SE Ohio Ramble '14 - Let's get there and back

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Sounds like you have this down Extreme, great post too.....I'l have to find the line for moderate. Might ride down with Oface and who ever we pick up on the way, but last time I rode with the Dirty Half Dozen.....after a half a day riding and I'm thinking I'll get some sight seeing in after lunch. Especially after I hear "Gramps" is taking the lead after lunch ( with his side kick egging him on that he's been riding like a Sally). I'm thinking perfect nice steady pace.....hahaha was I wrong. Me being newbie to the group I took the name "Gramps" for granted. Pretty sure his Geritol at lunch was laced with extra doses of 5 hr energy and some black beauties. In the first few turns it was riding as usual posted speed limit and add half again (30 = 45/50). The man can ride :) so I heed your warning with the switch backs etc and I'll find that moderate/sight seeing group :) cause I sure as hell can't hang with the "Gramps". :)

Well, I've ridden with Gramps and he is slow as molasses. You're right, musta been sumpin in his coffee.

BTW, nobody "hangs" with anybody. If the pace is faster n you like, don't ride it, ride your the turns, they'll wait for ain't no big deal. Best thing to do is to find some like minded rider when you get down there...and make sure you agree on signals...especially "STOP, I GOTS TO PEE!!". Most important signal there is.

Wayne you hit it on the head!

Also something to think about is after lunch some might get a bit tired ....I did and it did not turn out well.

It is not a race and those who go home with no bumps or scratches are all winners!

I am looking to split a room if anyone has a spare bed.

Wayne you hit it on the head!Also something to think about is after lunch some might get a bit tired ....I did and it did not turn out well.

It is not a race and those who go home with no bumps or scratches are all winners!

I am looking to split a room if anyone has a spare bed.
To those that do not know...Bockelrider is a stand up guy and great to be around.

Looking forward to seeing you again friend. I think we had fun at one of these a few years ago.... :D

I've had a few minutes to do some html crap - take a look; its a work in progress...
Good start!

I joined the spotwalla group trac page.

That'll be handy so we know exactly where KJ's BMW posse is, if you catch my drift.
Yes, whinners n cry babies stay away! ...if you catch my drift!

Wayne you hit it on the head!Also something to think about is after lunch some might get a bit tired ....I did and it did not turn out well.

It is not a race and those who go home with no bumps or scratches are all winners!

I am looking to split a room if anyone has a spare bed.
To those that do not know...Bockelrider is a stand up guy and great to be around.

Looking forward to seeing you again friend. I think we had fun at one of these a few years ago....

Look forward to seeing you too... and the rest of the gang!

I have two friends who are a strong maybe at this point.

Paul on a Kaw and Mike on a Duc.

road that climbs and dives, twists and turns with very little indication as to which way it’s going. You will crest a hill leaned over to the right, just past the apex, the road will drop off sharply and turn left.
That, Sir, is my favorite kind of ride. Kinda like motoX on the street!

Ya'll be careful, heah?

It's supposed to be in the 60's this Sunday in Marietta. Bockelrider and I are planning a quick trip to SEO. Anybody else want to join up , let he or I know.

Also Big Four Motorsports' service dept. is open Saturdays the same hours as the showroom.

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