his shock when he went in the bathroom so he did some things to your bike when you weren't looking. Don't tell him I told you cause I sure don't want him mad at me. :p :p :p
Bastadge! Cat's out of the bag now. It's amazing how poorly brakes work after adding just a little juice to the rotors - I hear a little can of 3inOne oil will fit nicely in the glove box - Wanna go for a ride, Bluesquealerstreek :vinsent: ?

Good to hear you're up and about OM.

Wow OM, i expected to your FJR to look very similar to the 2 that were totaled at SFO this year, but yours is way way worse! :D

Glad your home and hope your starting to feel human again. Will we see you at TWN's service?

Glad you kept your since of humor OM....... and we all knew you polished it anyway :p :lol: :lol: now .... dibs on some farkles :p :p

I don't need no passenger pegs.......




Good to see you are well enough to provide an outstanding (if painful to read) ride report!

I think I know how you "lost focus" and blew the turn. You were probably taking a MM2 over the shoulder picture and failed to realize you sometimes need two hands to make the turn. :dribble:

Just kidding!

Actually, it's like my old flight instructor told me one day, "Well, you've got take-offs down, but you're having a little trouble with landings".

I'm just thankful your on the mend and will ride again...We'll make sure of that. Also, I'm so impressed with your helmet, I'm going to get one just like it. BTW what model is/was it. :rolleyes:

CU soon, don't rush things.



Nice to see that nobody noticed the mysteriously missing custom seat. It is soooo comfortable. I figured nobody would notice me dragging it up that hill while the attention was on you.

By the way, I keep hearing rumors the 2009 FJR will have that chain drive you wanted.

Oh and I noticed the number of broken ribs has jumped from a couple to "9". Pretty suspicious if you ask me.

Welcome back to the living. +1 on the "If you need something, just ask" crowd.


Good to see your post- I much prefer learning from other's incidents than my own. Shorter recovery period :) . And when you say "You should see the other guy", well you've got pictures! Too bad it was a friend. Do what they tell you, pay attention to your body, & I hope you're a fast healer. As everyone says, holler if you need something.

Man, a Commander! What a lucky fuc........uh, never mind. Godd, ummm, story, and glad you're still amongst us!

Great report, glad to hear you're on the mend!

BTW, that's a hell of a way to get a new lawn sculpture and of all things, it had to be your bike? :haha:

Next time, call me . . . . . I'll send Bust out. You can be the first in the hood to have a live lawn sculpture. However, I make NO guarantees on what poses he'll do.

:biggrinsmiley: :biggrinsmiley:

Joining the chorus here: Welcome back to the land of the living. Ditto on JB's comment; why no mid-air shots?

I've had some get-offs where I slid to the edge of a slope and other times where I've gone along the road and looked down at the slopes with a chill. Your excellent report has added to my respect. Thanks and mend well!Bob
Bob--"some" get-offs where you slid along the edges of cliffs? How many, exactly? You like to push the envelope, huh?

Great post and great you are recovering well. Glad you had those sliders.
Hell yeah! They probably saved his life.

And those gouges in the yellow helmet look like they'd have given you some new bald spots. Worth having it for that reason alone!

Heal up, buddy. Get a motorcycle, grow a goatee. Let's go for a ride.
