Sad Rad

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I won't go into the list of cat friends I've lost over the years. Most still hurt too much.

But, God bless you and yours for giving your love to one of our feline friends.

The love from a cat is one of the few "real" loves we ever get to experience.

Rest In Peace, Lia.


I won't go into the list of cat friends I've lost over the years. Most still hurt too much.

But, God bless you and yours for giving your love to one of our feline friends.

The love from a cat is one of the few "real" loves we ever get to experience.

Rest In Peace, Lia.

Funny how some of the noted "tough" guys here just fold when the subject turns to fur bearers, ain't it? :)

Today, after I wrote the last piece up there, the Rad household gained two new members, Jazz and Peanut, both female, both shelter cats, both 1 year old, both sweethearts. When the wife, who had no prob getting two, asked me why I thought 2 would fit the bill, I replied as to how they had a big hole to fill. Rumble, on the other hand, thinks I'm an *******, but he'll come around..... :p

Sorry to hear of your loss Rad... I've always been a dog person, we owned labs when I was growing up, and I'm hyper-allergic to cats... but losing a family pet is tough, as they give so much and ask for so little in return.

I hope you're able to find a way to remember more of the good times than the bad.

Funny how some of the noted "tough" guys here just fold when the subject turns to fur bearers, ain't it? :)
Today, after I wrote the last piece up there, the Rad household gained two new members, Jazz and Peanut, both female, both shelter cats, both 1 year old, both sweethearts. When the wife, who had no prob getting two, asked me why I thought 2 would fit the bill, I replied as to how they had a big hole to fill. Rumble, on the other hand, thinks I'm an *******, but he'll come around..... :p
What, is your camera broken? We want pictures of the newest additions! And what's behind the name Rumble?


I'm sorry bud, I know how hard it is to lose a pet and I think I still miss the dog I grew up with. I would have never been able to understand your loss without living with Indianna; she's just a cat like yours.


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Funny how some of the noted "tough" guys here just fold when the subject turns to fur bearers, ain't it? :)
Today, after I wrote the last piece up there, the Rad household gained two new members, Jazz and Peanut, both female, both shelter cats, both 1 year old, both sweethearts. When the wife, who had no prob getting two, asked me why I thought 2 would fit the bill, I replied as to how they had a big hole to fill. Rumble, on the other hand, thinks I'm an *******, but he'll come around..... :p
What, is your camera broken? We want pictures of the newest additions! And what's behind the name Rumble?
Gunny That! PM. <>< :D

Sorry for your loss, Rad.

--and I'm happy to see you got some new ones!

But imagine how I feel:

I adopted a deer--I fed and combed it every day. I even taught it how to cross roads to get to the other side; but some dick on an FJR ran it over! :(

Hold me....

Sorry Rad about your loss. You had a very special relationship with Lia and continue to have one with Rumble.

I'm glad to see that you have jumped back into the fire with two feet and added two more companions to the household. Doing that was a tribute to Lia, the love you had for each other and the love you will have for you two new additions.

Can't imagine living without the companionship of a furry four legged critter in my house. Grew up with dogs, worked in an animal hospital for two years and thought cats were the most useless creatures around....they didn't do anything!

Until God would have it and brought a furry six week old kitten into my household that I named Clouseau, that was 23 years ago and since then have had the blessing of many many cats in my home; Clouseau, Essencia, Sushi, Sashimi, Coconut, Butternut, and presently have three; Ginger, Nutmeg and Peanut.

They are my family and joy and spend most of their time trying to figure out who can lay in my lap, legs or any part of me that can provide a surface be curled up into or on.

Ginger and Nutmeg behave much like your Lia did and will paw at me at night so they can curl under the covers and on my arms purring away. They are both getting old 15 1/2 and 13 1/2 years old so I'm cringing at the thought of losing those two love bugs.

Yea, I guess we crusty old buggers do have a soft spot in us after all and it takes a cat or dog to find it!

Funny how some of the noted "tough" guys here just fold when the subject turns to fur bearers, ain't it? :)
Once upon a time, there was this raggedy, smelly, beat-to-hell-and-gone stray tomcat that showed up at my door, trying to horndog in on my sweet, little, black Jessica. She would lay down by the front screen door and just tease the hell out of that young street-punk tom. He wanted "some" real bad.

When Missus Howie and I decided we couldn't get rid of him, we adopted him. His name was Tiger. He told us. Had to have him AND Jessie fixed or there'd be NO sleeping at the Howie House.

After a good bath and delousing, Tiger turned out to be the BEST cat I've ever owned. No cat was more well mannered, well groomed and affectionate. And in a household of 3 dogs and two other cats, he decided I belonged to him. Period.

We lost Tiger to feline leukemia in the summer of '97 after about 6 of the best years I've ever spent with a cat. That Christmas, my mother gave me a professionally painted portrait of Tiger, made from a photo that had been taken while he was still healthy. I must've cried for an hour.

I still can't walk by that picture of Tiger, even today, without asking him "How's my buddy today?"

Yeah, sometimes us "tough" guys ain't so...

Thanks, Rad, for keeping the faith and getting youreself and the family some shelter kitties.

I won't go into the list of cat friends I've lost over the years. Most still hurt too much.

But, God bless you and yours for giving your love to one of our feline friends.

The love from a cat is one of the few "real" loves we ever get to experience.

Rest In Peace, Lia.

Funny how some of the noted "tough" guys here just fold when the subject turns to fur bearers, ain't it? :)

Today, after I wrote the last piece up there, the Rad household gained two new members, Jazz and Peanut, both female, both shelter cats, both 1 year old, both sweethearts. When the wife, who had no prob getting two, asked me why I thought 2 would fit the bill, I replied as to how they had a big hole to fill. Rumble, on the other hand, thinks I'm an *******, but he'll come around..... :p
Judy and I are so very sorry for your loss, but are glad to see that you've gotten some new friends to try and fill the hole. Even gdamnit seemed to be affected by your loss! What a very lovely piece of poetry.....I'm still crying!


so sorry to hear about the loss of your Old Friend Rad..

The day I had to put down our 16 y.o. miniature schnauzer due to kidney failure was one of the worst of my life.

People who don't have long time family pets will never understand.

As requested........





That last reflects her personality as observed so far-she's a handful, just what this joint needs right now :p

Peanut (to be renamed?)



She's a hider, pics took some doing. A real cuddler though, time will bring her out more, I'm sure.

Sorry for your loss Radman, but glad others have joined the family.

I was never a cat person till I met my lovely Deb and I "inherited" 2 of 'em -- Puss & Trixe (more commonly referred to as Little **** 'cause of her impish ways. We lost both of them 2 years ago to liver failure. Puss was 20 years old and Trixe was 22. A year ago we saved Bubble and Squweek (deliberate mis-spell) from the animal shelter -- glad we did :) . Now we have a white and a black furball tearing round the house like they own it !! The nerve huh? :lol:

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You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his mom...and animals. Any lacking in either area is a character flaw.

Sorry for your loss Rad.

My sister sent me this poem when I lost a Springer I had for almost 16 years. Godspeed Spud. Domino and Freyja are here to keep me on track now.

"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown..."


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