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"Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel. Never ending nor beginning......."

Why go there? Didn't you read my answers? This will just end up another fruitless, circular, argumentative debate. He is a believer in his opinion, you are a believer in yours. Like every other thread where this has been discussed ad nauseum, ad infinitum.....
I know, you can't resist the urge. Its soooo much easier to put a quip in here than to actually read the other posts in the links I put up and add your comment there. Well, I tried. :huh:

Recent result of an inattentive driver, mobile phone I believe


I was on the other side driving a 20 tonne truck...

This is somewhat bike-related. My son was bitten by a dog yesterday. He was riding his bike (foot power type) from a friend's house. Their 10 month old dog followed them to my house. A lady in a high-dollar SUV hit the dog, nearly killing it. (I think the dog had to be put down last night) The woman stopped when he saw my son running toward the dog, and seconds later yelling at the top of his lungs. My son was trying to help out an injured dog and ended up getting a visit to the ER. The dog bit him out of fear. The woman had no clue that she had hit the dog. My son was only about 20 feet in front of the dog when she hit it. That could have easily been my son hit instead of the dog due to a clueless driver. I am not 100% positive, but I think she was on the cell phone. This was in a 25 mph residential area. Gotta keep your head on a swivel.

If it was a "LADY IN A HIGH DOLLAR SUV" then she was on a cell phone -- it's a rule. Of course she didn't know she hit the dog (or MC or any other "thing").

Cell phones probably get more people killed than anything but alcohol. I guess it makes me a more cautious.

I don't think we can talk about safeth too much.
