SE Riders. Need Route help

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Jun 17, 2005
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Not sure this is quite the right forum, but I will be on my FJR.

I have shipped my bike to Florida from Utah for a trip to the Keys. When we finish I will be riding back to Utah or at least to Phoenix.

What I need from you good people is some route advice from Tampa to Austin. The catch is it needs to be done in 2 days and I'd prefer not to ride the Interstate but will if necessary. Should be an easier road as my riding buddy is on a mid 90's Harley and has never done more than 300mi. in a day.

I was looking at riding along the coast as much as possible. Is that doable in 2 days is the big question.

Please let me know of any road construction due to Katrina also.

I appreciate all help and suggestions. Bring it on.

BTW I do have a room booked in Moss Point MS. Almost a perfect halfway by the online maps. I would have liked to go further but Mardi Gras appears to have taken up the rooms closer to New Orleans.



I live in Houston. In fact, I'm leaving this Saturday (by car) to drive just south of Tampa. I've made this trip many times. The sad truth is that non-Interstate routes are not good at all. But that's not the worst news. I-10 through Louisiana sucks (poor condition in many places). But the news is worse. There is construction between Lake Charles and Beaumont. It's hit or miss how bad that is.

I'll try to remember to post again on Sunday or Monday of next week and let you know how traffic is. But the bottom line is that it would be virtually impossible to make the trip in two days without running the freeway all the way.

Also, even if you do want to run the coast, there is almost no way to do that in Louisiana and Texas. The best portion to avoid intestate is through Florida. You can take Route 19. I've done it once. Not as fast as the interstate, but not bad either. There are some roads in Texas once you pass Houston that you can take to Austin that aren't bad. Just look over a map and take your pick.

By the way, from the center of Houston to where my parents live (about 45 minutes south of Tampa) it's about 1030 miles. Figure another 180 or so to Austin.

One more thing. I just bought Microsoft "Streets and Trips" the other day. It's a good mapping program to load to your computer. It has some shortcomings, but for $39 its a heck of a deal, and can really help you plan this trip, and how long it will take based upon which roads you take.

Stay in touch!

yeah, what he said "But the bottom line is that it would be virtually impossible to make the trip in two days without running the freeway all the way. "

It is a long, boring trip and because you are so close to the coast most of the way you just don't have many alternatives.

I have driven to Tampa/Orlando twice and it's not what I call a fun trip.

Louisiana likes to pick up people from out of state for "speeding". And their roads are bad.

Just did the I-10 jaunt from west of Houston to Tallahassee last week in a day and a half. So maybe another half day from Tallahassee to Tampa?? Yes, I-10 isn't in the best shape, but unless you hit the one lane section of one of the bridges over Pensacola Bay (Escambia Bay??) which is paved with steel grating for three 1/3 mile sections at the wrong time of day AND you don't mind 11-12 hour days on the road it might be possible. I'd sure add a day if you could, as it would be a lot less risky.

I'm no long distance rider, but a couple of 500-600 miles days probably won't kill you.

An overturned propane tanker that closed I-10 for about 6 hours near Lafayette, La. added an extra 5 hours to my "easy 4 hour ride" from Houston to Lafayette. You never can tell what will happen! :huh:

One more thing; be sure you have confirmed motel reservations from Mississippi to past Beaumont, Texas as motel occupancy is iffy after the hurricanes. I had to call 15 motel chains in Lafayette and got the last two rooms in town, I bet.

Thanks so far

This is the info I need. I figured that I-10 was going to be my route, but I had to check. We are not leaving Tampa until Feb 26th. Just wanted to get ahead of the curve. Keep the updates coming.

Is construction through Missippi and Louisiana normal, or due to Katrina?

As for lodging like I stated we have a room in Missippi. My riding buddy lives in Austin, thus the need to get there as he has to work the next day.

Thanks again for the input and keep it coming.

Since we're here after I leave Austin what should I see? I'll be there on the 26th and don't have to be to Phoenix until the 3rd of March.

Right now I plan on The Alamo, Guadalupe Mtns Natl Park and Carlsbad. After that Who knows?


Ready to leave my 3' of snow for Fla.

