Sargent seat

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May 31, 2009
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Hey everyone I'm fairly new to the site, I been reading it a lot, great info and great smart a** comments. I recently added risers to my 08 and went on a 300 mile ride. Started to get pain in my hamstring into my well sized rearend. It felt almost like I was trying to stretch way to much. This was on the stock seat. I dont have time to get the Russell, but the Sargent is available. im 509, 215lbs, 31-32 inseam.

thanks fokes.

I will be updating my post when I get the time.

Hey everyone I'm fairly new to the site, I been reading it a lot, great info and great smart a** comments. I recently added risers to my 08 and went on a 300 mile ride. Started to get pain in my hamstring into my well sized rearend. It felt almost like I was trying to stretch way to much. This was on the stock seat. I dont have time to get the Russell, but the Sargent is available. im 509, 215lbs, 31-32 inseam.
thanks fokes.

I will be updating my post when I get the time.
I have an '04 Gen I with 100k miles

Gone on 600-800 miles days with Sargeant Seat with additional Airhawk Pad

Also for me, Wild Bill Highway pegs and two sets of risers to raise bars 2" and set back 2.5" with 10 degree more open.

Perfect setup for me.

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'



Hey everyone I'm fairly new to the site, I been reading it a lot, great info and great smart a** comments. I recently added risers to my 08 and went on a 300 mile ride. Started to get pain in my hamstring into my well sized rearend. It felt almost like I was trying to stretch way to much. This was on the stock seat. I dont have time to get the Russell, but the Sargent is available. im 509, 215lbs, 31-32 inseam.
thanks fokes.

I will be updating my post when I get the time.
I have an '04 Gen I with 100k miles

Gone on 600-800 miles days with Sargeant Seat with additional Airhawk Pad

Also for me, Wild Bill Highway pegs and two sets of risers to raise bars 2" and set back 2.5" with 10 degree more open.

Perfect setup for me.

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'


thx for the pics, and info. I think i will go head buy it, gotta be better than the stock? Hope I have enough to get the highway pegs, do they go on pretty easy?

thx for the pics, and info. I think i will go head buy it, gotta be better than the stock? Hope I have enough to get the highway pegs, do they go on pretty easy?
btw, I'm 5'9" and 200#

Wild Bill Pegs bolt onto the sides of the engine by removing 3 bolts on each side and replacing 3 bolts through metal plates

that's after you bolt on your pegs through the plates using blue loctite on the peg bolt (not the plates into the engine)

30-45 minute job tops...just have a set of allen wrenches...prefer the T handle ones, even better with balls on the end

but a regular set will do just fine in this case, but you'll want to remove the plastic some day and need a good 4mm allen wrench and T handles are good (harbor freight sold me mine at cheap price that work well).

hope this helps,


I'm 6'2" and 210 lbs. 32" ineam. Sargent set in high position is fine for 400 mile days. (Did one last week). Your butt might get a little tired near the end but never sore or painfull. I also like to wear long distance riding shorts. Cycle shorts are apparently OK too. They can add another hour or two to your day.

+1 on the Sargent seat. At 6'3" and maybe 170lb, it fits my skinny butt just fine.

500 mile trip to NY last week went fine.

Plenty of stops to stretch my long legs.

Highway pegs might be in my future budget.


I think that more than anything it depends on your butt. I bought a Sargent and about 6 hours with a break in the middle was all I could do on it. Others really like them. A fellow on the forum saw my similar comment in another thread, and he had a Russell he wanted to trade for a Sargent. I tried the Russell and rode for 12+ hours thinking the whole time, "When is my butt going to start hurting?" It never did. We traded seats and I am amazed with the Russell--and he loves the Sargent! Bottom line (sorry about that) is that it depends on your butt. It is definitely a big improvement over stock. I hope it works well for you! Enjoy that ride!

I agree with Solo. +1 on the Sargent . 200, 5'9" with 32 inseam. I just completed a 10,000 mile trip with a total of 35,000 on it so far. Sargent offered a slip cover for the rear when I purchased mine. My wife seldom rides, so I purchased that for $39. Don't know if they still do?

