Scuba Divers

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Where is my budd TWN when you need him? :)

Sorry, only scuba dived once, and while ON the bike. Trust me, it was a redneck thing.

Drowned when I was a kid. Not much for finding the bottom any more.

You guys should explore my backyard, the NC Outer Banks. SouthPort NC is a great area where the Cape Fear River fresh water enters the Atlantic. All kinds of wet, dead stuff around there.


Q. Seems like chiks would REALLY dig the title "Master Diver"??? Should I try that on the next troll through the bars?

Ya'll have fun.

Jeff, We used to do a trip down your way,to Moorehead as I remember, that was popular. There were a lot of old wrecks out twenty miles or so. I didn't go on those trips but heard all the replies.


Hey there diving buddies :)

PADI Advanced OWD 1992 (informally initiated to the sport a full 10 years earlier by our fellow FJR rider VMax_03)


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I'm another 1970s NASDS diver and got my then-14 son certified 2 years ago and he's become a really great dive buddy!

I travel around the world regularly and have learned that you can turn plastic or cash into nearly anything, anywhere. I just pack my optical mask, snorkel, booties, and a couple of other basics and then rent the rest locally. There's no reason this wouldn't work for a bike trip. The only thing is that every time I've had an equipment problem was after I skipped doing a good inspection in the shop.


Are there any scuba divers out there?
I can't remember where, but I read about a motorcycle/scuba trip not to long ago. A bunch of riders which happen to be scuba divers took a few days and traveled the coast stopping at some good diving spots. They had a couple chase trucks follow the bikes packed with their gear. They would stop at locations preplanned with local dive shops to go scuba diving. When they pulled into the dive shop there required tanks would be ready for them to dive. After the dive the shop would take the empty tanks and the bunch would move to the next dive spot.

As I understand it they made three dives a day for four days. And many riders from the local area only made the trip for one or two days since real life required their attention.

Also, while I really dislike the look of a trailer on a bike does anyone know where to get one for a FJR? As a scuba instructor I need to carry my gear with me. But riding the FJR would be more enjoyable then my 11mpg truck.

Got open water certified in Hawaii in the 80's but havent' done much since then...