That's a heck of a trip you're trying to do in 2 days. I'm in Naples, Florida, 170 miles south of Tampa. And, I have biked from here to Houston, Texas.

I could give you a lot of info but it would all come back to a couple of basic points.

A. Don't try and do that trip in 2 days because you're dealing with the wrong part of the year. The days aren't long at that time of the year.

B. Take the bypass and go around Pensacola Bay {10 mile poorly-grated bridge)

that was torn-up by hurricane and not repaired yet. If you do, you'll wish you had not after going 1/4 mile and you can't turn around.

C. Leave at a time at night that will put you on highway 10 east when the sun comes up. No deer, trees close to the road, etc, on highway 75.

D. Forget Mississippi and try and make it as far over into Louisiana as possible by 9:00 P.M.

E. Face the facts and realize that you're dealing with a 3 day trip.

F. You will have to do ALL interstate. No if's and's or butts!

That's a heck of a trip you're trying to do in 2 days. I'm in Naples, Florida, 170 miles south of Tampa. And, I have biked from here to Houston, Texas.
I could give you a lot of info but it would all come back to a couple of basic points.

A. Don't try and do that trip in 2 days because you're dealing with the wrong part of the year. The days aren't long at that time of the year.

B. Take the bypass and go around Pensacola Bay {10 mile poorly-grated bridge)

that was torn-up by hurricane and not repaired yet. If you do, you'll wish you had not after going 1/4 mile and you can't turn around.

C. Leave at a time at night that will put you on highway 10 east when the sun comes up. No deer, trees close to the road, etc, on highway 75.

D. Forget Mississippi and try and make it as far over into Louisiana as possible by 9:00 P.M.

E. Face the facts and realize that you're dealing with a 3 day trip.

F. You will have to do ALL interstate. No if's and's or butts!
What by-pass around Pensacola Bay? I just looked at my map program. It looks like the only "by-pass" is not really a by-pass, but just taking highway 90 that runs to the north. Is that what you mean? I'm going through there tomorrow from Houston, and if that's the best plan, thanks for the help! B)


That's a heck of a trip you're trying to do in 2 days.  I'm in Naples, Florida, 170 miles south of Tampa. And, I have biked from here to Houston, Texas.
I could give you a lot of info but it would all come back to a couple of basic points.

A. Don't try and do that trip in 2 days because you're dealing with the wrong part of the year.  The days aren't long at that time of the year.

B. Take the bypass and go around Pensacola Bay  {10 mile poorly-grated bridge)

that was torn-up by hurricane and not repaired yet.  If you do, you'll wish you had not after going 1/4 mile and you can't turn around.

C. Leave at a time at night that will put you on highway 10 east when the sun comes up.  No deer, trees close to the road, etc, on highway 75.

D. Forget Mississippi and try and make it as far over into Louisiana as possible by 9:00 P.M.

E. Face the facts and realize that you're dealing with a 3 day trip.

F. You will have to do ALL interstate.  No if's and's or butts!
What by-pass around Pensacola Bay? I just looked at my map program. It looks like the only "by-pass" is not really a by-pass, but just taking highway 90 that runs to the north. Is that what you mean? I'm going through there tomorrow from Houston, and if that's the best plan, thanks for the help! B)

Hope I am not too late. I will try and be more direct:

When you are traveling EAST on highway 10 thru Pensicola, you have to travel across Pensicola Bay. And, that bridge {10 mile stretch} was knocked out during a hurricane. It presently sports a make-shift grated span that is as un-even as hell. PUCKER FACTOR 10.

It's that span that I think you should by-pass and to do so you do this:

1. Right before you go across the bridge {about a mile before} you will see a sign saying that this is the LAST exit befor going across the Bay. It also might say something about motorcycle-grated bridge or so.

2. You take that exit and go around the bay {LEFT} about 15 miles or so and cross at a span of bridge that was not torn up.

3. After you get across the good bridge, you stop and look at your map {you'll be on highway 90} and see where you get back on I-10.

To find out if the bridge is still out/still have the grated stuff, just ask someone working at the 1st Florida Rest stop which is located just over the Alabama line.

