Rode a C14 Today

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After seeing the C14 in Daytona, I knew there was no way I'd be tempted to own one. It simply IMO was the least attractive of all the ST's. Between the "removable" vent deflectors that were a blatant screw up to the bag integration and exhaust design there was no way I would be a participant in allowing the visuals to mix into the motorcycle gene pool. I put the BMW GT's fairing in the same, albeit smoother, class. Probably slides nicely though. Separating style from engineering I took the opportunity to ride one and was impressed with it's drivetrain, especially the smoothness and lack of "slop". Very tight. So now, looks bad, feels good and was tight. Hmmmm..... what does that remind me of? :rolleyes: Don't be misled, this engine is NOT vibration free. It's just that what little is there feels, well, "remote" is probably the best word I could use. Not dissimilar to the Honda ST1300.
I could sense heat that would come and go, especially in parking lots after some higher speed use. Also very STish. I wear good riding clothes though, so this wasn't a big deal for short rides. Don't know what it would be like burning a couple of tanks in a day. Given the 5.8gal tanks, it should be survivable. The point is while it wasn't a desirable feature and was much more noticable than my '06 FJR, it probably wouldn't be too tough to get around either. Same for the smoothness issue. While the FJR is not as inherently smooth as the C14 it's also not a rough running engine by any standard either. And with a little attention to details it can be brought down to levels that make it a non-issue. Power? Yes, it has power but the FJR is stronger down low where I tend to ride. Actually both are more power than I can use down low or up high so between them it is moot point. I'd gladly give up some go on either to get increased mileage that I can use EVERY time I ride. How about a FJR1100? Now there would be a marketing disaster! Forget I said that . . . Handling? Nice but with the new 021's on it should be. Switch to those on your FJR and you'll be pleasantly surprized AND you won't have the low speed turn in to deal with.

After accepting that the C14 was not going to be a possibility I was secretly hoping it would be blazing fast - low and high so as to siphon off the serious speed riders into their own insurance grouping. That almost happened. If they had just left the compression up at 12:1. But noooo.

Since Kaw pulled the plug on the C10, the unquestioned long legged value leader, and replaced it with a short legged blend of the Honda/Yamaha entrants, you now have the market cut up in a confusing way. Used to be that if you wanted value you got a C10; speed bought you a FJR and the smoothies went Honda. Oh yes, if you wanted to show you appreciated Tutonic engineering at any cost there was only the BMW. How will ST buyers make their decisions now? The same way they always have - process of eliminating those that offend our most sacred virtue then choosing from the soldiers left standing and farle the hell out of it!. Don't want the slowest even though it's plenty fast? Scratch the ST or RT. Feel like the princess and the pea and can't stand even a hint of buzz, forget vibration? Scratch the BMW or FJR. Style really does matter? See ya C14 or RT. Value rules everything? Bye Bimmer's.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Just at a higher price.
Bravo to this post. I like new toys as much as anyone. I have racked my brain for reasons to change out to a new FJR or K1200GT or ST1300 or C-14, but my '05 with ABS is just where I want it and just what I want. It's stupid fast, solid as a rock and smooth as glass by my lights. You are reminded what a bad ass the FJR is when you take it on cross country ride with someone who rides a Harley. It's kind of sad sometimes to see them try to keep up, pass, accelerate, handle.

The seating position is much more sportbike like with plenty of ground clearance. Great in the twisties but probably tiring after awhile long distance.
1.) That would eliminate a good portion of the market Yamaha is aiming for as some of us don't "fold" so well anymore, and we don't want
It's still an upright position, it's just that the pegs are higher and you have to bend your knees more. It feels like the seat is higher also. At least that's the impression I had. I don't know if the specs prove out my impressions.

I compare the riding position to my FZ6. If you are familiar with that bike, it's more of a standard than a sportbike.
In pictures I thought it looked like it was a more upright seating position? Looked like after you add helibars to the FJR.

The seating position is much more sportbike like with plenty of ground clearance. Great in the twisties but probably tiring after awhile long distance.
1.) That would eliminate a good portion of the market Yamaha is aiming for as some of us don't "fold" so well anymore, and we don't want
It's still an upright position, it's just that the pegs are higher and you have to bend your knees more. It feels like the seat is higher also. At least that's the impression I had. I don't know if the specs prove out my impressions.

I compare the riding position to my FZ6. If you are familiar with that bike, it's more of a standard than a sportbike.
I live in Escondido, Ca and the local dealer got two in yesterday. I went over after work and sat on the machine and I would have to agree that the seat is higher than the FJR. I did notice that it is a lot softer however, don't know if they used some sort of gel or something but it was comfortable. The seating position is like the FJR without risers, and the pegs are a bit higher.

I did notice that the build quality seems very good with the exception of the little cubbie on the gas tank. It looks and feels very cheep. I did like the power outlet on the dash and it looks like the nut holding the tripple clamp has a plug that can be removed. I bet it is threaded for a ram ball. Maybe? The bike looks BIG when you sit on it. My FJR seems small in comparison. The bags look first rate and have a sturdy latck system similar to the FJR. The locking lug underneath seems a little more robust. The windscreen also seems very small and quite low. I am sure someone will have an aftermarket product soon. Don't think I will be trading in the 07 FJR any time soon.

Saw one at the local dealership today and got to sit on it.

First impression were:

1. Seat sits higher, seemed softer at first but after a while I didnt like the texture of it. It felt more 'restrictive' than my FJR. It was hot out and as I sweated a little it didnt allow me to move /slide around...felt kinda like the vinyl seats in my old '79 Dodge Omni. Didnt like the passenger seat as much either.

2. Ergo controls identical to the FJR except for the headlight "flash" switch on the LH idea.

3. Like the TPMS. Instrument panel still looks a little dated to me, maybe it's just squarer but it doesnt look as cool as the 2nd gen FJR's, although functionally it had everything and more like the voltage and TPMS. Fuel gauge didnt look as useful, if I remember correctly it was in 1/4 tank increments.

4. Good build quality at first glance. I agree with the other posts that the "glove box" on the tank felt waaaay cheap. Got to start it but not ride it. Motor was very smooth, shifted nicely and I like the 6 speed.

5. The can doesnt look nearly as big or as bad in person as it does in person...would still ditch it for aftermarket if I owned one though...owner said he would do the same.

6. Could defintely feel the extra weight in sitting on it and moving it to the centerstand...I think it's something like 80-90lbs heavier than the FJR?

Oveall I was pretty impressed and would definitely consider one in 2 years when my FJR is up for renewal. It would take a lot for me to jump ship though and I'd really like to test ride one and put it's through it's paces.

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I got a chance to do 6 hours on one today.... Cool bike and I think I am going to do my own write up on the bike.
