Seattle metro PNW route to CFR

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It might be nice to designate some photo runners, namely folks who can ride a bit ahead at times and snap some action shots. I really appreciated when Panman did this on our border run. Happy to oblige myself, though I have only a point and shoot with zoom, not an SLR

I can take pictures, I have a nice Nikon SLR, I will aslo have my video cameras set up for the trip.


Sounds like a fun route! If you don't mind, my passenger and I would like to tag along. We'll be taking a tour of the Boeing factory Wednesday afternoon, and could then meet up with you guys at McDonalds on Thursday morning ready for the run to Nakusp!

Sounds like a fun route! If you don't mind, my passenger and I would like to tag along. We'll be taking a tour of the Boeing factory Wednesday afternoon, and could then meet up with you guys at McDonalds on Thursday morning ready for the run to Nakusp!
Sounds like a plan, see you there on Thursday. The is a Chevron station there as well to top off fuel if necessary. Should be a pretty relaxed ride as long as we keep moving.


I will be dragging my SLR along as well, still looking for the perfect tank bag for quick access. Feel free to post up with good suggestions. I need it just big enough for the camera, still easy to get to the gas lid.

Nightshine - I look forward to meeting you. That Boeing facility in Everett will be a fun tour. It is s or used to be the largest building without posts, or some such thing. We have a few riding 2 up and the other guys catch up to us at the gas stops :yahoo: .

All -- We are up to eleven now. To keep this manageable we should split into two groups...I will lead one with Panman sweeping and (as long as he agrees) Auburn FJR lead the second. Jay-H has said he will sweep, any one else want to arm wrestle for it? Let me know what y'all think.


Sounds like a good plan and I will jump in as needed. The Republic lunch stop we had discussed is no longer open, it has been suggest to me that a place called the Sportsman in Republic should meet our needs. Don't think I have been there before. I was also told there was another joint just across the street which will add an option for folks.

There will be a few of us with bike to bike communication, Auburn FJR, Hudson and myself, does anyone else has bike to bike "GMRS"?

I 'm doing a ride Sunday to Winthrop down back on Stevens Pass, I will scout out a good spot to take pictures of us on Hwy 20 for Thursday ride up, anyone is welcome to join me, I will leave around 10am.


Well, to be honest, they're gonna remove my left lung on Monday.

Andre, thanks for letting us know, You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Andre -- So sorry to hear about this. Good luck with the surgery and get back on that blue bike soon. Thoughts and prayers sent for a speedy recovery.


Take care Andre, we'll be thinking of you.

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Andre, we will say prayers for you, I wish you the best of luck.

All - just called the Revelstoke National Park folks and they say the wonderful windy road called Summit Parkway is cleared for the first 20 klicks, which is most of the way up. They said it is very steep and twisty, but well maintained. This one is on my list for one of the day trips.

See you on tomorrow. Most of you I will see at MickeyD's by 0800. Mattt - I will see you at 6:00 at DQ in Algona Pacific.

- David
