SE Ohio Ramble '14 - Let's get there and back

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I am good to lead a group again this year Wayne. I will be 1-up, so I will be riding spirited as conditions allow. I know there are some days that I am just not feeling it too and I respect that feeling and slow down. Then there are days like EOM 2 years ago when we bit off a good chunk of the EOM 500. That is still one of the most enjoyable days of riding I have had. I only scraped a peg once, but that was my fault(Snake). I have had the opportunity to clear out some of the cobwebs and will do more of that before the ramble.

It's always better to start out slowly and work your way up as you work out the kinks of your riding memory. Believe me, there are enough kinks in these flat, straight and very boring roads for you to be enjoy yourself, pay no attention to any of the riders pace, and catch up to them at the turns.

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Great conversation here folks – keep it up.

Here’s another aspect of SE Ohio to consider. There are portions of the area where the roads follow a very flowing type design – good sight lines, predictable elevation changes, and smooth tarmac. In a word – nirvana on two wheels. Then there are areas where the road is laid over the landscape with no effort spent to smooth out the surface. What you end up with is a road that climbs and dives, twists and turns with very little indication as to which way it’s going. You will crest a hill leaned over to the right, just past the apex, the road will drop off sharply and turn left. You’ll crest the hill, the suspension will be at the top end of its stroke, and you’ll be face with trying to change direction.

Or worse, you crest the hill, leaned over, and the road drops away from the front tire and you’re staring at the road from the wrong side of the double yellow. All along, there will be no visual indication that the road direction is changing. Power lines just wonder from house to house, crossing back and forth across the road here and there. OH-555 is one of these roads in spots.

Then, you might find yourself tooling along on a fairly open section midafternoon (3pm, I think it was) and here comes bambi out of the tree line. Wheaton and I were clicking along well under the posted speed limit thankfully… Or it might be a cow. Or cow pies.

This unique narrow elevation range and the way roads have been laid over the landscape without the filling dips or cutting off the tops makes for an exciting ride. There’s a rhythm to find, and once you do, it’s quite the rush. But you can quickly find yourself on the wrong side of things.

More food for thought…

I think it was Bungie who called it "micro elevation changes". It is only a matter of feet at times, but it is where and how abrubtly it occurs that make it challenging.

I am good to lead a group again this year Wayne. I will be 1-up, so I will be riding spirited. I have had the opportunity to clear out some of the cobwebs and will do more of that before the ramble.
Oh Great!!! I don't even have my bike back...let alone get out for a ride, to clear the cobwebs. Good thing we've got a month to go.

There are many forgiving roads around here that will give you a chance to fix a bad corner entry but 555 is not one of them. Even being pretty familiar with it, there are still corners that sneak up on you when you're not giving it 100% of your attention.

There are many forgiving roads around here that will give you a chance to fix a bad corner entry but 555 is not one of them. Even being pretty familiar with it, there are still corners that sneak up on you when you're not giving it 100% of your attention.
Bryan, where you been? Ain't seen a post from you in a while. Are you gonna try and make the Ramble this year?

Thanks for the thread, Wayne. I think we can all use the reminder.
This has been the longest PMS winter in a very long time for many of us northerners. The few times I have been able to get out this winter, between wet and sandy roads and frost heaves, the roads have been so bad there was no need at all to have a Radar Detector, if you catch my drift.

I suspect the roads will not have been ravaged quite as badly in SE Ohio, and it may be easier to bite off too much too soon. Completing the ride is far more important than a few seconds of adrenaline boost.
*wrong quote, sorry Fred*

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I'll the guy at the back of the slow group, with my turn signal on, holding up a group of Harleys.
Dammit Geek, leaving the turn signal on is my job. I have not booked a room yet and I'm a little scared of the larger group ride thing since I'm not comfortable in that setting. If I do make it I'll either be riding solo doing my own thing during the day and hook up with one or two other riders max.
C'mon down Bill, me and the speedster "Steamer" and sweepman "WineGuy" are venturing out on our own. If you don't forget your GPS "somewhere" we'll even let u lead the bunch of misfits

I personally love the blind, off camber curves...they make things interesting.
Have I got the turn for you.It even has the added excitement of being right at the crest of a hill.

Harble-Griffith road in the got me again Sunday,thank God for no traffic coming the other way and a gravel road exiting the other side mid-turn.

I love that road,but it doesn't seem to like me too much.

I personally love the blind, off camber curves...they make things interesting.
Have I got the turn for you.It even has the added excitement of being right at the crest of a hill.
Oh...those are my favorite

Denny, I think we rode that road sounds familiar.

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I think we did,but in the opposite direction.

We probably went from Illsboro-Ceder Falls to 664,that's the way I usually go if someone is with me because I know that turn is there going the opposite direction...and I've blown it before.

I think we did,but in the opposite direction.
We probably went from Illsboro-Ceder Falls to 664,that's the way I usually go if someone is with me because I know that turn is there going the opposite direction...and I've blown it before.
So what condition were the roads in, on Sunday? I need to get down that way before the Ramble...maybe sometime in April.

I think we did,but in the opposite direction.
We probably went from Illsboro-Ceder Falls to 664,that's the way I usually go if someone is with me because I know that turn is there going the opposite direction...and I've blown it before.
So what condition were the roads in, on Sunday? I need to get down that way before the Ramble...maybe sometime in April.
For the most part they are in pretty good condition.

I've put about a 1000 miles on the KLR in the last couple weeks and most of the roads that I've been on have been pretty clean(at least in the tire tracks),not too much cracking and hardly any potholes.

The steep,curvy sections,like 676 from 555 to the small village of Dale,are still covered with sand,but that is typical this time of year.

Considering the weather we had this winter,they are in much better condition than I expected.