You say that you are going to the Keys so I would like to tell you this about that trip. Get off 75 by Naples/easier route

1. Go down 75 and keep going until you get to Naples, Florida

2. There will be at least 3 Naples exits

3. The last Naples exit will have a 10 X 10 foot YELLOW sign with BIG BLACK LETTERS saying: NO SERVICES FOR 50 MILES/ LAST EXIT

4. That's the last Naples exit and get off there and go to your right on 951

5. Keep going right and pass WALMART, PUBLIC FOOD STORE and then keep going for about 4 to 6 miles until you get to the intersection of 951 & 41

6. Fill up your tank somewhere close to that intersection

7. Now go SOUTH on 41 thru the Everglades and on down to {90 miles} Krome Avenue. Which will have the BIG Indian Casino on your left.

8. Turn right on Krome avenue and don't get off of it until you are in the KEYS

9. Krome Avenue runs down to Homestead, then thru downtown Homestead and out the back of Homestead, then into highway 1 going down into the Keys.

10. Your next cheapest gas will be in downtown Homestead and from there on, gas up as much as you can before you get wayyyyyyyyyy down into the Keys because the farther you go the more the gas goes up. It's gotta be 3 bucks a gallon in Key West at least.

XXX When going down 41 you will have to go thru the Indian Reservation and when the sign says you are entering it, drop back to 55 and when you see a sign saying 45, drop back to it. Them Indians have a speed trap there better that the ones you find in Louisiana. And, they will nab you for going 1 mile over the limit.

XXXX There are lots of places to stop and view the Gators on 41 South but be careful cause iffin you get toooo close, they will spring-up and catch a fellow like you, then drag your butt into the water and have a snack.

You Gotta Cell # I will ride with you down to Homestead if you like. 239-732-6267

Vinni Madog Daniels/LSUBOY Naples, Fl

That's a heck of a trip you're trying to do in 2 days.  I'm in Naples, Florida, 170 miles south of Tampa. And, I have biked from here to Houston, Texas.
I could give you a lot of info but it would all come back to a couple of basic points.

A. Don't try and do that trip in 2 days because you're dealing with the wrong part of the year.  The days aren't long at that time of the year.

B. Take the bypass and go around Pensacola Bay  {10 mile poorly-grated bridge)

that was torn-up by hurricane and not repaired yet.  If you do, you'll wish you had not after going 1/4 mile and you can't turn around.

C. Leave at a time at night that will put you on highway 10 east when the sun comes up.  No deer, trees close to the road, etc, on highway 75.

D. Forget Mississippi and try and make it as far over into Louisiana as possible by 9:00 P.M.

E. Face the facts and realize that you're dealing with a 3 day trip.

F. You will have to do ALL interstate.  No if's and's or butts!
What by-pass around Pensacola Bay? I just looked at my map program. It looks like the only "by-pass" is not really a by-pass, but just taking highway 90 that runs to the north. Is that what you mean? I'm going through there tomorrow from Houston, and if that's the best plan, thanks for the help! B)

Hope I am not too late. I will try and be more direct:

When you are traveling EAST on highway 10 thru Pensicola, you have to travel across Pensicola Bay. And, that bridge {10 mile stretch} was knocked out during a hurricane. It presently sports a make-shift grated span that is as un-even as hell. PUCKER FACTOR 10.

It's that span that I think you should by-pass and to do so you do this:

1. Right before you go across the bridge {about a mile before} you will see a sign saying that this is the LAST exit befor going across the Bay. It also might say something about motorcycle-grated bridge or so.

2. You take that exit and go around the bay {LEFT} about 15 miles or so and cross at a span of bridge that was not torn up.

3. After you get across the good bridge, you stop and look at your map {you'll be on highway 90} and see where you get back on I-10.

To find out if the bridge is still out/still have the grated stuff, just ask someone working at the 1st Florida Rest stop which is located just over the Alabama line.

