roiscuba goes down

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Tim, I'm glad nothing is "seriously" injured and there were no "bones sticking through skin" moments. Man, are you going to be sore when the nerves begin reporting to the brain! Enjoy the meds and get as much rest as possible.


Crash club....bad!

Surving .......very good!

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Very glad to read that you are okay and okay enough to post under your own power!

Speedy recovery to you!

Good move to just lie there for paramedics. Too often, well meaning bystanders will attempt to remove your helmet.

When you get to feeling better, we'll post "This thread is worthless without pics", just to let you know that life is truly returning to normal.



Seems we now have a very well deserved new adjective.

Roiscuba, get well quickly. Like MM2 says, you're gonna feel it.

But that's the good part - "you're gonna feel it."

God Bless

Yep, glad you came out of it okay, best wishes healing up and getting back in the saddle...

Did you not have the bagsa on that day?

I also wonder bout the safety of having a back pack on...

did you get your laptop etc back in one piece or is it toast as well?

Damn it! This is an everyday occurrence people! Lets get 'r' shit together. I'm not riding again till this shit stops. Piss on the "color tour" tomorrow I'm watching football an rubbing my 5 year old bypass scar.

Hey it's an anniversary of sorts can I get a ....HELL YEAH! Yer the cabg :yahoo: man?


RS, glad also that you came out in good shape and the bike maybe as well. Prayers for a quick and through healing and I make a motion that all medics are not to use scissors on our riding gear. There are those here that could possibly agree no? Just be safe will ya. PM. <>< :unsure:

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Rio - might have been me that mention the old guy and taking the fight out of you as thats what happened to me. Unfortunatly, I now wish I had popped him a good one on the back of the head. While he was all nice and concerned at the accident site, he denied all liability to the insurance company (was still found liable though) which has caused a 2 month delay in having the bike repaired. I hope this same issue is no in the cards for you.

Heal quick. As someone already mentioned, your jeans basicly act just like asphalt to your skin durring a slide. I experienced the exact same thing. Jeans hardly looked like they hit the ground, my knees looked like they had been hit with a flame thrower.

Hope everything from this point goes easy for ya and that the bike is easily fixed. For me the soreness only lasted 2-3 days, save for the knee's, those hurt for about a month. Glad to hear that the folks that watched it happen sprang to your aide. Says a lot about them.

Roiscuba, Sorry to here about your crash, but glad to know you're still vertical & breathin', and haven't altogether lost your sense of humor, ...sometimes if you can't laugh what the hell else CAN you do! It may be the most important of our senses, especially when we're confronted by rampant asshattedness! That thru the jeans rash is what we used to call 'mat burn' in H.S. wrestling, yep you can definitely draw blood that way for sure! Here's to a speedy recovery and hopefully an easily repaired bike!

Bustanut, Guess I don't need to be too self-conscious when I find myself doin' the chest massage in public, mine won't even be one year old 'til New Years Eve.

I hope you feel better soon. :)

By the way, in the day you may want to keep your high beams on at all times. Here's why, when you switched your high beam before meeting up with the "Asshatedness" he may of thought it was a signal to go in front of you. Just a thought to consider.

I wish you the best!!!

I found codeine does wonders for the pain. Those new black FJRs sure look nice. You probably got the road rash from the bottom of the pants riding up your leg exposing the skin.

Sorry to hear about this.

Hope the insurance treats you OK.

Let us know the out come.