Man I love this site you guys are great with the info. I am taking a run up to Lake Tahoe,CA then down the coast to Reno, and back to CO. it's my first road trip on the FJ and I'm ready to leave now.

Thanks guys I be talking or typing to you'll soon

Mine had a Sargent when I bought it last month, rode 650 miles the first leg back from Fla and it was much better than the stock seat on my old FZ1. A few breaks here and there and when I finally stopped and got a hotel, I didn't feel bad at all. I'm 6-1 and 185lbs. Everybody is different though, YMMV!

Hey everyone I'm fairly new to the site, I been reading it a lot, great info and great smart a** comments. I recently added risers to my 08 and went on a 300 mile ride. Started to get pain in my hamstring into my well sized rearend. It felt almost like I was trying to stretch way to much. This was on the stock seat. I dont have time to get the Russell, but the Sargent is available. im 509, 215lbs, 31-32 inseam.
thanks fokes.

I will be updating my post when I get the time.
I have an '04 Gen I with 100k miles

Gone on 600-800 miles days with Sargeant Seat with additional Airhawk Pad

Also for me, Wild Bill Highway pegs and two sets of risers to raise bars 2" and set back 2.5" with 10 degree more open.

Perfect setup for me.

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'


Crikey! I think you need a few more farkles! :drinks:

also, I wear LD Comfort Shorts after the extreme recomendation by our own Warchild who road seven (7) Iron Butt Golds (1500 miles in 24 hours) in a row: well after my trip from New Orleans to Dallas to Washington DC and back, I love this product. I would have payed double now that I've experienced these superior riding shorts.

between the Sargent Seat, Airhawk Pad, and highway pegs, I also run with a Nelson Rigg Weekender luggage bag on the pillion seat kinda full of spare gear if the temp changes, rain gear, and misc stuff (might be camping gear) so I can lean again it for a back rest. With two sets of risers, highway pegs, and luggage bag backrest, I can pretty much sit bolt upright or lean back a bit and change positions every so often during the ride. I have a "sensitive" lower back from my college age years of racing dirt bike enduros and having a few, well, "spills" along the way.

I change positions from upright (most of the time), to slightly forward with feet on the stock pegs (also whenever in traffic or coming to a stop or running the twisties agressively), to way forward by putting my feet wrapped around the passenger pegs.

Crikey! I think you need a few more farkles! :drinks:
Well, yeah, my fav "vehicle" to operate was this back in the day:



so now, I'm trying to get to this on my bike:


let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

Ahhh, it all makes sense now! I started to compare your dash to the bridge of the SS Enterprise, but didn't want to go too far! You da man!

Hey everyone I'm fairly new to the site, I been reading it a lot, great info and great smart a** comments. I recently added risers to my 08 and went on a 300 mile ride. Started to get pain in my hamstring into my well sized rearend. It felt almost like I was trying to stretch way to much. This was on the stock seat. I dont have time to get the Russell, but the Sargent is available. im 509, 215lbs, 31-32 inseam.
thanks fokes.

I will be updating my post when I get the time.
I'm your size and I borrowed a Sargent from a friend over the weekend.. rode about 100 miles today..enough that told me this seat was not for me.. just didn't fit..uncomfortable all the way... try to find some locals with different seats to try.. I was surprised at how uncomfortable this seat was for me...

Very well made great looking seat that did not work for me at all. 6' 220

went to a russel and never looked back.......

I've had a Sargent seat on my '05 for several years. I consider the OEM seat to be a 30-60 minute seat. For my bootocks, the Sargent is abt a 500-600 mile/day seat...although I've done an 865 mile day on it.

BTW, 6'3", 200 lbs, 34" inseam.

P.S. I've recently added an Alaska Leather sheepskin to the seat but don't have enough miles to know if this helps or not.

Does anyone have the backrest for the Sargent world seat? The one that inserts into the passenger seat. I am looking at getting this but wondering if it is lose or secure.