You say that you are going to the Keys so I would like to tell you this about that trip. Get off 75 by Naples/easier route

1. Go down 75 and keep going until you get to Naples, Florida

2. There will be at least 3 Naples exits

3. The last Naples exit will have a 10 X 10 foot YELLOW sign with BIG BLACK LETTERS saying: NO SERVICES FOR 50 MILES/ LAST EXIT

4. That's the last Naples exit and get off there and go to your right on 951

5. Keep going right and pass WALMART, PUBLIC FOOD STORE and then keep going for about 4 to 6 miles until you get to the intersection of 951 & 41

6. Fill up your tank somewhere close to that intersection

7. Now go SOUTH on 41 thru the Everglades and on down to {90 miles} Krome Avenue. Which will have the BIG Indian Casino on your left.

8. Turn right on Krome avenue and don't get off of it until you are in the KEYS

9. Krome Avenue runs down to Homestead, then thru downtown Homestead and out the back of Homestead, then into highway 1 going down into the Keys.

10. Your next cheapest gas will be in downtown Homestead and from there on, gas up as much as you can before you get wayyyyyyyyyy down into the Keys because the farther you go the more the gas goes up. It's gotta be 3 bucks a gallon in Key West at least.

XXX When going down 41 you will have to go thru the Indian Reservation and when the sign says you are entering it, drop back to 55 and when you see a sign saying 45, drop back to it. Them Indians have a speed trap there better that the ones you find in Louisiana. And, they will nab you for going 1 mile over the limit.

XXXX There are lots of places to stop and view the Gators on 41 South but be careful cause iffin you get toooo close, they will spring-up and catch a fellow like you, then drag your butt into the water and have a snack.

You Gotta Cell # I will ride with you down to Homestead if you like. 239-732-6267

Vinni Madog Daniels/LSUBOY Naples, Fl
Thanks! That's what I thought you meant. I have navigation in my car, and hopefully it will do it's job! I'm leaving in about 30 minutes, so I appreciate the advice. No, I'm not going to the keys. Just to the Sarasota area.

Thanks again.

Okay, I made it to Tallahassee in good time today. No delays anywhere. I even went across the Pensacola bay bridge that is narrowed to one lane. No problems. But I have found that during the week is usually worse, so I don't know how that would be. I made Houston to Tallahassee in about 11 hours.

Let me know if any specific questions.

Oh, yeah, they have blacktopped a lot of I-10 in Louisiana, so most of it was pretty smooth. Only a couple of short sections of rough road.

Glad you made it and it good time too! I'd give the grated bridge section over Pensacola bay maybe not a 10 pucker factor, but it did bother the 'Stones quite a bit. Kept the revs up and tried to motocross it over the gratings. Eleven hours straight through is good time, you must have just gassed up and ridden without too many breaks! Ask your host about the Hill Country roads 335, 336, 337 if you have time for some fun.

I used to live in Pcola, moved out of there in 2003, and I would bet that the bridge is only about 3 miles long max.... It probably seems alot longer when your boucing around and trying hard to keep it on the road.... Glad to hear LA. is finally doing something about their stretch of I-10 its been a piece of crap for 20+ years!!! I hate that state! <_<

Glad you made it and it good time too! I'd give the grated bridge section over Pensacola bay maybe not a 10 pucker factor, but it did bother the 'Stones quite a bit. Kept the revs up and tried to motocross it over the gratings. Eleven hours straight through is good time, you must have just gassed up and ridden without too many breaks! Ask your host about the Hill Country roads 335, 336, 337 if you have time for some fun.
I agree about the 33x roads in the hill country - southwest of Austin. I just did a trip out there a couple of months ago. That is the motorycle mecca of Texas. There is even a hotel in Leakey that only allows motorcyclists and bicyclists (D-Rose Inn).

Okay, I made it to Tallahassee in good time today. No delays anywhere. I even went across the Pensacola bay bridge that is narrowed to one lane. No problems. But I have found that during the week is usually worse, so I don't know how that would be. I made Houston to Tallahassee in about 11 hours.
Let me know if any specific questions.

Oh, yeah, they have blacktopped a lot of I-10 in Louisiana, so most of it was pretty smooth. Only a couple of short sections of rough road.
Thanks Jim

Looks like the consensus is no messing around between cities. So is I-10 in service the whole way? If so that looks to be the route. Again I appreciate the input. Please keep posting any updated info. I'm flying out Feb 18th. A week in FLA then headed west on the 26th.


